IGN has decided what the best game of E3 was
Spoiler: It's Zelda
Welp, I guess it's finally over. Nintendo won.
IGN has decided what the best game of E3 was
Spoiler: It's Zelda
Welp, I guess it's finally over. Nintendo won.
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>Promoting a queer as fuh game after the pulse attacks
was this a false flag by Nintendo anons?
Please delete this. It isn't fucking fair.
One good game does not change the fact that Nintendo has been a fucking joke for the last 10 years.
I don't even understand what you are trying to say
And well deserved.
legit what?
Either IGN is a shit site, or its great because they enjoyed Zelda the most.
Can't have it both ways.
>Nintendo won with one game
So when IGN gives bad scores to most of the mediocre shit Nintendo has made the past few years you guys throw a fit and even go as far as to say games media has “something against Nintendo”. But now all of a sudden this happens and you guys agree with them?
I-I'm sorry?
They had more than that, Zelda just happened to be the best of what they had to show and the best of all of E3
Zelda BotW
Pokemon S&M
Ever Oasis
Paper Mario Color Splash
New Mario Party (no more car)
Rhythm Heaven
Monster Hunter Generations
Dragon Quest
Yokai Watch 2
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
>I liked zelda the most
Amazing how quickly the defence force assumes that everyone is fanboying nintendo after one good game reveal.
Well it was the best game "award" so it could only go to one game. They didn't say best E3 showcase.
>New Mario Party (no more car)
Except now it is a handheld and and runs on Follow the leader rules.
It's terrible.
>The same niggas who docked points for feeling lonely.
>Too much water
>Too many HMs
you can't be serious? Their a fucking joke, and all the games that where objectively better.
Persona 5
potentially father of war
Gravity Rush 2
Weren't even playable, that shit game literally had no competition.
Please stop generalizing Sup Forums. There is more than one person posting here and the ones you hear the most are the vocal minority that are just acting like retards because they think it helps them fit in.
Even I can admit that Zelda was the best game, comparatively. But Nintendo still had the worst conference
looked ok, but just like a worse zelda
looks good
>persona 5
it's alright, yup
good but certainly not on the hype level of zelda
>father of war
no, too cinematic
>gravity rush 2
at least you don't have shit taste, I was worried you'd name kojima's meme game, days gone or something like that
Shoot bow to kill robot to get materials to get arrows to shoot bow to kill robots to get materials to make arrows
I agree with that but due to Zelda just being gameplay for 3 days was really nice
>Persona 5
Made a appearance. I guess. I like the game but it didn't show anything we didn't already know other than you talk demon's into joining you instead of just picking up cards and shit after battle.
They manage to somehow make it even more casual with telling you was is effective and not.
>Gravity Rush 2
Did the even show anything about this? I mean I know it was there but did they show anything?
I don't understand the hype for Zelda games anymore.
Nintendo hasn't made a decent Zelda game since Twilight Princess
This will more than likely be another let down
The story and lore keeps things interesting even when the gameplay is not.
Say what you will about Zelda, but it has the best storytelling in the industry, bar none.
>hurr why did a game won that showed 30 minutes of actual gameplay?
>It should have been *game they showed obviously scriped "gameplay" for where it's obvious that the finished game won't look anything like that*!
I was hoping that poeple might have learned from the last dozen E3s.
>playing games that don't have achievements
What's the fucking point?
I'm looking forward to zelda, i just have to buy a fucking NX for it to be worth playing.
whatever i guess i have to work harder this year
They should put something like ps trophies on the NX to satisfy autists
Why do you think the duration of gameplay shown means anything? Most people don't want to watch hours of a stream because they want to play the game themselves and actually be surprised by it
why are you acting like 1 Zelda game has set some standard for constant failure? Aonuma fucking said himself they listened to all of the player feedback for skyward sword, and that it directly affected the development of this game.
What's over?
Who won what?
What is the incentive of winning it?
you ok, kid?
woah, preordered
You can slap a award on the box art and it's makes the goys buy more copies, Gabbo.
>it's doesn't count today because I dont like it! But damn that 10/10 uncharted 4 was TOTALLY REAL WHO CARE OK
all of the day, bro.
so you'd rather watch something that isn't representative of the actual game at all?
Only games that look better then Zelda are Neier and GravRush 2, however the latter is really pushing it.
The hell is a pulse attack.
i looked for actual gameplay demo after e3 was over and i literaly couldn't find any of the game announced other than some shitty zombie game i can't even remember the name about it
winning this year e3 is like winning the special olympics
Legit bait man.
Can't believe how much better the Zelda footage looks when I stream on my tv with the colours up slightly
This is like the 5th time doing this has utterly improved the look of a WiiU game
>Xenoblade X
>Maiden of Black Water
>Hyrule Warriors
What the fuck is with the WiiU?
>A radically new direction for a new zelda game
>Gonna be shit since the recent zelda games were shit.
What? (and ALBW was the best 2D zelda so far)
It's been commonplace to say emerald has too much water since before they said it though.
All they need now is a decent Metroid game and Bayo 3 and I'll be keen for an NX
There's always a solid few first party games in the platformer genre, but it's always the other stuff that leaves Nintendo's consoles gathering dust imo
So the stream itself had the colours reduced? The fuck
Stream made it look rather washed out and caused som fps issues too, yeah
Undeserving I think, but really the only thing new that was shown off as a playable title minus a few like Nier. Nier will likely be more enjoyable though.
>Low res stream makes the game look like shit
Wtf, no fuckin way
I just checked, it's on the WiiU itself. The gamepad looks dull but the tv looks great and more natural. Even Netflix is washed out, then when I put the TV on regular programming the colours are too much, the WiiU needs custom settings
What the FUCK is going on with the WiiU
>Legend of Normies wins over everything else
Oh, look. What a surprise.
Hell no LBW was fucking ass. The onyl good aspect was renting items, even then the dungeon design, recycled overworld and bosses, average music, shit minigames, and piss easy puzzles and combat made it for a really unfulfilling run. Even the Oracle games made by Capcom were worlds better.
Let's not forget the mention it was zoomed in and looked ugly as fuck.
So one game.
The stream literally had turned down colours and sharpness.
Literally. Check it right now.
Thats what i said
Because Nintendo is cheap and using crappy hardware all around? How is this new? 3DS screens are all super low quality as well, the gamepad uses the same shit.
Are you sure your WiiU isn't broken?
Pretty sure
Is anyone surprised? Is there anyone who didn't pick this as game of the show? Tell me that people aren't that retarded.
I understand your reference. But I don't understand why you skipped your exam to shitpost.
Same here, how have I never noticed this
Why does the WiiU so do this
IGN has shit taste
Nintendo didn't have a conference though
There we go, much more deserving.
IGN is full of casual shit gamers in any case, can't even fucking beat God Hand.
>Better art and visuals
>Not falling towards trends of barren open worlds
>Great music and composition
>Twisted and interesting story
>Actual good fucking combat
>Doesn't rely heavily on 2003 technology and physics based puzzles to be "interesting"
I find that the new Zelda is just a borrow from a bunch of stuff, and as a result, is falling into a bunch of bad game design choices. When it comes out, its going to be disappointing.
I really don't know how to feel about color splash. It is confirmed to factually be Sticker Star 2 as far as gameplay goes (with an added mana bar thing but cards are still one-time uses), but the setting and graphics are absolutely beautiful. They also have a weird pseudo partner thing where you can revive an enemy card to take damage for you, but I'm not sure if they can actually deal damage themselves because it died before it took a turn.
>Actual good fucking combat
Whoa now, let's not start praising that spammy shit as good
>Game of the Year
>Game of the Month
>Best Game Ever
>Greatest of All Time
>Game of the Event
Why is this allowed?
>Breath of the Wild was the most-talked about E3 game on social media channels
>had the biggest line at E3 just to play the game barring Naughty America's VR booth
>even people disappointed with Nintendo think it looks good
I'm not gonna say they won E3 or anything, but did Nintendo know the new Zelda would be THIS positively received or was it a huge gamble? Absolutely nobody thought exclusively focusing on Zelda would work, and yet loads of people are stoked for Breath of the Wild.
It is a good looking game
A single good looking game. And it is practically the only game that will be on NX when it launches. No game is good enough to make me buy a console just for it.
Do you agree? Did God of War deserve the win?
Oh, care to give better examples?
Do you honestly think Zelda has good combat to any degree?
Humans have existed in kyriarchy since our evolution from primordial goo thusly we require something to always be the dominant, winner, alpha, etc.
was there ever any chance that it could be something else?
Gameplay footage > "theatrical trailers"
Reggie indicated in an interview that it greatly exceeded their expectations.
>when the music kicks in as she fires her lasers in all directions
I have a feeling that they knew it would be hype as fuck, this sort of customization is something Zelda fans have been clamoring for for a long time.
I don't know about other people but my favorite thing in OOT was the biggoron sword, just because it offered an alternate style of gameplay. I also like to use that hammer as a weapon when I could. Now they're having shitloads of weapons, as well as clothing customization.
Oh yea as a Nintendo fan: nier looks fucking great. So jelly. But i still haven't played nier 1 on my ps3 yet.
>>Breath of the Wild was the most-talked about E3 game on social media channels
Literally SJW's bitching that Link isn't a girl
I honestly don't get the Neir meme. It just looks like your bog-standard Action-RPG from square-enix, only with more bland visuals and music than a Final Fantasy game.
I guess the bullet-hell mechanic is kinda interesting, but it certainly wouldn't cause this fanatical fanboyism I keep seeing on Sup Forums.
Showed 30 minutes of gameplay for GR2
>no one wants zelda crap they ruined it years ago cod on the other hand is more original
>living a life without any achievements
Neck yourself.
E3 was yet again pretty shitty, not surprising Zelda would win.
Yeah. And the thing is they did do some stuff like this before, like in WW, but in that game there was never really any purpose to picking up other weapons. It was like it was put in just for the hell of it without ever bothering to make it relevant. In this game you have actual reasons to pick up and use a variety of weapons.
I do really hope though that they don't take shit all the way from Witcher/Skyrim when it comes to degradation. When it comes to special swords I really hope you don't have to repair them. Those should last forever once you find them. Part of the thrill of Zelda is when you find a new item it's a special event unlike most RPGs where you just constantly upgrade slightly better swords the whole time.
>God of War should've won
I'm amazed there are people who actually think this after how Sony raped what little gameplay was left in that series.
They deal damage themselves. The Shyguy that was summoned started off by attacking the enemy.
>Entire E3 was shit for all fronts
>suddenly nintendo wins with silky smooth 15 fps and a rehash
E3 fags are so retarded.
The way they changed GoW's gameplay to cinematic garbage makes me feel bad for old time fans of the series
but I guess you don't have to time their attack, huh
It was Nintendo's only game. They'd be blacklisted if they didn't give it to them. Not saying it doesn't deserve it but it would have won even if it sucked and you know it.
I mean c'mon, Legend of Zelda
Little bitch with little bitch ass sword with his little shield, going "haa! haa! haa". C'mon
Who wants to play that shit?
what did he mean by this?
From the look of it they did their own stuff, no need to time for them.
Zelda doesn't deserve it, but oh god the only victory that god of war deserves is the award for biggest franchise rape.
He's talking about the Orlando shooting retards
>Nintendo won with just one single game
Other companies are you even trying?
>I'll throw in pokemon so they won't know I'm a total sonygger
1 game > 7 movies
Do you honestly think the spammy combat in Nier 2 should be praised as good?