What kind of vidya ass do you like most?

Athletic butts which look firm


Normal, female butts which look soft and jiggly


Athletic, please. OP ass is definitely athletic

Why athletic?

Never had athletic but soft and jiggly >>>>>>> flat

what game

which game?

Curious how this didnt get the attentions of todays sjw politically correct culture of faggots who cry over everything.

The grievance industry doesn't make bank off of small fish.

Devil's Third

whats her name

Jane Doe

Chubby butts are cutest

still cant find a nice large hd shot of her back side like the op pic

oh well

Got an example image of chubby butt?

300lb black woman with a ass full of craters because of the heavy cellulite


You can't just stick vidya in front of something and call it video game discussion user.

more examples, that looks normal

Examples of what?


Many kinds but not cellulite asses.

thats a man

Pudding does a body good.

Small firm with a bubble shape is the patrician taste of ass, anything else just pales in comparison.

You say that like it makes a difference.

>implying anybody thought it was a girl's

High test like this tbqh

What? Naw, that's just your imagination.

>obligatory yes,and? reaction

fucking source

Would still fuck her, it's a feminine dick.

got sauce vid on these gifs?

I always knew Sup Forums was the gayest board here

I dunno, some girl.

>tfw you will never fuck a trap again

Good taste


These are morphs but I don't care, they get my dick hard

Whatever Cammy has in SFV
So I guess athletic and squat goddess

Wii U exclusive



Lowest standards possible.



I love a white woman with black women's butt

Soft round butts are best butts

these are men. these are all men.

The only worthwhile thing out of Shit Fighter V

No, I just got them from, you know, totally straight threads.




Wow she's gotten fucking huge

They are not men and you are not gay for liking feminine dicks.

oh well

*failed men

Looks like a fucking cripple

Weight gain is the best fucking fetish there is, my man


this goddamn. i love it though

I don't know man I like Chunners thickness as well.
Watching Cummy hurt her with her legs or vice versa does good things for my blood flow

Is that a black plastic bag on her head?

>liking traps
how does it feel to be gay, user?

Prove it.

uhm, traps are girls

can't say it's not true, but that's literaly what gets them off, you know? doesn't work as an insult

>girls with dicks