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Nier: Automata was my favorite, really pleasantly surprised.

It's clear

I would agree with this. Can't think of anything I saw with a more grand sense of adventure really. The FF demo was lame cause the dude playing was pretty garbage

People were gonna get pissed no matter what game it was but lets be real, Zelda made the biggest impact by far.

>Sup Forums WILL side with IGN now

A broken clock is right twice a day

>social media
So nintendo fans are legitimately normal fags and proud of it huh? ign are the same people that gave 10/10 to gone home and skyrim.

Zelda looks pretty cool but as far as I'm concerned Natsume won E3

>nintendo finally realizing people who actually like video games don't want linear story driven shit
>nintendo admitting the gamepad was a mistake
Is it almost over?

Half of that is just people complaining about Link not being a girl

>Wild Guns remaster

Thanks for letting me know about this user

It only took one death for Nintendo to turn around

Yes, give the prize to Nintendo who once again lies worse than Todd Howard about Zelda's "freedom" just like in Twilight Princess. Just like in Skyward Sword. Neither which was good.

Remember when they said Skyward Sword was going to be Skyrim of Zelda? Remember when it was going to revolutionize the Zelda franchise? Remember when your precious journalists wanked all over it, but later found it to be a measly 6/10?

There will be nothing different this time around. It will suck dick, just like the console Zeldas before it. Nintendo hasn't released a good console Zelda since 2002, yet so many are having their dick in a twist over these liefests. I for one can't wait to see everyone get disappointed again.

Keep crying, btich punk

No, Nintendo is still a two-sided company. As long as Miyamoto, Reggie, etc are in charge we're going to still get Sticker Star, Federation Forces and Wii U repeats over and over again.

I can't wait for the young part of Nintendo to finally get into leadership. The old guard is just fucking terrible right now.

>God of War is so much better than this.
>BF1 and GoW were the best E3 games.
>Zelda is a franchise stuck in the past, deal with it kids

Jesus christ these people's taste is atrocious.

>He keeps posting the same image in every Zelda thread

who mad

you mad

>Remember when they said Skyward Sword was going to be Skyrim of Zelda?
No. Nobody ever said that. Those two games came out THE SAME month you autist.

>posting the same disproven bait image in every single zelda thread

you're as autistic as the FLAOT minecraft dude or the barney guy

He should continue posting it until people realize Nintendo have become Bethesda-tier hacks


>Watch Dogs 2 that high

Were people making fun of it?

>Monster Hunter that low

Not surprised, just disappointed.

>people are mad as fuck that Zelda is getting love
Why? I seriously don't see any good reason to do so.

Zelda or Dishonored 2.

But Zelda is Zelda and IGN is full of normies, so I'm ok with this.

>God of War
>Crash Bandicoot Remastered
>this high
Sony could shit a big turd on stage Sony fans would still eat it up.

Looks like a nice game too but its on some shitty console.Would look great on pc.

Except it's already been proven to be bullshit
We've seen areas from the above pic already in offscreen gameplay

based ign



Watch dogs 2 cleary wasnt made for you, gramp
or people are just laughing at it

>Nintendo won with one game

You can't make this shit up

Pretty sure alot of those are probably negative.

I mean, they had all those special effects just to announce remakes and skylander shit

No, they are unironically hyped for it. There were large applause for almost every ubi game, and they showed the crowd enough to see it wasn't completely faked. Lots of happy, smiling faces.

I don't know why, since even severely mentally handicapped people should know Ubi makes really nice trailers and at best mediocre games.

holy shit how did I not hear about this

The NX will boom like the Wii.

Not because by any means it's a good console, it showed the game of Gen Z, Zelda.

Gen Z eat Zelda up like shit. What's the first girl every gamer gurll plays? Zelda. Le epic triforce tattooo im such a nerd xD

We lost guys, Gen Z won.

The hype is more that Sony are getting Crash back, and if the remasters do well there's a possibility of a fully fledged actually good sequel to 3.


I can't get hyped for this game after skyward sword.

Why didn't IGN like

Pokemon S&M
Ever Oasis
Paper Mario Color Splash
New Mario Party (no more car)
Rhythm Heaven
Monster Hunter Generations
Dragon Quest
Yokai Watch 2
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE


>a potentially great game gets fantastic sales
Why is this a bad thing exactly?


In the past people have claimed Nintendo the winner with less than one game.

Nintendo "wins" every E3 according to Nintendo fans.

>there was a time when PS4 had only ONE game worth buying the console for
>now those days are long gone
>in 2016 Nintendo has only ONE game worth buying NX for
>Nintendo and Sony are the long time rivals on Sup Forums
it's like poetry, it rhymes

>being this much of a special snowflake after the age of 20
Kill yourself if liking unpopular things is your entire cultural capital, you're a tasteless loser.

>you never owned a nintendo console
>you never played any zelda game

It feels so fucking good, i'm completely free from the biggest meme series on the planet and i can spend my time playing good games instead of wanking off to nostalgia


oh, because its a PS4 exclusive

>multiplats vs a exclusive

stay mad

>Yet another Sonynigger/PCcuck upset the game of the century is a Nintendo exclusive like always

Hahahaha, stay mad you baby, maybe one day you'll see the light.

I'm just gonna assume it's Zelda. Doesn't surprise me , Zelda will always make waves when a big one is announced. That's like Nintendo's trump card every time, and only Nintendo can get away with rehashing a series. Microdick can't do it anymore which is why their halo machine is dying. Normies only get a console for a couple games at first, NX will sell like hotcakes.

>now those days are long gone

Excuse me?
I still think Bloodborne is the only good PS4 exclusive as of right now

>there was a time when PS4 had only ONE game worth buying the console for
>now those days are long gone

Thank you for saving those animals Boss

It was so obviously Zelda you fucking retards.

Every other game that looked remotely cool was prerendered/no gameplay shit.

>no Nier
IGN confirmed for absolute shit taste

>Pokemon S&M
>Ever Oasis
>Paper Mario Color Splash
>New Mario Party (no more car)
>Rhythm Heaven
>Monster Hunter Generations
>Dragon Quest
>Yokai Watch 2
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Because all of those but Mon Hun were shit.

Most of those weren't shown, didn't have a playable demo for IGN, or are 3DS games.

....Makes you think..


>1 game
>vs lots games

stay mad

All of those were shown. Literally every single one.

because casuals and normies that have infested and ruined our hobby

Holy shit that looks better than everything at the sony presentation

Does that mean people are finally realizing realistic games are hot garbage? They have no style, no presentation, they are just boring.

They're missing a shit load of Japanese PS4 exclusives desu.

You must have watched a different show.

I for one appreciate both senpai

>they are just boring.
More exciting than another empty-world Zelda game.

Natsume has a vault of great underrated games like this, I hope this is the start of a trend.

>The yearly regurgitation of FIFA is more talked about than fucking Final Fantasy XV and Mass Effect

That's ironic considering LoZ is at the top

>animefag is a fan of quantity over quality

colour me suprised

>IGN confirmed for absolute shit taste
And what else is new?

Are you kidding me?


was shown at treehouse, spread out over the two days

day 1 had zelda and pokemon
day 2 had the other games

fuck you piece of shit

>one guy is THIS assmad about Zelda being fucking awesome
I can smell your shitty diaper from here, retard. I can't wait until this comes out and gets universal 10/10 acclaim, and soon after we get a news report about some 400lb neet hanging himself and killing his elderly parents after he crashes through the floor.

>g people who actually like video games don't want linear story driven shit
why did you buy fallout 4, witcher 3 and dark soul then? You can't get enough of that "presentation over substance" shit

When you spend 30 fucking minute on a box art, of course no one give a shit about FF.


There we are.

You're trying to pretend that E3 is anything more than a showing of liars lying to other liars and idiots that believe their lies.

BotW is at least the most impressive lie of the bunch, if nothing else.



It's because the demo was insane when compared to any other. Nintendo walled off an entire area and they recreated the entire start of the demo in that area.

The demo was just alright for me, it was the presentation that killed. The demo showed me that wii u fucking sucked. Blurry ass shit, grainy as fuck. Disgusting. All the smooth and silky footage is prob from a dev rig or the nx.

Also the shirt and coin were BOUGHT for $200+. They died down now the event is over butt it still hyped up the product immensely for 2nd/3rd day.

... What else would you have watched?
Nintendo had no direct. They literally only had treehouse.

I feel like you're trying to bait me or some shit.

Because Pokemon have too much water

Looks good.

Shame that some tumblrfag working at Natsume is shitting it up though.

>lying on an anonymous chinese cartoon image board

And even more ironic considering Horizon is so low. Guess people just don't like to see old stuff at E3.

>Most of those weren't shown,
are you retarded?

Day 1 was the treehouse, but it was also their main event.

>Star Wars: Battlefront
>Star Wars Battlefront
>2 entries for the same game
Is EA forging the numbers again?

did anyone like Ever Oasis outside of the lizard waifu? It just seemed like Monster Hunter for babies to me.

You forgot
>you are an underage piece of shit who started playing games on Xbawks

You're literally celebrating missing out on some of the best games ever made. Congrats, you fucking teenage dipshit.

Shadow of the Ninja remaster when?

It'll be worth it if there's "fan art" of her.

It was two days of treehouse. There was no difference you retarded monkey.