What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
I can't wait for the cute girl.
>You're going to regret saying those things when you find out why she's wearing the clothes she's wearing
>Its fucking nothing
Oh Kojima.
Stupid retard.
First tool was feces, humans trow each others like a weapons.
He is denying the fact that his game is goin to be shit, so now he his saying STICK.
Thinks he means he's a pretentious hack who can't even get mgsv right.
Fuck him
Every trailer, even CoD shows gameplay but Kojima?
>no gameplay
>pretentious quote
>more celebrity shit
>pretentious content
literal hack-work that you sheep are going to fall for for the second....actually third... oh no wait, fourth time
unleashed kojima without konami telling him to make pachinko machines is likely going to produce something horrible
Seems pretty obvious. The first tool human beings invented was the stick, but you are disconnected from your umbilical cord when you are born.
t. Konami
He meant that Konami had every right to fire him and disinvite him from the Games Awards. Eat shit Jim Sterling.
There's no gameplay because the game has just been created and doesn't even have an engine yet, since konami is holding on to Fox Engine.
I want to cry thinking about what msgv could have been. fuck you.
Umbilical cord is soft and spongy, stick is hard. You're born weak but grow strong. The baby is Norman Reedus.
Konami drones infesting this thread, top kek
the trailer was done in the engine the are using you tit
> in the engine the are using
No it is not
It's created in "a game engine", they have literally nothing to show, not even their engine.
No, Konami is one big fuck up and did everything wrong
but Kojima is himself, a complete fraud. An entire decade, 0 good games, 0 good stories in said games.
what did he meme by this?
Sauce on the manga?
Whoa..... Really makes you think huh?
so guys, how mad retards are gonna get once it gets announced that there are not transexuals in the game?
In an interview Kojima was talking about some gook philosophy where the first tool humans invented was the stick (which was used to keep harmful and scary things away) while the second was the rope (used to bind things we wanted to keep close).
He's obviously losing something in translation thanks to moon speak but the gist is that the first thing that happens after you're born is you lose the thing binding you to your mom or whatever. So the big theme here being separation.
>I'm retarded hurr durr nano machines wolbachia male to female vocal cord parasites copulation I'm already demon, Jack
What did he mean by this?
That's a hot opinion you have there. Man hasn't made a bad game and they all have good stories
Find it yourself.
I tried, got nowhere.
Both IQDB and google.
Looks like you're shit out of luck then.
you have brain damage
he's saying people used to bash with sticks on umbilical cords until they tore
Why are you being a dick?
People are being spoonfed too often here. You have to learn to do things for yourself.
People in this thread have bigger things to worry about. He hired Yano as the co-writer and Yano is a literal hack
>Kojima bought the EVA BD box: The game
Internet tough guy points
>screwing over a guy who's made you mad bank over the course of DECADES just because he spent a long time and a relatively large (not massive) budget making a game
Nah they fucked up. His only sin was falling for the open world meme. And possibly fucking a Konami exec's wife or something.
Kojipro was literally reformed in late December you dense cunt. It's just a teaser.
Otome Drops
Why, thank you KIND user.
not even the user that asked for sauce
There was literally a interview of kojima with dorito pope (in e3) before the announcement where he said they havent chosen a engine yet...
My gratitude!
Has he finally gone off the deep end?
I'm curious what a game made by a literal maniac with an unlimited budget would look like
What did he mean by this?