Am I not supposed to enjoy this game?

Am I not supposed to enjoy this game?

I suffered through the tedious opening, then the utterly miserable stealth. And now i'm supposed to play with the sticks to make music?

I turned the game off, and have no intention of ever playing it again. Unless someone tells me it magically gets better.

It magically gets better.

Zelda games are all simplistic and kiddie, you got fooled by Nintoddlers.

Play through the Dragon Roost dungeon
If you still don't like it just drop it, it will just get worse onwards

I know right? He should just play mature games like call of duty or dark souls like us mature people hey?



Hey OP, just posting to let you know this little faggot doesn't know what he's talking about.

I played and loved every game in the series until WW. It's precisely the point where the series started to lose its way. It is very pretty and has a nice story, but that's all it has going for it. It's boring and unfinished. You are right to drop it.

Wait for Breath of the Wild and forget everything between it and Majora's Mask. The series is finally getting back on track.


It's very telling that you didn't even attempt to address of refute what I said.

Post picture of save or it's just shitposting.

No its boring as fuck

Its a piece of shit. Sailing is awful and nothing about the game is memorable aside from its visual aesthetic.

Some of Sup Forums will tell you Twilight Princess is no better but I thought it saved the series after WW's fumble

No the begging is the good part, it gets bad after tower of the gods.

>dropping a Zelda game before the first fucking dungeon
w e w


I'm also playing this for the first time (just passed the second dungeon), and while I don't hate it, I'm a little ambivalent.

Who's idea was it to give you a big ol' ocean, then when you try to explore it your fucking boat goes "nah fuck you we're not going that way".

>anything but Link

Just drop it right now you'll never survive the triforce quest.

>nah fuck you we're not going that way
Doesn't that only happen if you reach the edge?

Was forbidden fortress not the first dungeon? I hated it so much I felt like throwing up.


Shit opinion.
Minish cap is a top tier zelda game

Fortress is only bad the first time you play it, it takes 5 minutes on subsequent playthroughs

nigger pls

It actually does magically get better. I hated the stealth portion and the tedious intro myself and this is still my favorite zelda game.

Not a dungeon

It's incredibly overrated. Does not deserve all the praise it gets, especially in its original form.

The game opens up pretty quickly after the first dungeon, but the problem is that sailing is so incredibly slow and tedious that you'll probably not even feel like bothering with the sidequests.

Those parts and the chore triforce hunting bullshit are the worst of the game, the in between is pretty good. The game also has decent combat with satisfying move which is a shame given how easy enemies are.

Zelda is one of those games that either you get or you don't, kinda like Shenmue, because both aged like shit also.

Real forsaken fortress dungeon comes later

Shenmue doesn't age mate, WW has aged nicely also.

Have you been smoking that stuff again?

But I like all the other Zelda games. Even Twilight Princess, despite it's obvious flaws.


you cant actually explore the ocean until you get all 3 orbs. The KoRL says "fuck you, we cant go that way yet, we have to go this way"

Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure that's only for the trip to Dragon Roost. I remember visiting a shit ton of islands before completing the second dungeon. You do kind of get railroaded into getting the third orb after the second though.

He's full of shit. You can explore anything you want before getting all of the pearls as long as it's not too far out of the way.

10/10 joke lad, good job forgetting the beginning of the game entirely

this is after leaving dragon roost

Is this a meme?

you misspellt jamal

you are allowed to travel wherever you want after completing the forest temple.

The game opens up completely after reaching greatfish isle (except for the forsaken fortress square and the squares adjacent to it, which become available after the tower of gods). Need dungeon items like the hookshot / mirror shield / fire&ice arrows to get to many of the inaccessible places

I always call myself Dani.

Exploring was pretty boring in WW really. You mostly just found small islands with puzzles on that you probably didn't even have the item to solve yet.

The only things that stuck out to me as interesting were the sea monster and using the warp to get the the great fairy's island.

forsaken fortress and Nikos rope training were a mistake
>make a kiddie game for beginner gamers with bright colourful graphics, cute bubbly music and chibi characters, some are little girls
>after 30 minutes throw the player into an area where all they can do is walk around and get lost, usually getting thrown in jail multiple times unless you've done it before and already know what to do
Worst "dungeon" in the whole series and possibly all of video games, Skyward Sword excluded because we're going to pretend Tutorial: The Game doesn't even exist

it's actually really straight forward but remember losing my way in it easily, and I was in middle school at the time

good taste. short game, but every part of it had me engrossed. Not many games have done that.

as long as you don't fall down it's easy but you won't know that unless you have gamefags, a guide or already did it once before. I remember spending hours in that place and not only hate that part of the game but all fucking stealth games.
>oh what's that? you were SEEN by an AI? HAHA enjoy your wasted time lmfao
shit genre for people with shit taste