Damn, Scott, you're going Lovecraft on us now. I love it

Damn, Scott, you're going Lovecraft on us now. I love it.

Other urls found in this thread:


I think the harlequin robot is cute

>going Lovecraft
How so?

She likes you, too.

That doesn't look remotely lovecraftian

Look at that thing. The cloest we had in the previous games was Mangle, and she was still recognizable parts. This thing's just a mass of wires with a half-built face. Especially jarring compared to the four we've seen in SL.

It's suitably creepy, but I wouldn't really associate it with Lovecraftian themes.



OP confirmed for underage who's never read a book in his life, the perfect audience for a FNAF game

How the hell is he still going with this shit? At least come up with something new already.

Lovecraftian doesn't mean tentacles dipshit.

Lovecraftian means otherworldly or alien with motives beyond human comprehension.

>series need to 'try new things'

No thanks, too many series do that and look where they end up.

You're fucking retarded.

>if you don't read lovecraft you're underage

Is reading him part of what makes you an adult now?

>"Lovecraftian" means "the bad guy's got tentacles"

I hope you fall into a bottomless pit and die of starvation.

>Lovecraft is literally tentacles XD

if you try to comment on an author's style without knowing a single thing about them or their work, you're either mentally retarded or underaged

Has the style changed much gameplay wise?

Haven't seen much beyond the first game.

Or you simply don't know and are working from heresay, which is exactly what Sup Forums does all the time regarding everything.

shitposters begone.

People who saw the trailer are all look "oh my god you can explore!"
They said the same thing when 4 was revealed, it wasn't that different, only it relied more on sound than everything else.
What I'm saying is "don't hold your breath".

2, 3, and 4 were still "you trying to survive being killed by robots", though they had different mechanics: 2 had a Freddy Mask and flashlight with a music box you needed to keep wound; 3 had you use the cameras and a voice recording to keep the one dangerous animatronic away while pahntoms of the others disabled your systems; 4 was a child in his bedroom running between doors and the closet while checking on the bed behind him. Sister Location looks like it has some kind of free roam, the trailer showed that you can move through vents between at least two different rooms.

FNAF World is an RPG.

is this the infamous millenial lack of responsiblity at work?

>i-i'm not at fault it's society that's w-wrong! b-books are for idiots!!

lmao got back to jacking it to niggers you sorry excuse of a cuck

>i-i'm not at fault it's society that's w-wrong! b-books are for idiots!!

How the fuck did you come to that Evil Kenivel-sized "You haven't read one author that means you think books suck!" leap of illogic?

I think OP means that the OP's robot doesn't look like a robot. If we go by the presumption that OP is an illiterate faggot, it's a reasonable assumption for him to make that this pile of tentacle wires is "Lovecraftian"

But in this case he should've just said "otherworldly" or "chthonic".

It could just be a cutscene in the trailer. Nobody knows, I wouldn't hold my breath though.

This new robot wasn't in the trailer.


I was with you until you misused millenial, completely fucking your point. Unless you're 40, you're one too.