Anyone else fucking hate Compile Heart?

Anyone else fucking hate Compile Heart?

They make fucking shitty games and Sup Forums loves it. Instead of talking about good Japanese games like Ni-Oh, or even Star Ocean 5, Sup Forums latches on to moeshit and pedo shit like Neptunia. I have never seen a company promote and enable everything wrong with video games in one fucking company

What if I want to talk about Compile Heart, Nioh and Star Ocean 5?

You're part of the problem that is causing the cancer to video games. You should only be strictly talking about NiOh and SO5. Not full blown weeb shit like Neptunia.


I just bought Rebirth 1 for my Vita

I'm neutral about moeshit; I neither hate it nor like it

Will I like this game, Sup Forums?

Please stop bullying Tsunako-chan and insulting her art work.

No. You should have just went for the best game Megadimension

Its a good entry point to the Nep series. Skip Re;birth 2 unless you want to play Nep Gear Rising.
V-II is probably the best Nep game so far.


You're the problem.

bait or not bait?
Sometimes people on Sup Forums are so serious about how fun things are not fun I'm not even sure anymore.

What? Everyone knows Compile Heart is fucking trash except for the worst kind of weeb.

i wish neptunia games were good, i love the characters and fanservice but everything else is garbage.

>pedo shit


>Sup Forums only talks about these japanese games
Almost every Nintendo game was developed in Japan, and Nintendo is always being discussed.
Same with FROM and Platinum.

the anime drawing style clearly feature girls of a young age and are meant to sexualize

>bait or not bait?
Look at the OP pic
Now look at how many times it has been used to start a thread of nothing but shitposting

Most of them have gigantic boobs though

If they are all flat-chested lolis I'd see your point

>an acceptable art form
May I direct you to Lolita by Nabakov?

ram and rom eating a banana in the bath

You do realize art is subjective and what one may like another may not?

But even if that were the case, Video games aren't an art form so?

Neptunia is only good for the porn.

The gameplay is absolute trash and the characters are usually annoying as fuck.

Good one.

>Kat's side mouth

>mfw I've watched so much anime that its completely normal to me, except when people point it out.


I only like Moe Chronicle. I haven't really bothered with their other games to be fair. Mary Skelter looks pretty nice too.

Fucking pedo shit.

don't mind me then, I'll just stat posting horribly oversexualized girls

Neptunia V2 is good.

Im pretty sure this is true

Compile Heart is the EA of Japan.

>he thinks Tsunako still makes the art from Neptunia
Her assistant-chan who draws exactly like her is the author of that one.

>Neptunia VII
Oh god I WISH. Sadly it's not. I'm not even gonna bother with it desu, too many old hags and the protagonist is fucking ugly too.

>people would post this image all the time
>"japan has shit tastes xenoblade is going to be so great"
>buy it when it finally comes out
>realize the nips were right

Compile Heart has never made a good game.

You are a fucking retard. Last I recall Neptunia games aren't a "Idea Store" exclusive with forced DRM that act as a botnet.

>This will never be you

I know this feel

XCX was my #2 disappointment of last year right behind MGSV

Nice meme.

Hi there, Reddit.

Star ocean 5 is trash

But Nep is more fun than XBX. What a dull disappointment that game was

This. SO5 camera is even worse than TOZ. I wonder why so many retards continue praising it anyway. Are Ocean drones that dumb?

Oh there we go with the artfag. I wonder if you are so butthurt form watching the industry abandon you that you lash out at Neptunia fans.

half of omega quintet was literally irredeemable and its still better than any star ocean game because of its combat alone