would you wear this jacket Sup Forums?
Would you wear this jacket Sup Forums?
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Is the explanation for his inventory that he stores the bigger stuff in those obscenely large zippers
Considering most of Sup Forums is overweight, ugly, and short, no.
if you're fit and attractive you can wear any shirt or jacket you want and get away with it
I don't have the pants, boots or gloves to pull it off. I also don't ride a motorcycle and my day job isn't being a spy in an action movie so no.
i never asked for this
would you wear this jacket Sup Forums?
>implying Sup Forums isn't infested with normies who go to the gym everyday and wear skinny jeans
>normies who go to the gym
>wear skinny jeans
What the fuck?
it's almost like you should be ripped/athletic when buying those and not a skinnyfat/skinny fuck
>most of them aren't folded all the way up
>fold them all the way up
Fucking retards.
but thats the thing
its designed by acronym
Nope, if you go outside wearing clothes like that, no matter how hot you are everyone will think you are an attention seeking asshole.
maybe if you're an autist yes
The jacket is way too busy, I'm a lot more minimal with my style.
Are you wearing a skirt?
you dress like most women in my office.
If I was ripped I could wear a banana costume and still look good.
Thread is over guys, goodbye.
God yes. I love me me s XD
The jacket looks fine on the videogame character. It likely would not look good on an actual human being, though.
not him but I wear skirts too and I'm a guy
YEAH! Finally another D O U B T F I R E like myself! Glad to see it isn't dead.
Are you trying to tell me that if you saw someone intentionally dressed like Adam, you wouldn't think he looked like a retard? If not, then you are a delusional beta who thinks if he dresses mysteriously, he will get all the clunge. You wont.
Why? It's only acceptable if you're Scottish.
Skinny jeans often have stretch in them. I'm swole and can't wear regular jeans anymore and I like to show off my quads.
Are you wearing pink, you utter faggot?
stop posting this bait
a-are you a cute guy user?
its not like its super girly
i wear leggings underneath
I used to
If I had his face, glasses, cockatiel hair and smoker voice, yeah
You don't get leggings in the male section of clothe shops. It is extremely girly.
Isn't that the point of non casual clothing?
Little insecure there, fella?
You won't spontaneously combust if you wear something other than monochrome.
Maybe in the future where it wouldn't look cringy as fuck.
>In a survey of 2,000 British men, conducted for the company TENA, one in 10 said they had experienced unpleasant side effects from wearing tight jeans. The company is hoping to highlight the dangers of squeezing yourself into skinny jeans.
>Forty percent of the men admitted that they sometimes sacrifice comfort for style. One in four also said they wore tight jeans regularly “to show I can still fit in them” and “because they look good.”
>The risks of suffering for the sake of fashion are numerous. Skinny jeans have been linked to low sperm count and fungal infections. In addition, one-quarter of the men experienced a bladder problem, and one-fifth had a twisted testicle due to the skinny jeans.
if you saw me on the street you probably would think I'm fashionable rather than a fag
oh god were you following me you creep, delet this
It genuinely amazes me that people think this shit looks cool.
>extremely girly
You act like that matters nowadays.
You are the least stylish person I've ever seen.
Lmfao jesus. I hope you're not serious user.
Get them a size larger around the waist so they don't destroy your balls
Absolutely horrible. Please post on /fa/ so everyone can laugh at you.
Some drunk once called me prophet of jesus, that's more than what I get with my regular clothes so fuck off.
>yellow pants
Nope, that is cringy, Jensen's coat is not, though he should only wear it at night near alleyways and night clubs, unless you're famous and can wear anything, even a dress made out of meat.
you bet your ass i would wear it. slick my hair back, a good turtleneck, look fancy as shit plus the amount of shit he can carry makes it even better
>You act like that matters nowadays.
It matters most places outside your moms basement.
Could I pull it off?
>people fall for this copy pasta every time
sugoi Sup Forums
What need do you have for both trousers and a skirt?
>y-you can only wear black pants!
Get some confidence, my man.
No. It's a slim fit jacket.
You would look more like a psychopath than you already do.
Projecting much?
You know leggings on men are more common than ever, right?
trim/shape up hair, then you could rock that shit like a paddleboat in the atlantic
You need a haircut and to trim your goatee down a fair amount. They're both messy, and not in a good way.
>a good turtleneck
do they still make those? So cringy.
If you fix your shit hair and shit beard, maybe on Halloween it will probably look cool.
It looks generic as fuck. His old coat was better.
Looking handsome. Rate my outfit yesterday.
I would if I was fit, attractive and got these clothes tailored for me
has to be a black or grey, all the others are inexcusable.
Doo sex art department contacted acronym to collaborate with the clothing design you dingus
I don't wear skinny jeans, but I'm going to the gym right now bruh.
No, I like my jackets to be more like pic related.
You dress like shit, and the colorful pants definitely aren't the problem
More common than ever, doesn't mean common.
If you walked about the streets with a skirt and leggings (with the exception of a kilt) you will get your ass kicked, and rightly so.
If you guys think this is funny you should visit /fa/ periodically. Lots of comedy gold. [Spoiler]just like when fags on here post about vidya apparel they own and wear[/spoiler]
me2 breh
not with that hair
...and not have the ridiculous looking extended neck. Has practical uses, but as far as fashion goes, nope.
no, that looks like a buffoon that doesn't know how to choose colors that complement each other.
What the fuck is wrong with your body? Visible purple veins near your armpit/pecs and acne everywhere.
wtf fix that shitty skin
I guess man, I just think the jacket looks cool. You're trying way too hard.
>leather jackets
Whenever I see someone wear a leather jacket, I just assume they are a pussy who is trying to act hard.
just b urself
I'm well versed in color theory.
You need to understand that fashion "rules" are archaic and arbitrary in today's climate.
>implying only assholes wear leather jackets.
I wear on, and I'm pretty chipper and polite to pretty much everyone.
ashamed to be british at times
We can see your dick, just saying.
These days, you should be.
You look like a bumblebee.
Unlike a bumblebee, though, I cannot describe you as cute or aesthetically pleasing.
Why are you layering so much, aren't you warm all the time?
Is this what a /fa/ggot looks like?
>It's another /fa/ and /fit/ troll Sup Forums thread
>can literally see his penis
Did this guy even check the photo he took?
I never said people who wear them are assholes, just that they are usually compensating for not actually being tough.
That's enough Daily Mail for you.
Just fuck off back to /fa/ already
Your dick is always visible. If you don't have a bulge, you have a tiny dick.
This. I can barely pull off wearing a t-shirt and shorts.
You look like you're dressed for an 80's skiing tournament in Aspen.