>tfw EU fag
>tfw have to wait an entire month longer than muricans to get this
Why is this allowed?
>tfw EU fag
>tfw have to wait an entire month longer than muricans to get this
Why is this allowed?
Considering yurocucks are decades behind America in everything else, you should be glad you're only waiting a month for this.
At least it's not like Zero Time Dillema, where EU just doesn't get a physical relase and amazon cancels all preorders
Annoying that the original isn't on the disk for the PS4 version, there's no good reason for it.
Vita I understand, but there's no way 2 is using na entire BluRay
Just wait for the superior PC version, don't be a cuck. If you buy this shit you will be sending the wrong message to the industry.
>SAO and tokyo ghoul
into the fucking trash it goes FUCK i actually wanted this as well
>ps4 version
For what purpose
Feels good being behind in being overweight.
We might get the game a month earlier, but you get to have loads of mideast immigrants in exchange!
>no community at all
>people will just use a trainer because they can't beat certain Gods
It's not allowed.
That why you aren't waiting one month but actually TWO FUCKING months.
Fucking hell.
What about PSN?
Will it be on there same time as US?
Order through play-asia. t. Play-Asia shill.
>b-but muh community
At least the game will be rock solid 1080/60fps. Also how is having more options a bad thing? If someone wants to skip the grinding it's up to him, why on earth would you want less choice for the consumer kiddo?
They have to translate it into european first and add more diversity before they're allowed to release it in europe, and then add VAT and consult with a committee in brusselsprouts (the EU's capital). All that takes time OP, as the japanese would say "shoukanaye: it cannot be harmed by fish."
Have a (You).
Stop baiting.
I didn't know you yurocucks play console games.
I thought you play only CSGO or LOL on PC all time
>I only play these for the single player experience
>massive cheating to skip parts of the game because pcfats are too bad and too lazy to git gud is what makes PC gaymin so great!
> God Eater Resurrection comes out at end of month
> no reason to buy it when it comes free with God Eater 2 in august
Now I have to wait 2 whole months after Resurrection comes out before I can play it just so I can save some money.
>"opinions I don't like are bait"
he's very agressive but he's right though. the smartest thing to do is to wait for the pc version, it will have more options, better performance, mods ect..
maybe you should move out a cucked continent
already ordered from VGP. It's just 2 pounds more than it would've been from amaozon, delivery included
Isn't that also the matter of porting a PSP game to ps4?
>there's no good reason for it
they don't want people to buy the game used
>i wont support your game because your preorder bonuses/DLC are not what I like
don't fall for that bait
>upscaled vita graphics
>Only on PS4
>dub only
just saves me the money
*also on PC
thanks tips
i'll pirate the PC version once there's an undub.
You get physical copies for Vita or PS4 that come with a free voucher for Resurrection while America doesn't get Vita physical or Vita buy one get one free.
Digital Preorders of Rage Burst give you a free copy of Resurrection at release.
If you're waiting for a physical copy then you'll have to wait, sorry.
Punishment for needing us to save you in both world wars.
But UK only needs the US version since we can understand the same shit.
>Digital Preorders of Rage Burst give you a free copy of Resurrection at release.
They don't even have Rage Burst up for preorder on PSN. And they most likely won't until a week before Rage Burst comes out.
On the stream I'm pretty sure they said they'd put up the digital preorder for Rage Burst on the day that Resurrection launches.
So how does this crossplay with PS4/Vita thing work?
Wasn't there a Vita version?
Digital only for NA. Physical for EU.
>an entire month
I heard EUfags are still waiting for games that came out on the 3DS years ago in NA. A month actually isn't that long user.