Make a wish

You know what to do

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Ape Escape 4

I wish the Monogatari girls would remain my eternal sex slaves and they would never get old or die from anything and neither would I.

Granted. It does not have any charm from the previous titles, the characters and graphics are muh realism edgeshit.

A good star wars vidya.

Galerians 3. Give me the Nitro lewds ffs.

Lost planet 4 done by the team that did LP2.

I want a game with Maximum Edgelord Kylo Ren.

nintendo fans' gf/mom/grandma/ get BLACKED the same moment they start to play The Legend of Zelda™: Breath of Wild™

I want to say Metroid Prime, but that already got monkey pawed.

Do you even know the monkey hand is cursed right?

Zero Time Dilemma is the perfect conclusion and ties up all loose ends

Granted. But all the hentai made of Nitro is giantess futa scat.

>that video

Timesplitters HD remake on all current gen consoles

> Hard mode, no "lost its original charm and everything is DLC

I want to be a cute little girl

Gimmie some good giantess vidya.

Why wish such things on your mother user?

Make OP less of a faggot.

I wish... for Crash Bandicoot to be in video games again!

granted it has a very limited release in a country you are not from and all copies are going for prices you cant afford. the game is also impossible to pirate

Granted. But lost its original charm and everyhting is DLC.

Granted, but you'll have to make your mom and gandma get "blacked" with your own body

I wish I was happy.

Granted. You're all STD ridden and in constant pain.

Granted. However it is now a free2play game due to all the money it can make by adding new characters as DLC. Gameplay is still timesplitters, however campaign missions are released per week.

>nuh-uh u xD
elementary school tier, try again

Granted but you only get happy from doing certain things such as playing video games.

I wish I was happy

Kill me

patapon 4. on 3ds

granted but you die

Granted, but you are reincarnated as Anthony Burch.


I wish for Kotor 3 made by obsidian
>inb4 it's an mmo again/TOR

i wish for the monkey's paw to have no drawbacks

Nintendo gets a monopoly on video games.

It disappears forever/stops granting wishes.

I wish that the remaining monkey's paw wishes will be granted regarding the intent of the wish rather than the vernacular

Everything went better than expected

It's more broken than Kotor 2 and New Vegas combined.

granted, but your dick is now missing it's head

Well i can just wish for my dick back, and then i still got like two more fingers of intent regarding wishes

I beat the system, faggots

Granted, but Obsidian goes bust and the game never reaches the public.

That went well. Good thing I'm average at modding

>Obsidian is bought by Activision Blizzard who then proceeds to make it

I wish I didnt feel that overwhelming sense of guilt whenever I have played a game for more than four hours in one sitting.

granted, but you turn into a fairyfly

Hmm, so micro transactions and waifu bait? I can live with that if the game is good/fun. I can even deal with all the new kiddies it would bring

You loose the paw after the wish, someone else finds it.

I wish for a turkey sandwich.

It's vegan turkey


But it has cheddar instead of swiss!
It's on white bread instead of wheat!

What a phizzle of a wish. I wish the monkey paw would go fuck itself

I wish everything goes wrong

I want Nier Automata to stay a PS4 exclusive and NEVER go to PC.


>the monkey paw does nothing for it cannot grant that which is already granted.

I put mustard on all my sandwiches :(
Except meatball obviously

Honey Mustard?

Even on turkey?

I always thought turkey was exclusivly a mayo meat.

Mustard is for like pastrami or hams.

Granted. The game reviews terribly and people shitpost constantly on image boards about it. You play it and it fails to live up to hype.

Generic store brand regular...

I hate mayo. I use mustard on everything, even French fries

Truly Sup Forums is a place of pure evil

make her talk to me again

Hot English?

I use ketchup too. Ketchup and mustard is the ultimate condiment for a burger

Please make it so the NX has more than one game. Give me a new star fox with no gimmicks and make the NX backwards compatible.

Granted. The NX is a huge failure and Nintendo stops making consoles

I want a ____ Strike series to be resurrected by EA as a shooter than plays like call of duty, and for it to be successful and sell millions

Do your wose Moneky paw, i dare you.

No like the frenches kind.


How much was used on the sandwich?
Was it toasted?

You can barely taste the turkey because there is so much mayo
It was not toasted. In fact, it's a little soggy

There is one giant solid gloop in the center of the sandwich and no it was not toasted.

Truly the only way to win

Is there some lettuce or tomato on it?

There is no lettuce but there is a half a slice of slightly outdated tomato

I wish that Dawn of War 3 had big battles and basebuilding!

I'd still eat it at this point to be honest.

Steam dies and PC gaming gets unmemed.


there is like a little bit of shredded lettuce, not enough to be like a main taste but enough to be kinda annoying little anomalies in the sandwich...and I guess there is a slice of tomato.

Just one. And it is actually pretty good. Large vine ripened slice.

I wish for Guild Wars 2 to release a new expansion every bringing brand new, key gameplay content, and the sylvari and charr to become even more important to the lore!

I know the monkey's paw will distort this and make GW2 such a massive, hideous clusterfuck and lead to the game crashing and burning! Fuck you, Anet.

how many wishes do I get?

Does the sandwich come with a drink?



No, my life is empty

No more platform exclusives

I wish the paw wasnt cursed.

I wish for you to give me a handjob.

I wish I never read Emergence by Shindol
I wish Sika had a happy ending with her child
I wish these things stopped happening to other homeless people right now, and forevermore.

I wish to be a cute little girl~

Granted. You consistently raped on an almost daily basis by the most disgusting scum on the planet, eventually driving you to suicide to escape the torture.

Granted, but all big games are now as watered down and generic as your average AAA game from Ubisoft/Activision

I wish it was okay to post "vidya to play while high" threads on Sup Forums

I want a new Shenmue.

Same desu, because i only really see myself browsing my steam library not knowing what to play when im high.

Granted. You will now build tolerance to drugs (including alcohol) 100x faster than a normal human and they all have near no effect on you.

Granted. It's shit.

Granted. No one cares.


Granted, the threass will be allowed but Hiroshima will give the IP addresses of anyone who posts to their local authroities who are now much more strict about drug enforcment.

Post if you dare.