I got the Sands of Time trilogy a while back but still have yet to touch it. I've heard it has issues and now I'm hesitant to actually play it. Are any of them game breaking or detrimental to the experience? I think I heard about it fucking up someone's PS3 even but I'm not sure if I just imagined that.
Prince of Persia
The only "issues" is that they removed the bloom and toned down the fog since they interferred with 3D and this trilogy was made back when Sony was selling the 3D gimmick. Removal of bloom is kinda detrimental in case of PoP since it added to the 1000 and 1 nights aesthetic.
Would it be better to pick up the PC versions then? I remember a friend telling me it was a hassle to get them doing widescreen and shit.
I think he was the one who told me to get the PS3 version actually.
Yep, the PC versions are a lot better.
GOG versions aren't a hassle to get working at all, and on GOG forums go into PoP section and they have widescreen guide pinned, there's also a thread telling you how to uncensor Two Thrones (since it was censored on PC). PS3 version of TT is also censored btw since it's based on PC releases. The censorship is just removal of decapitations btw, nothing else.
Sands of Time is free on uplay this month
Kill yourself famalam.
Do what said and if I can recommend just pirate the GOG versions (they're on Kat.cr just search for Prince of Persia GOG) and then use the guide in GOG's forums for widescreen and uncensor.
Or if you don't care about removal of bloom and censored decapitations just roll with PS3.
Get the GoG versions and don't, under any circumstances, buy the original PC versions.
What and said.
Well I guess I'll go with GOG. All I'll really be missing is trophies which is a bummer for me.
I mean, I do like free things but I don't know about Uplay.
Not big on pirating games that are readily available. I'll probably pick up just Sands of Time for now since god knows when I'll get around to playing all three. They seem to go on sale pretty often so I'm not too worried.
>>I mean, I do like free things but I don't know about Uplay.
if you don't have uplay account, and don't want to get one, GOG is a nice place to get this game. It's up to you.
>Well I guess I'll go with GOG
Dude it is literally free right now on uplay what are you doing?
Uplay version is the original PC version and he'd need to install Jewbisoft spyware, get cancer and die you fucking shill.
Wise choice, just pirate the GOG versions since you already paid for the games once on PS3, don't be a moralfag.
Warrior Within is the best, provided you like Metroidvania-ish level design. Sands and Thrones are fully linear.
Uplay is fine now, just like how origin is fine now. Keep up with the times, stop embarrassing yourself.
Doesn't GOG do shit to make sure games run on modern systems? I don't know whether they've done the same things to the Uplay version. Also it's not even that expensive on GOG right now. I'd rather spend a few bucks on a service I actually use than set up a whole new service I've only heard bad things about.
>Uplay is fine
>Origin is fine
Seriously killl youself this instant, you couldn't be more of a shill even if you tried.
Don't listen to the Ubi shill. And yes GOG ensures compatibility with Win7/8/10 which is something that Uplay doesn't do.
I guess next you're gonna say steam suck too? and then go off on a rant about jews or something?
Steam does suck too but it sucks the least out of the DRM trio.
And in case you haven't noticed, I'm not even telling him to buy it on GOG, I'm telling him to get the GOG versions, pirate preferably. That's because the GOG versions actually work out of the box on modern OS including 7 and 10 (tested on both). You only need tweaking for widescreen in Sands and WW, TT even has built-in widescreen.
Go shill your DRM somewhere else please.
Nice. I only ever finished Sands of Time despite owning all three on PS2. I got the HD collection because when I tried to go back to it I couldn't stand the framerate.
I've heard Origin is actually better than Steam in some ways. I don't think they have any third party games though so sadly I think Steam still has an effective monopoly. GOG is kind of getting in there though.
>Pirate neet
called it!
I don't get why Ubisoft just dropped this franchise in the dust. Either the sand timeline, the 2008 reboot, even the classic one or a complete new one, but i want SOMETHING.
The closest thing we got was what was then redirected as the indian level of Ass Creed Chronicles.
He already bought it you fucking retard, why should he pay twice? Nice implications though, faggot.
stay mad my nigro brother
I'm a nigger, eat shit and die you fucking nigger scum, get fucking raped by ahmed.
On every system I've played WW on, ps2 and ps3 hd version, I've always experienced a game breaking bug. It's just a bad game in general.
aw I just wanted to make you a little mad, I feel kinda bad now. make sure you take your blood pressure medication.
going for the trophies in these games was the first time I've raged so hard I broke something. Chucked the disk into a wall and shattered it.