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haha that is so funny! xD
I want this.... I WANT THIS NOW!
I'm... kinda okay with this.
I'm just curious as to where Blizzard would actually fuck around and use it in-game, or if this is just fanwank or whatever.
That is pretty funny
at least i ts the japanese interpretation of an otaku instead of some goofy western one.
i will buy overwatch 10 times if that was an actual skin
so cliffy b is a weeb?
No, just desperate for attention.
>newfaggots misusing waifu again
As always, weebs are the pathetic ones.
He also got Asuka mousepad and when peopel asked about it he went "Hahahaa, I don't know who she is :)"
It's just trendy to like wacky Japanese things ironically.
>Sniffing pantsu for 300 hp
>lain on no list
this is why they're all shit
Yeah, those damn weebs. Thankfully we are the better board!
>those Sup Forums picks
wew lad
You can't get away from weebs on Sup Forums regardless of the board.
I hate how you faggots have bastardized the term waifu to this point
Any more?
no u
There's nothing wrong with Pani Poni Dash
>anime /o/ likes
Where's the JUST version?
He knows he just doesn't want to reveal his minimal power level.
I'm sure he is. I remember seeing him in an interview wearing a t-shirt with this picture on it.
Inital D needs to be under anime Sup Forums likes
>shitty western art
>look he's a weeb XD
>all those Sup Forums-core games on the Sup Forums side
is this shopped or is that his actual haircut?
I'd use an otaku roadhog skin
>anime influence
I don't see it
There's good shit in all three columns tho
I fucking hate this nigger meme
And all those anime liked by Sup Forums also on Sup Forums and /m/ sides of the anime chart. Your point?
>when the internet is mad when you say awesome overwatch has an anime influence and you see this sort of thing
Has anyone really been far even as decided to?
I understand you're short on symbols in Twitter but fucking hell at least try to make it intelligible.
>huff panties to heal
That's actually pretty good
Melee should have been idol glowsticks though
Dude everyone knows other boards have better taste in things they aren't specialized in.
Sup Forums has better vidya taste/discussion, but Sup Forums has better anime taste and discussion.
this is why I hate this fucking stupid board
this happens because each board follow a fad and even if you think each board is contrarian they are consumer level.
so, if you ask someone outside Sup Forums, they will have better taste than Sup Forums itself because they are not in the same environment filled with fads, memes and marketing than the average Sup Forums likes
for the same reason, Sup Forums and /tg/ have better taste in video games because they don't fall into the shit that spin in most Sup Forums. They don't care about E3, LP youtubers, fads of the month, generic moba shit.
>no God Hand
>no Torment
Man, Sup Forums can't even troll right when they're given a fucking blueprint.
There are a few GOAT anime in each column
>Characters with iconic designs and shallow backstories that try to seem deep
Hell, Widowmaker's backstory is literally from a mindbreak doujin.
Cliffy B turned into a fat fuck
He used to just be the annoying Seth Green manlet of games.
Why are they raping my husbando?
he's salty as fuck that OverWatch is already successful from day 1 and LawBreakers might not even be good.
>implying grabbing and molesting/killing waifus with that skin wouldn't be rad as fuck
If anything, joke skins and seasonal skins (swimsuits, Halloween/Christmas skins, etc) would be fun.
>hmm what should the melee weapon be
>o right, a pillow
It's kind of comforting to see with so much drama in the VG scene it's kinda nice seeing cliffy b somehow some way keeps coming up with funky ass shit like every single day.
He was an ass before he left game development. He was an ass when he got back.
That only makes sense. Of course the boards will focus on most recent releases/happenings of their subject, so older stuff won't be discussed as much as new things, since those have already been talked. Despite how popular Umisho was on Sup Forums when it was airing, you won't see any discussion about it anymore.
So you'll get relatively more fresh topics about things that aren't necessarily the board's subject, as those haven't been discussed to death yet.
Man, no one has used waifu to mean "actual wife" since like a year after the anime came out. For the vast, vast majority of the term 'waifu' has been around, it has been meant the other way.
>Sup Forums
>better anime taste and discussion
You forgot your Umaru picture.
>Metal Wolf Chaos
I love how NOBODY has played this game due to its elusive Japanese Xbox exclusive status (a la SMT NINE), yet people pretend they are huge fans of it purely because of the memes and demand FromSoft make a sequel. It is arguably the archetypical meme game, at best you're hoping it's a decent Armored Core clone, but you'll never even know.
>sniffing pantsu
I don't care how shit this image is that made me laugh.
No, Sup Forums just has the worst taste in literally everything
have you ever seen a fucking music thread here?
Why do humans feel the compulsion to attention-whore on twitter?
Lain would be Sup Forums
On music
>Sup Forums: shares music they like, compare and discover new artists, help others that are new to a genre
>Sup Forums: muh patrician music, stop enjoying things you plebs
where the fuck is redline
There is not nearly enough cum stains on that pillow
>haha bros check out these sick waifus
>man bro how many waifus you got haha ive got 6 from this season alone
>man love libe has the best waifus haha
and i thought seasonal waifus were bad
>CliffB hasn't been relevant for years
>CliffB turned fat as fuck and is basically a lazy fat fucker
>CliffB's new game LawBreakers looks fucking awful and he knows Overwatch has 10 million sold copies
>CliffB proceeds to attention whore everywhere by talking crap about Overwatch
Fucking kek, I'm not even gonna buy his shitty game.
>liking brawl
That can be said about basically anything. Sup Forums can have a civilized discussion about music, literature, porn, or basically anything that isn't videogames.
>not having Samurai Flamenco for /m/
They are THE sentai board as well.
It is his actual haircut. Just go watch the treehouse stream.
what is he talking about
who is mad about this
Stupid Sup Forums poster doesn't understand boards. If you want that pic to be accurate then you have to accept Sup Forums encompasses the whole list. Sup Forums doesnt turn its nose up to some anime just because it's shit. Cherrypicking is the privilege of offtopic shitposting anime discussions in other boards.
Sup Forums hates every anime on the left except Nichijou and maybe Madoka
Parents tell kids they're special, kids raised on being filmed get that positive reinforcement, media says all your emotions and needs are super important and you're a special person, you crave that attention and start streaming or posting on twitter, or facebook, you crave the likes, the views, the thumbs up. It's an addiction, it doesn't matter if the attention you're getting is positive or negative, you just want more. That power, that fanbase, is every bit as powerful as crack.
Welp, time to never use the word waifu ever again
>No Evangelion
Pleb tier lists.
Unless that videogame is Kirby
it's almost the exact opposite. music thread on Sup Forums usually devolve into teens trying to one-up each other by professing to enjoy more brutal metal than everyone else. Sup Forums has tons of constructive threads amid all the signalling and shitposting.
Literally no one on Sup Forums has heard of Chobits though
You should visit the Vaporwave/Retrowave threads in here, when they show up.
>Pani Poni Dash
No problem here
>Tracer's in a floral print bikini with a bandana around her neck and water shoes
>Lucio's got a full wetsuit on
>Mercy has a red swimsuit and a gauzy, white, off the hip skirt and lace up sandals
>Roadhog has a banana hammock and a full sunburn and Wellingtons
>Reinhardt is wearing Speedos over his armor
>Winston is wearing a small life jacket underneath a bigger life jacket and floaties on all four limbs
>'s mech takes on a submarine theme and her bikini is paired with a small sailor's cap
>Mei is wearing a T shirt and shorts over her swimsuit as well as a fannypack
>Junkrat is just completely naked
>Salty fag mad his metal isn't heavy enough to break a scale if he drops his mp3 player on it
>that one Disney Flash game
>Frozen browser game
This smarmy cunt is insufferable. Can't wait until his new game crashes and burns like Battleborn
Shadow the Hedgehog is a good game though.
Dude I would main roadhog if this was legit
>Sup Forums doesnt turn its nose up to some anime just because it's shit.
So if I went there and asked them about Naruto, what kind of response would I get?
>Sup Forums making fun of us again
Normies have been killing the word years ago
old news
Occasionally we have prog rock related thread, and everything prog related is posted from Yes to King Crimson.
As a Prog fan, Sup Forums seems to have pretty chill tastes.
But naruto threads are allowed on Sup Forums now grandpa
granpa it's Activision stop pretending otherwise.
>hurr durr Sup Forums is moeshit
You would get naruto discussion you fat manchild
>all these people falling for those obvious bait images
Its summer.
>King Crimson
I thought that was more of a Jojo thing. But on the other hand the series is old as fuck so it would be no wonder to see a band named after one of the stands.
>this bitch made your edgy cod rip off with gravity bubbles is already crushed by Blizzard before you even leave alpha