It makes no sense to not own a gaming PC now with the RX 480

It makes no sense to not own a gaming PC now with the RX 480.

It's already better than a GTX 980 and better performance boosting drivers will eventually come, now to mention you can overclock it.

This is a 1440p/60fps card

^ This build and an 8GB RX 480 comes to under $500, it's never been cheaper to build a good PC.

Seriously, build a fucking PC.

Other urls found in this thread:,24.html

you'll be saying the same thing next year

You forgot the list.

I did, fuck.


>Posting without benchmarks
Nigga u stupid.
I won't be surprised if this thing manages to just about reach 50fps 1080p running the Witcher 3.

We only have leaks for the next 10 days, until the NDA ends, leaks look nice though. Also it'll smash TW3 as long as hair works is off.

>only 60fps


No thanks, I'm not a consolenigger.

Play at 1080p if you wanna use your 120hz/144hz monitor.

It will smash witcher 3 with hair works maxed at 1080p. My 290x gets 40fps on average with everything maxed.


wheres your case, and your os?

Are you sure you can get all your stuff to fit in that micro motherboard?

What about cooling? Fx stuff tends to run pretty hot, and the stock coolers tend to be shit.

You're probably going to need a better power supply too, since a is one of the most important things in your pc.

>a psu

Forgot that important part of my nitpicking

Everyone already has a PC for work and communicating and porn and whatnot. Everyone who wants to matter in the modern world anyway.

Turning it into a "gaming" PC is nothing more than putting a GPU into it and getting a controller.

enjoy your 4K on low settings


Case added, fixed, still in the $500-510 range

Also everyone pirates their OS, everyone.

And no, RX 480 is a 150 watt card, this is more than enough even to overclock it.

It sips power.

Most people only have laptops user, desktops are dead for casual use.

It's better than the 390x which does 60fps 4K ultra in most games not named The Witcher,24.html

>4K on a small monitor

Haha! You fell for the 4K meme.

Shit tier PSU and CPU. 0/10

My 280x manages that

I fell for the GTX1080 meme.

>Most people only have laptops user
Sad if true. We're not talking about the first world, obviously.

30fps 4K, I typed 60 by mistake.

It does 1440p 60

That is terrible.

Murrica and not a single person I know besides PC gaming friends have desktops.


Retard here. I was gonna wait for the 1070 but I might just get this when it releases.

What would make someone get a 1070 over this card?
You could get two of these and still save $50, is the 1070 really as good for how expensive it is?

At least with nvidia you can avoid their sabotageware, still not sure whether that's just a meme though or AMD cards are just shit in general

$200 just seems way too good to be true considering even a 970 is still way higher than that

You said 4K low settings.

This is 4K max settings on a weaker AMD card doing 30-40fps stable

You'll get 50-60fps at 4K with an RX 480 overclocked and once the better drivers hit stable 60.

But it's not out yet? It's literally impossible to have a PC with a 480 now.

I can confirm that nobody is my small Commiefornia town has a desktoo for casual use. Mostly because they only use the internet to whine about whites and retreat to their safe spaces.

>What would make someone get a 1070 over this card?
It's a better card but a far worse value.

The RX 480 is the perfect card for anyone who doesn't have a ton of disposable income, it's still very much a high end card.

Absolutely dreadful performance.
And it's AMD, so good luck with those drivers.

Only 10 more days


I live in Massachusetts and I know quite a few people with desktops for work/gaming.

Non suburb nor business class, I'm assuming? How do they do real production work? Screen is too small for art, only one monitor, can't watch multimedia on it, can't game on it. Very low productivity. Laptops are for jerkoffs and students.

am i going to need to preorder somewhere so i dont have to pay a scalper for it 2 days after release?

Aren't only reference cards being released?

>FX CPU in 2016
>$30 PSU

Jesus H fuck user

Close enough less than 2 weeks.

Anyone can wait 12 fucking days.

I was just saying the OP is stupid for making this thread right now.

Maryland, Baltimore County.

No desktops except to PC gamers.

Normies use laptops and ipads.

Actually it's 4k at above console settings. PS4 Neo will have a downclocked version of the 480. Xbone Scorpio will have a similar chip, too.

4k medium settings for $199 is pretty good.
480 will play games at high-ultra settings at 2560x1440. If you OC it will come very close to 980ti/Fury X levels of performance.

>tfw still running an i3 4130/750ti
>works just fine, plays modern games on medium at the very least.

Polaris has VERY high yields, that's why it's so fucking cheap.

Pascal yields are shit, that's why Founders(Reference) cards came first and are higher than MSRP.


Now I know you're trolling.

SLI and crossfire are a rich fag feature that only gives you less or equal to 10% increase in performance depending on the optimization of the game. Spend it if you've got it, otherwise the performance per dollar is wasted. All previous 980's and under are getting a price cut due to the new cards, (I haven't read anything yet about AMD price cuts) I assume AMD will follow suit.

>4k medium settings for $199 is pretty good.
That's if you want 60fps+ all the time, you can max it on an overclocked 480 and I bet you'll be getting 45-60fps anyway.

No, T-mobile is VERY popular here and has $0 down for iPads even for people with bad credit as long as they had a line open for a year or more.

They are very popular with the nog audience.

Can I run skyrim with full texture mods and ENB (one of the good ones) at 1440p60 with this?

Skyrim just seems like a popular benchmark since everyone has played it at least for a minute, and my HD 6950 can't really do both 1440p and enb, it's one or the other. i really need a new video card

I've been carefully thinking about getting a gaming PC, finally deciding against it. Here is my logic:

1. Games worth playing (EU4, Vicky2, Stone Soup, Civ6, Xcom, La Mulana 2) run fine on my 256mb VRAM hunk of crap.

2. Games that are shit (W3, Fallout, literally everything not mentioned above) are what require an upgrade.

3. Future games which might be good are going to be the same dull colorless casualized CPU-overheating shallow unfun garbage that the Xbox One and PC have been plagued with all this time.

I'll be putting my money towards teh NX. It's going to be weak, it's not going to have any multiplats, but what it will have are fun games with intense gameplay which did not have to be comprised to meet the absurd demands of 4k gaming budgets.

Am I mad or does this all seem reasonable to you?

Just pay slightly more for quality hardware and the PC will last twice as long:

>Spend $460 on two 8GB RX 480s
>Have 16GB Vram for DX12 games
>Better than GTX 1080 performance
>Overclock for even more power
>Mayeb add water blocks later to go even farther.

That value, fuck.

AMD is going for a full launch because the point of the card is mass appeal. If there was a shortage and it was price gouged up to $300+ it'd be a PR nightmare. AMD don't have the privilege of having thousands of idiots willing to overpay for a card by $200 to get it sooner.

>less or equal to 10% increase in performance

ehh, I wonder where you got this figure? That doesn't really sound right.

Solid bait build.

I'd still be on my 6870 if it weren't for VR.

VRAM does not double in DX12. Each card still needs to store all the assets.

A single overclocked 480 offers huge value for money. It's close to 1070 performance for half the price.
Dual 480 is more trouble than its worth probably. In a few years when all games are DX12 it might be good, but for now you still have a lot of DX11.

2500k barebones build for $300, slap a RX 480 in this and be done.

DX12 allows you to use both cards vram simultaneously, you're not locked to one cards vram like in DX11.

>16GB of VRAM
bruh that's not how that works.

>Corsair CX
This is not a PC but a timebomb.

and games will likely not support it well and you will be forced to turn one off because it fucks with games

There is literally no reason game to buy a PC.
I paid 1000$ for mine thinking that I would be playing lots of games but I just play CSGO nowadays since every game is fucking shit.

DX12 has support for Vram stacking.

yes, but for obvious reasons each card still needs access to all the textures and models in the scene, which is what most of the VRAM is used for anyway.

Not that VRAM is a problem with 8GB. No game will use that much for the forseeable future.

>This is a 1440p/60fps card
>playing on a meme resolution with a meme brand card

Mirrors Edge 2 hits upto 7.5GB vram in 1080p.

yo someone toss me a good 1151 mobo to buy thanks in advance

Well fuck me don't I know nothing

Everything is a meme, right my friend?
Kill yourself.

not an argument

I see where you are coming from, there is no point in upgrading if new games don't appeal to you.
The only modern game that interested me and I couldn't run was Dark Souls 3.
Is it worth to spend a couple hundred bucks on upgrades for a single game? Probably not.

4k or bust.

1440p is a confirmed meme ass resolution friend. As for AMD, i think their general crappiness speaks for itself.

Can you express your ideas without using meme words like meme?

Only on "hyper" settings, which include downsampling and ridiculous draw distance. Those settings were sponsored by Nvidia (they don't hide this. They advertise this). Obviously to make the 6GB 980ti run like shit.

not to mention you can crossfire your 480x with the amd cpu, so maybe i'd go for 16gb of ram to be completely future-proof

insane performance for under 500$


But there are no PC exclusives

I can't, I'm poor.

>skyrim as a benchmark

This fucking guy.

Card hasnt launched and when it does itll have a myriad of problems. It wont work with all games, gameworks still exists, and pcs will be bluescreening all over the place. Not to mention the 480 will be roasted by the 1070 and the 1080.

Fuck pc and fuck pc gaming.

>wheres your case, and your os?

Cases can be reused.

The OS can be reused too, unless you buy an OEM copy like a dipshit. If you're actually going to buy an OS, just get a fucking retail copy; you think you're saving money with the OEM version, but if you have to buy the OEM version twice, you've already wasted money.

>the [insert GPU] is made for [resolution]

What is with this meme? That's not how graphics or GPUs work at all.

>not waiting for Zen

Just wait a few more months, Intell will be blown away just like Nvidia.

>crossfire your 480x with the amd cpu

kek. why does this remind me of a nigger putting huge, shitty speakers in his trunk?

Spotted the butthurt console kiddie.

PRO TIP: Never in your fucking life buy for SLI/Crossfire. At least not until it's a standard.

Look, I'm pretty interested in the 480, but that's the SAME thing said for the 780, and Doom fucking demolishes that card, I'm not expecting anything more than pretty decent 1080p AAAs
>This is a 1440p/60fps card

Is it buggy or something?

remove the CD drive, you don't need it

>what are target points

how much more powerful than a 780ti is the rx480? i want to switch to team red but i have been out of the loop for a while

im sorry r/pcmr, should i have used the latest cdpr fagman adventure circlejerk game with the gay cat eyes? sheeeesh!

not very well supported. Drivers have a hard time synchronizing them. This causes microstutter and game issues that don't support crossfire.

developers and GPU makers are moving away from it

Games don't support it well, developers do not go out of their way to make it work well or work at all.

I can't buy used for the life of me

I wanna upgrade for smooth 1080/60 gaming whats my best choice?

I am thinking waiting for 1060 but then it might be ~300$

I'm just waiting on reviews and benchmarks, seems like a decent stop gap until we know what's needed for high end VR.

>better performance boosting drivers will eventually come

You haven't been into computers for very long have you?

Benchmark or it is shit by default.

AMD 480x is 200 and is gonna meet that point easily