Webm bread?

webm bread?





newfag, is this like a doom wad?

jesus fucking crist man


Webm threads are becoming less and less popular

screenshot threads are becoming a rarity too.

Sure is summer in here.


Yeah man. To be fair, they were getting pretty lame with people posting their shitty, uninteresting Dark Souls .webms.

Here's a .webm, I don't know what it is.

>being this prone to falling for bait
not really sure who the newfags are anymore


Whatever summerfag. At least I don't mistaken Quake for a Doom wad.

Here's another .webm, this one might not be vidya. Don't know.


fuck you






This game was stupid but I liked the art style.




Why so few webbums under 2 MB?

What video game is this?


anyone has some Blood/Duke 3D/Unreal webms?



They're all newfags. Just me and you left





haha wow. this is like CoD though its more linear

Doom, custom .wad

this game needs a sourceport already

>id like to thank the third rei-





I've seen you post these webms like a thousand times but I watch them every time just because it looks like so much fun


Is that Quake III with player made levels?

there's a 2hu doom wad?

is mad max worth a pirate?

Wow, nice graphics.

thank you


Did they ever do the full release?

Holy shit just died laughing


Did you like Just Cause 2 or 3? It's pretty similar, you drive around doing missions and liberating camps for scrap which you use to upgrade yourself and car.

It's a solid 8/10


Is there something I'm not getting here?

What game is this?

Dead by Daylight.

Probably a longshot, but I once saw a webm in one of these threads of a 2d side-scroller pixelart(?) game about some furry white creature. I kinda hazily remember that it had quite a distinctive long tail.

And no, it's not ori and the blind forest.

Anyone have that final Fantasy vr webm of the guy in the car with the mechanic?


>At least I don't mistaken Quake for a Doom wad.
So you are the summerfag


sweet dude, thanks

>this is considered fun by Sup Forums

D44M shills BTFO in one webm.





thats a lot of memes in one clip.

>tfw love DOOM but cant get into quake
I think its a combination of the bad animations and bad balancing

Not even close to pol.wad levels.

>mfw I first playing the 2hu wad
Fairies can fuck you up

Thanks, user.



That's.. that's amazing.

What is this? Looks really fun


that webm made me think of Stubbs the zombie and how great that game was.

I can't get my stupid Xbone controller to work with this, anytime it's on and I load up the game it won't let me select anything and makes some annoying noise

ah blood, the only game where crouching is the most OP tactic

i can't play it again though, already beat it on extra crispy and i don't know how else to challenge myself

Man the quake campaigns were really underwhelming compared to Doom.

tfw overwatch will never have interesting movement mechanics



Touhou didn't invent bullet hell games moron

these types of mods look like Autism therapy. how are you doing today user? had any flare ups?

LOL bet the guy was just "Fuck..."

Thanks, I missed that post.



It's a map idiot. If you're hating on rocket jumping you can get the fuck out of here.

And I don't even like TF2.

>he doesnt know what surf is


If you by any chance mean Dirt Rally filename says drt but fuck if I know it's out of early access and there are physical pc & console versions. So I'd say yes.

Stupid sexy shotas.