How do we fix PC gaming?

How do we fix PC gaming?
Pic unrelated

she's not real.

Not cater to normies

not real on 2 different levels

>make every pc have the same outdated parts
>remove mouse and keyboard support
>remove the abiltity to create games on a pc
>jack the price up
>remove grand strategy games and most rts'

Stop wasting your time whining about it on Sup Forums and go play some games.


Chiaki is cute!

If she's not real in what is not real, then she must be real.

With even more weeb games
>Pic totally related

It's simple!
We just need more despair inducing games!

Maybe not let Steam have a monopoly on it

Shut up you virgin, that logic is flawed and even if she was real you'd never find me anyway and she wouldn't want to sleep with you.


Implying it needs fixing

Top kek

The quality of PC games has been lowered by endless indie shovelware.
>Start making demos for games again
>Remove "early access" games - it's just lazy, make a beta or something if you want feedback
>Delete kickstarter so people actually have to use their own money to make games instead of making some tumblr promo art, getting donations and then not releasing anything

All I got for now, there's probably more.

Less competition between hardware manufacturers.

Oh, and while we're at it, let's get developers to stop using uncompressed assets in their games, christ.

I'm sick of having to uninstall or install a 30GB game every month. Most N64 roms back in the day fit on carts much much smaller than 20MB

>find me

Since Blizzard and Valve are the only ones who care about PC gaming anymore force them to eternally make PC exclusives

make them good

there, now PC can shitpost in consolewar threads all the same with other autists who care about that shit

This will inevitably become a Danganronpa thread

>Caring about PC gaming
Mate they're fucking set for life riding off CSGO and dota cosmetics, they're probably never going to make a game again.

Remove steam. Cancer is gone.

You can't. The platform, by its very nature, will never have a legitimate first-party backing that will make games tailored to squeeze every ounce of power out of the platform. The last game to do this was Crysis and that shit was a decade ago. It's why shit like Uncharted 4 looks better than most PC games (sans framerate) despite running on shit hardware: financial backing and engineering talent.

These days the main arguments you see for PC on Sup Forums are higher framerates in multiplats, and not having to pay for online. Which 99% of people out in the real world don't give a fuck about because $50 to play online is just part of a day's wage and they don't give a shit about framerate either. Only on places like Sup Forums and reddit, where there's tons of teenagers and early-20s dudes with a lot of free time but typically low wage or no job at all, do you see people caring in what seems to be large amounts.

As if they weren't riding off of Steam before. They don't need to do games to contribute to the industry, Steam by itself has already allowed many games that would never have seen the light of day to exist.

Why not set a minimum character limit? That way they'd have to put at least some thought into it instead of "10/10 lol meme reference"

Valve doesn't care

damn hunty you draggin all us