Witcher 3 combat

Why Witcher combat is so awful?

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WITCHER 3 MASTER RACE, IT BEATS THE SHIT OUT OF DARK SOULS XDXXDXD btw i play it on console!! :^))))))))

You're bad at it

If enemy stunlock on me and I can beat him with mashing one button means I'm bad at game?

They wasted their budgets on making cutscenes rather than making an RPG

>mashes one button
>wonders why the combat is awful

>uses steel sword on magical monster
>plays on Just the story difficulty
>enemies just soak up hits without hitting back
W0oooooooooooo000000000000w bugged gameplay mechanics

If you're able to steamroll through combat the entire game by mashing one button something is clearly wrong with the game. Witcher 3 is a glorified horse riding simulator, nothing more.

>game allows you to win by smashing one button
umm yea that means that the combat IS bad

>combat has to be challenging to be fun

I recently just did a huge bandit camp, the one with the boss in a broken spire, and it was fucking hilarious. Like 20 bandits + hounds vs me. I've never had that much fun with the combat before in witcher 3. I play on death march game +. Also they've made several improvements to combat over the expansions. There are now benefits to not spamming m1 and dodging back all the time. For example the cat grandmaster armor upgrade that gives you more dmg to r1 after using a r2. Bombs seems to me to have been improved and there are a lot of different ways to build your character now with mutations and gear.

Start by posting something that's not a bug.


Because RPG's in general have never had good combat?

I have no idea what it is about this game. You don't see people endlessly making threads about Skyrim combat, Deus Ex combat, Fallout combat etc

No, it doesn't. DMC is piss easy until you hit like LDK/SOS and it's still great fun.

>people shit on witcher 3 for shit combat
>meanwhile praise souls combat
>mfw youtube.com/watch?v=s0WlFd7vHtk

>You don't see people endlessly making threads about Skyrim combat, Deus Ex combat, Fallout combat etc

Maybe because they have better combat?

Why do janitors keep allowing these trash threads to exist?

If the combat's bad then why do you need to post the same bugged webms for a whole year in order to convince people?


What are you even trying to do anymore bull? I've got no clue. Even on Sup Forums this is pretty autistic.

>Maybe because they have better combat?

But Skyrim has dogshit combat and the other two have mediocre combat in comparison to any pure shooter


Not that bull ever convinced anyone which is why I think he keeps spamming threads.
They do it for free. Seriously though how many times do we need bull making the same blatant troll threads?

So he's good at the game

Don't really get your point

this should be the first post everytime someone makes one of these threads


Seriously bull just kill yourself. You are not going to somehow get back all the time you wasted. Friendly reminder that bull spent all of last year claiming that W3 would bomb critically, got btfo, claimed sales would bomb, got btfo, then claimed it wouldn't win any awards and got btfo.

What's with the "Witcher 3's combat is awful." meme all of a sudden? You regretting your half price purchase?

People will post the same day one bugs, ignore all the patches then pretend like they have a point

>playing on easy

who the fuck said darksouls was better

This is literally spamming and I thought it was against the rules.

Why dont more janitors pick up the pace?

That's heavy and light alternated, it keeps the opponent permanently blocking, makes fistfight last forever though.

There hasn't been an open world RPG with better combat than Witcher 3

not much of a competition

All of the open world rpg's suck dick, TW3 is the exception

I'll take a well crafted level over a stupid empty wasteland any day of the week.