Why does Sup Forums hate Kojima?
Why does Sup Forums hate Kojima?
He's becoming the Adam Sandler of video games.
Sup Forums hates nice things
don't hate him, just highly overrated
like Lovecraft
jealous of the based god
Obviously thinks too much about himself. Thanks to people who call him genius almost every fucking time.
Theres a growing number of people throughout Sup Forums that hate anything artsy or remotely intellectual
He's becoming famous to mainstream media, and Sup Forums contrarians hate anything that normies like
What does Sup Forums not hate?
I hate his dicksucking fanbase.
Because Sup Forums is becoming Sup Forumseddit
Anyone who says otherwise is from reddit trying to ruin this board.
He's an incredibly good game designer who's made some of the best games of all time.
Because Sup Forums likes to be edgy and contrarian.
Sup Forums mostly likes Kojima. I personally love Kojima, he has supplied hundreds of hours of at least semi-intelligent entertainment to me. I have never once visited Reddit.
Reddit mostly hates Kojima. This is because of the epic DSP maymay where he yells "Kojima!" and then sucks at the game. Around the time when /vg/ was created, Reddit and Sup Forums officially merged into one website, that website of course being this one. Don't mistake Reddit opinions for how most of Sup Forums feels. You can filter this out with this simple formula:
>Is the post retarded?
Someone from Reddit is visiting
>Does the post contain epic memes?
Someone from Reddit is visiting
>Is the post longer, with intelligent arguments/subtle humor?
A hardened Sup Forumseteran is doing what he does best
ohh, look at the pretentious anonymous
His fan base consists of manchildren who have done nothing but play video games their whole lives, so they consider him an intellectual. As a result, Kojima has a grossly over-inflated ego, which causes him to create increasingly horrible products.
Because he's not Hideo.
This can't be serious.
He has yet to prove that he can stand on his own two feet without a co-writer stopping him tripping over his own ass
Maybe Death Stranding will be the game that proves he doesn't need someone holding his hand?
Probably not
because Sup Forums is nintendogaf.
Why is he always squinting?
He has a co-writer in Eat Standing. Probably a Dietitian.
>Hypes a game with tons of promise
>It has all the worst things modern western games have
>Its not even finished
Not even going to touch his next one
fuck rock-star / celebrity developers. They (almost) always let their success go to their heads and start surrounding themselves with yes-men, George Lucas style.
the best game makers keep a relatively low profile, like Hideaki Itsuno and Bruce Straley
Phantom Pain: Boring desert and jungle filled with copy-pasted outposts.
Woah what a genius
He's a hack
He is the Japanese Peter Molyneux