ITT: Games women will never understand
ITT: Games women will never understand
Shy Pooper.
Duuuuuuuuude, woman are so fucking stupid.
Am l right or yes?!
Existentialism as it applies to the digital age filtered through some self-aware subversion of expectations for video game sequels. Not much about it speaks specifically to the masculine experience.
I know these are meme threads, but nonetheless.
wow that's so sexist
You are correct.
All of them.
Isn't his like a Sup Forums or Sup Forums meme?
Any driving game ever.
>he thinks video games are anything but capeshit tier entertainment
In this thread:
Femanons taking the bait every single time.
Postal 2
Any game
they can't help it. they're stupid
contrary to what tumblr/Reddit taught you, women are dumber than men. Get over it.
l agree.
I have no idea why l even did that shitpost.
And they said nobody would be interested in a game with a woman featured prominently on the box art.
I don't understand it either
Go be a faggot somewhere else
After just replaying this game this week. I have to say the whole game is a fucking mess.
Anyone who says metal gear has a good plot is just too retarded to understand what's going on. The plot is a fucking mess that no one even wanted to exist (besides sony).The series survives on its good game play.
Women can have book smarts, but when it comes to emotional maturity and dealing with the shitty parts of life, men are significantly more mature. Women are emotionally crippled children at the best of times.
Men and women do not differ much until they get to really high IQs, where men far outnumber the women.
Video games are a hobby for plebs, so no, it doesn't really matter. Also kojima is a hack.
MGS2 was translated into English by a women.
Literally every word you read in the English version of the game was written by a female.
>understanding videogames
>understanding society
>understanding life
Pick 0
There's also more stupid men than women. The overall average IQ is essentially the same.
Nah, they understand shitty games rather well
thats why its uncoherrent shit
Find me a SINGLE. FUCKING. CUNT. that can even begin to understand this.
>when it comes to emotional maturity and dealing with the shitty parts of life, men are significantly more mature
>Women are emotionally crippled children at the best of times.
I don't quite agree. Men are more LOGICAL. Women are more EMOTIONAL.
Yes this makes it seem like men have more "maturity" in some situations (e.g. situation of violence, a man is more likely to keep a cool head than a woman who is more likely to get emotional).
However women, because they are more emotional creatures, have much better emotional maturity when it comes to e.g. child-rearing. Men don't know what the fuck they're doing in that area.
I'm not just talking out my arse by the way, this is science. The more testosterone you have, the more logical you are. The less testosterone, the more emotional.
Truly an epic post friend. upvoted
Post would've been fine if it wasn't for the /threading yourself.
>have much better emotional maturity when it comes to e.g. child-rearing
That's why every child born from a single mother is a complete failure and a child born from a man is probably going to be at least functional in society?
It's not to do with men being "smarter" than women
It's to do with male and female brains being fundamentally different. Testosterone changes the way the brain develops, and it affects your behaviour too. Men have 10 - 13 times more testosterone than women which explains many of the psychological / neurological differences.
Pretty much this. There's a reason patriarchy existed for thousands of years. It's just a reflection of biology.
Women = children
>child born from a man
women being emotional is some shitty meme to hide how disgusting they are, their instincts literally command them to go for the best man, meanwhile it's the men that can get attached to things and have sense of loyalty
Tumblrites it need to read this
>a shitskin that runs and hides if women threaten to beat him up and wants rampant racemixing
brush up on your alt-right senpai
Well yeah.
Take a look out your window and count the things invented or built by women.
you now understand that these types of threads are just more of the cultural division bullshit that you see everywhere
this type of thinking does not serve any of us in any way
women don't need to understand (a thing you like) to have personal value
He didn't write that, and even if he did the point would still stands. Women are cock sleeves who belong at home.
>That's why every child born from a single mother is a complete failure
The President of the United States was raised by a single mother.
Yeah but their right to vote is destroying civilization.
up until the 1960s, men in all cultures had a fundamental right to a wife, close to 90% of men married around 20 years old and passed on their seed. now it's down to 25%
That's because his father was a nigger and being a leftist sockpuppet isn't exactly the highest accomplishment.
He's also related to like half of the Presidents that already served. Being President isn't a mark of anything you've done in your life, it is an aristocratic inheritance.
There have been a metric fuckton of emperors to great empires that inherited everything and did fuck all but make it worse.
that may have been true at one time, but it's not anymore
taking away their voting would not in any way fix the clusterfuck which is currently in place
apply yourself
But why
like, women are not going to like this because they are women, end of story?
I want real answers to the mystery of why grills den't get these game
was there a penis adapter you were supposed to plug into or something i missed, cuz I played mgs 2 and I don't remember anything like that
>women vote leftist parties more than men
>women vote SJW bullshit more than men
>women want more welfare than men
>women want more immigration than men
>a lot of women vote for women in politics just because they are women
I could go on and on,women were and still are the best tool the left ever had to push their bullshit.
Well, look at things that men and women are interested in.
Women like shitty vampire romance stories with self insert main characters and rape fantasy novels.
Men like reading about history and shit of importance.
Women can't play competitive games and generally like casual shit made for children.
Men like fairly philosophical military or history oriented games on a general level.
I'm talking about rearing young children. Men have no interest or ability in that area (I mean for one thing they don't have breasts do they)
When children are adults they need role-models and that's why boys without fathers fail. Girls with single mothers will still succeed (if the family has enough money that is).
You're not really understanding my point. You are completely right that women go for the best man but that's a separate issue. And loyalty is a separate issue as well.
Studies show that the more testosterone you have, the more logical your brain is. The less testosterone you have, the more emotional your brain is. Men naturally produce 10 - 13 times more testosterone than women.
Read what I wrote here:
When will we retake Constantinople, brothers?
>a lot of women vote for women in politics just because they are women
If there's a choice between a man and a woman, most of the men will go for the man because he is a man and they don't want to go for a woman though.
So broad gender memes
When was the last time either of you two went out on a date, or talked to a women for more than 5 minnite for anything that isn't related to your job?
I mean really, if you are going to stereotype an either gender how are you not the perma-virgin neckbeards you are projecting yourself out as?
Free yourselves from the memes
I do like memes
You are talking about men and girls not women. The end result would look similar if you compared women and boys.
>Women can't play competitive games and generally like casual shit made for children.
>Men like fairly philosophical military or history oriented games on a general level
So, we're more women than men?
I mean, we all here like to play dumb games like Neptunia
>talked to a women for more than 5 minnite for anything that isn't related to your job?
I talk to women every single night for longer than 5 "minnite" but given that I live in Vegas and work in Vegas largely a lot of it is in some way an extension of or related to my job.
Though I generally love flirting wherever I am, the bank, restaurant, wherever.
>I mean really, if you are going to stereotype an either gender
It's not a stereotype, its biological and evolutionary. Society doesn't propagate itself off faggots like you.
It would actually
Yes because men are stronger and make better leaders
>broad gender memes
Memes? When did I say a meme?
What I pointed you to was my post where I explained why male and female brains are different. Men have more testosterone (10 - 13 times as much), and this changes the way the brain develops.
Where's the meme in that? Why is the biological difference between males and females a meme?
I suggest you read this article:
sure thing bro, you definitely talk to women outside your pathetic job as a barhop/card boy
lol not
>we all here like to play dumb games like Neptunia
You do it for some sort of sexual gratification rather than personal fulfillment, it doesn't mean you aren't a man but you are certainly emasculated and should chill it with the excessive masturbation and find some role models.
sombody killed his baby and took everything from him now he wants revenge, it's not fucking hard
>all of this straw men with no substance because he's so butthurt he can't even debate the topic
There are no role models in the modern age, just escapism, that's why we're all here.
Christ you are fucking dumb.
Do you want to learn? Wanna learn the truth?
Watch just 2 minutes of this video (22:00 to 24:00) and you'll learn why your """"gender equality"""" crap is bullshit:
Counter argument, lesbian understand this very well
>Anything related to how the brain works
>not a meme
you are literally posting a bunch of numbers that have no revelve to knowing how the human brain works
we don't know how it works, we can just record the signals and see what chemicals it takes in and pushes out
no one understands the brain and to claim to do so is nonsense
that's wrong you stupid whore but PLEASE be my girlfriend
>more memes
But I love that game
This is why we must look to the people who had to endure what we dont have to because they built what we inherited.
Again, look out your window and ask yourself, what of any of this was built by a woman: and which of us is privileged for having the duty to have built it and to maintain it.
>it's other's people fault I'm a loser :(
lol ok melvin, I bet you are "intelligent but lazy" too.
Of course he's dumb. He's a leftist.
Leftism is dominated by nignogs and women. People on the right are far more practical and intelligent in general.
My ex girlfriend understood MGS2 well enough after watching me do a playthrough in one sitting.
>Barack Obama
>implying most of them aren't beta orbiting males
If I was born just 60 years ago I'd absolutely be excelling in my field, a beautiful wife and children awaiting me as I returned home from my 6-figure paying job. I'd arguably be eligible for a high office in the land. You know I'm right.
>If I was born just 60 years ago I'd absolutely be excelling in my field, a beautiful wife and children awaiting me as I returned home from my 6-figure paying job. I'd arguably be eligible for a high office in the land. You know I'm right.
This coming from a man on Sup Forums
the irony is quite palpable
>slowly jogging after him to make it seem like they're doing their job, even though they know they can't do anything to stop him.
Why is this allowed?
Why am I responding to trolls? Why am I doing this? Okay I'm going to tell you WHY YOU ARE WRONG.
>What we know is that boys and girls are producing different amounts of hormones, but particularly testosterone. That boys are producing twice as much testosterone as girls. And this hormone, testosterone, influences the way the brain develops.
Boys produce twice as much testosterone as girls, in the womb.
>We’ve measured the testosterone when the baby is in the womb, and we’ve waited until the child is born, and we’ve looked at their behaviour. What we’ve found is that the higher the child’s testosterone, prenatally, the slower they are to develop language - when they’re a small child - and the less eye contact they make - again, at the age of 1 or 2 years old. So more testosterone is associated with slower language development and slower social development.
More testosterone = slower language and social development.
Source is Professor Simon Baron-Cohen, Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at the University of Cambridge (22:00 to 24:00):
What is your response to this?
>Women like shitty vampire romance stories with self insert main characters and rape fantasy novels.
And men watch shitty CGI stories with self insert main characters and xplosion fantasy movies.
We can do this stereotyping all day you know.
Britbong here - Obama seems a bit left of centre-left from over here.
But you live in the now:
In your lifetime you will see the death of the West and its regeneration into something new.
Where it goes and the world your potential son could be born in may be decided by what you as a part of this society do.
You don't have to be perfect, but you should be ready to fight if you need to. There may come a time that you have to pick a side.
If you fail to see how Sci-Fi is more intellectual than a fucking high school romance story then I don't know what to tell you. I wouldn't expect a woman to understand.
Femanons don't exist on Sup Forums. They mostly post in more sociable places, like Sup Forums (surprisingly), /soc/, /r9k/, etc
>more intellectual than anything
>being this assblasted over getting told
Nu males...