You better had bought my game, you dolt!
You better had bought my game, you dolt!
What makes girls with silver hair and light blue eyes so cute?
I'm just not sure what makes them so attractive.
>You better had bought
Now that Monty has been dead for a while, can we all stop pretending RWBY is good?
epic meme
But it is good, so your opinion is wrong.
Shame it wasn't a side-scrolling beat em up
Fightan game would also be acceptable
Fuck you
>it is good
I like it myself user but let's drop this pretense that it's good.
If anything it only got decent after he died
Silver hair with Red eyes is better.
and deep brown skin
and abs
and high heels
I had to get drunk to finish v3. Is that bad?
I'm actually prelim designs for a fighter. Of course,that shit won't ever actually come put so what ever.
if you like something you think it is good
Eh, I prefer just the pure light design I guess.
They're cute.
But I do like darker colored girls sometimes.
When you look affectionately at a retard baby do you really think its good?
this show is bad
I-I'm sorry, I don't know what game that is. If you tell me, I'll buy your game.
why can't you faggots just stay in /trash/ where you belong?
>When you look affectionately at a retard baby do you really think its good?
What did he mean by this?
I'm Sorry who Is this?
what the fuck are you going on about
have you seen it
maybe if you contained more than 2 1/2 frames of animation
Seriously where do you even rank people that watch what is essentially weebshit made by fags from the US?
It's porn is good though, so it can continue to exist.
It means you're an alcoholic.
way do you retards pretend rwby only does this
That's bad grammar, you dip.
Who the fuck are you
It's so bad it's not even laughable, it's just plain pathetic
that's just sad
The animation here is actually good, even if it is ugly as sin.
Take RT's cock out of your mouth and shill on Sup Forums instead of here.
really nigga
Wasn't the art style in this naruto episode like this on purpose because of the manga or some shit?
Regardless of that it still looks pretty good tho.
the RT one is just ugly as sin
no the manga looked good you fucking fool
Can somebody explain why they like this series?
To me it just seems like concentrated anime tropes.
very low standards.
way do you give a shit
qt grills
>needing to cherry pick QUALITY shots from shows a decade or more apart
>everything in RWBY looks like complete dogshit 100% of the time
Because I enjoy the characters, like the story and the soundtrack is pretty gud.
stay mad
>the manga looked good
RWBY is Shite
I did and I regret it because none of my friends are into RWBY
incredibly shitty tastes
look it up fag
Oh you know.
>bad animation is okay because other things have bad animation too
I watched some of Season 3, it was okay for what it was, kinda like watching the cutscenes of a Naruto game, with a seemingly better plot since anything from Shounen Jump is putrid vomit, takes nothing to do better.
Is it me or the only shit VA is Cinder? Not like the rest is top tier or anything, but there's something about her acting that sounds off, because she sounds like she's fucking acting basically.
Why would i
People watch this crap?
Anime girls fighting is not a genre is short supply
>when you can't post a single example of good animation from this trash show
Loving every laugh
>I shouldn't have to prove my own points, you do it
I love RWBY but that game looks like ass.
I want to fuck Winter.