Buyfag thread
Keep it Sup Forums related
Managed to get a tracer. Now waiting for
Buyfag thread
Keep it Sup Forums related
Managed to get a tracer. Now waiting for
I bought S76 and Pharah. I even bought a GAYMEN LootCrate subscription since they're apparently going to have an exclusive Overwatch item and I'm afraid it's going to be a Funko Pop
Loot crate probably gonna be a tracer skin variant.
>starting buyfag thread with Poop vinyl garbage
Do autist actually buy this crap? Fucking McDonald's toys look better than this shit.
They've confirmed several times over it's going to be a physical thing
this kek
Is this a custom one? it seems to be of very bad quality
>me and ex start collecting pops while we were together
>I had over 60
>now selling them to her since we broke up
>gonna use the funds to build a pc and buy some JoJo Sas
Normalfags go fucking insane for these. Despite 90% of these things being worthless due to how they print the everloving shit out them, they have some sort of value once they're taken off store shelves. And for $10-15, you get what you pay for
>Laptop with OSX
Is this the most normie post of all time?
no. desu I don't really collect funko pop. this is my first funko because I really love tracer
i typically collect nendoroids
>Overwatch Pop
Fucking great pic OP. All the elements are there, and the way it shots really emphasizes it all.
Dont forget
This guy did nothing right.
Post manly figures
Do people actually like the look of giant square heads and featureless faces save for black circles and a triangle?
The only pop vinyls I've seen that look close to good are the ones with helmets or masks that don't have that sameface. pic related
Got ar tonelico artbook and monohime onsen fig on the way, exciting
I'll start this thread off right.
>POP shit
Love the metal gear arm and the killer instict figure
>That paint job
Fucko Pop really is cheap shit
I wanna see the butt
I want the towel to drop
I have this on pre-order.
Fuck off shill.
Wow these are lewd as fuck, I'd post the ass shots but I think some mod wants hotpockets.
Just got this last week.
Link to where you found it? I want the butts
>Now waiting for
you're a pedophile
Ruined by mari
rate my display no bully
Why do people buy these? Not bating, genuinely curious
>buying shit tier western poorfag figures
Damn, I'm not a big fan of GOW or anything, but that's a nice fig
Too much transformers and sentai shit but the Godzilla figures make you a cool dude.
what is this chinese sweat shop abortion
They're popular because they are popular.
Doesn't make sense but it's true.
They're cheap, available at so many stores, and are guaranteed to have figures of at least a few things you like. It's completely a matter of preference, but the Funko Pop style isn't as bad as Redditors like to make them seem
Sleep tight reap tight
But Reddit is Funko's main audiance so I'm not sure what you're saying?
Yeah, it's got some statue quality sculpting going on. I only paid $15 for him too.
Hot Glue plz!!
kys funko pop apologist
10/10 for V3.
crowded and should have bought a good display case instead of 2 deolf.
I have this
Funlle pops are weak as shit, worse than amiibo.
If you gift these to people, fuck you.
Go away creepy weeb.
amiami, be prepared to spend around 150+ for each of these though
you can buy fake chinese ones on amazon or ebay though
This so hard.
Vinyl/funko figures are all trash
This with diablo 3 barbabarian mousepad and captain falcon amiibo.
cheap and this was mainly the only good one.
normies think it's weird to spend more then 15$ on a piece of plastic
ever think about getting lighting?
>search for figures of things I like
>barely anything I like has figures, the few that do only have shit quality stuff
>ever think about getting lighting?
Yes, but I don't know where to start.
NIce Cammy and Chun and is that the ghost chick from KI? are they making figures for KI?
Already pre order that one man can't wait for it
In my opinion, it's better spending $150 and getting a fucking fantastic fig than buying 10 pieces of $15 garbage, but I guess normals wouldn't want to spend that much on a nice piece of plastic.
Then just buy monohime, she's way cutter anyway.
>Pre order
That came out a while ago already user are you waiting for replenishment or what?
go ask those guys know all about stuff like that, you could also try the buyfag thread on Sup Forums if it's up
This is how I feel searching for Ada Wong figs right about now.
I dont know how anyone could feel anything but shame for having a vault boy figure after bethesda turned him into a marketing ploy
They're cheap
Normies don't know anything about the figure market to see that they are just 15 dollar happy meal toys
easy to optane
variety, why wait for nendoroid to release that one character you don't like from the anime you like when you can buy all the characters from funko
oh and vegeta.
normies will never understand the appeal of spending 300$ on 1/4 scale figures
Who's copping?
There's a NECA figure from RE4 and a RE6 figure coming out this year
it was in a loot crate. dont really care about fallout. 2 and new vegas were alright I guess