What are you looking forward to buying this game?

What are you looking forward to buying this game?

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more sim city elements, the video didn't explain much

>What are you looking forward to buying this game?
What the fuck are you trying to say?

Learn to speak English and try again.

sex lizard

For the people who are interested in this game


An actual fun game.

Oasis management with enough depth for it to be interesting but not so complicated to actually get bored after a while. Also tons of fights and team management.

Of course, more monstergirl waifus as an added bonus

I agree and to be honest when I play Bravery default it was a good game.
But I can't help but feel bored because I had to all that much thinking, don't get me wrong I like using my brain in games...just not too much...
Take Legend of Legacy for example
>has a simple gameplay
>don't have to think too much on my turn
>End up enjoying it!
I love Legend of Legacy than Bravery default, and plus the design of bravely defalt's characters are just so BLAND and GENERIC.
This makes Ever Osasis design look more appealing




A decent mana game after legend
A decent town builder after dark cloud
A decent combat system
Furry porn

Only the last one will come true though


Monstergirl waifus are literally the only reason Sup Forums is even remotely interested.

Well yea, no demo is out, and all we have to go on are what seems to be animal crossingXCrystal Cronichles gameplay vids.

eh, it sounded kind of like ffcc, but watching the video, I got more of an animal crossing vibe

what, there's a demo out?

No. He just said "no demo is out"

Protect that which you hold dear...


>Checks tumblr for fan arts sees this.
How many feminist were triggered.

I wish the 3DS would die so these games wouldn't have to have these trash chibi art styles.

None, they don't care about non-humans

These games only exist because 3DS is cheap to make games for.

>Child bearing hips

Then they should.

What about the Vita it's powerful than the 3ds, and yet it has no games!

Then you furfags should be SJWs to defend furfaggotry.

/mlp/ does it with trying to get gr15 removed, you fags should band together to try to get furry recognized

and then kill yourselves

Mainly because I want to see feminist making stupid comments on an "sexualized" animal.

Why would you care? Can't you just enjoy what you have without having people "triggered"?

I'm legitimately confused on the notion

Treehouse is going to do the job for them

Deep and detailed management can actually be fun in a game which focuses on that as core gameplay, but when you have other stuff to do like exploring,craftiing, et. it can feel like a hassle to constantly manage stuff.

Xenoblade Chronicles X is a good example. The game motivates you to explore every single corner in Mira, and rewards you with stuff like cash or minerals to improve your party, but it has so much shit to manage it becomes boring in the short run.

Have you seen the amount of shit you can do to upgrade your skell? It's fucking ridiculous.

Short and simple. That's what I want with this game.

more lizard ass

what the fuck is gr15



Not that user, but keep posting lizard butt, it's the best butt.

Hopefully an actually sustainable IP and not another fucking flop.

These nintencucks always always ALWAYS ask for new IPs, and then they never buy them and then they ask WOOOOW WHERES THE NEW IPS.

Squidshit is the exception, not the rule.

Because its funny!
>feminist sees the lizard
>How dare they sexualized that poor lizard!
>Why is her thighs bigger than her tail?!

>being this autistic

then why do they care about muslims?
this joke probably gets me banned like always because it triggers some fags but fuck it


Can we just call her Lizardfu? Because every lizard looked the same.

Didn't she have a name? but yes

Are you still blaming Splatoon for Codename Steam's failure like a year later?

Green one is called Miura
Red one is unknown for now

Oh I was totally fine with this joke, but since you mentioned it I guess I'm suppose to ban you.
nah I'm just messing with you!

I can see potential laughs coming from some situations (like the one guy who got upset at dragon's crown and said people who liked the sorceress were pedophiles), but the situation you posted was just straight up not funny and simply annoying

read the rules on Sup Forums

>this autism

Shoot. Now I'm the cringwothy one here huh? Thanks for telling me about though

>beats by dre image
im still amazed



I mean more butt, nigga


I found that art in twitter


B-but what about the mermaid? Why doesn't she have many fan arts?

Shame about the clothes, she belongs naked


universal rule

best girl never wins



The mermaid is nothing but a weeaboo bait. And not a lot of people took it



only if there's a character half as fuckable as a monhun felyne


This game looks like some toddlercon hunk of shit garbage

I always thought I was a furfag but I find this more appealing and better designed than the lizard girl

more lizard butts

You downgraded to pedophile

>took the weaboe bait

>Cute lizard girls
>Cute water spirit mermaid thing
>Cute girly lizard boys
>Cute brown shotas

porn game is going to be unreal

If it sells or at least becomes a cult classic

For it to never get a sequel regardless of how it sells, Just like KI:U.

Everything is better though

>thinking anything is a downgrade from furfag
pedophile is two tiers above the bottom, furfag is the bottom and NTRfag is just a hair above that.

>wanting to fuck a literal cat
Kys furfag.

>wants to fuck a rathalos
>calling others furfags

What about tile patterns?

post thick lizard ass

Ok enough lizard girls! Now are you willing to watch a nintendo direct on Ever Oasis

Tile patterns do not exist on a visible spectrum, they transcend the chart

>practically no female felyne smut
why was i born into this cruel existence

Floor tiles is the toppest-tier fetish.

more than half is female what the fuck are you on

But there's plenty, user
There are other characters who get no love at all. That's why I learned to draw.

Seriously? Learn to search

whatever amount you consider "plenty" I must have already exhausted, then, unless they are tucked away on some literal who websites

It's something you wouldn't expect in this world

god damn. I fucking love that artist.

I consider two doujinshi and 50+ pics from various artists plenty for characters like felynes.
Maybe you consider normal amounts like renamon who get 7k+ pics.


Let's hope the potential for porn saves it from selling as poorly as Codename: STEAM.
Also, they need to market it.


It really depends on the trailers/demos that pop up. Right now there are more people interested in the potential porn of the furry/scaly races than the mechanics. So if the mechanics aren't fun, then most people would pirate just to see their waifus