This is why Sony is FUCKING KING!

This is why Sony is FUCKING KING!

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false false

>God of my wife's son
Sonycuckolds please go. Don't even own a Nintendo product.

i only play mature games for mature gamers such as myself

Fun is a shitty way to describe why a game is good.

All parts of a game is what makes it fun

What an avant-garde arthouse my friend! So artistic and indie!

Sony PlayStation = Gayboy's Gaystation


I'm interested in both but GoW honestly appeals to me more. I'm interested to see how they're gonna try and make it work with the new style. I haven't been invested in zelda since windwaker. TP was such a snoozefest I never got through it, never even tried skyward sword.

We'll see if BotW is worth buying a wii u for though.

God of War always felt like the dumbest fucking action movie. And not even a good one.


>Real natural colors

why not at least compare the winter zone of zelda?

Hint: Snow is white. There is no vegetation. Shits just muddy and gross.

Don't you guys ever get tired of this?

>Nintenyearolds are the cuck posters
Makes sense

Literally DC vs Marvel movies. And we all know who's winning

You forgot something OP

>Not playing a game for fun

>"Fun" being used as an argument against a game

That's sonyggers for you
Deranged, simply deranged.

I honestly thought the cuck meme was coming to a close but it's only ramped up. How long till it accompanies froggy memes on Twitter?

I was thinking about this exact thing, earlier.

It feels like the game industry is "maturing" very slowly, but it's going through the exact same arc a young boy would

Like, in the 90s, nobody really cared about maturity and shit, it was mostly just "HOLY SHIT WE CAN DO THIS? THIS IS AWESOME! HEY, LOOK AT THIS! EVERYTHING IS AMAZING!"

And then for the latter half of the PS2/XBOX era, and all the way through last gen, it was basically a 14 year old boy who's desperate to be taken seriously, with "mature" stories and look how deep and insightful we are, and we can't have boss fights, or weapon pickups, because those are too "video-gamey", it's all about telling a story with MEANING! YOU JUST DON'T GET IT, MOM

And, while we're still very much in that phase now, it feels like we're kind of reaching the end of it, and we're growing into a jaded 20-something mindset of "Yeah, this is me, this is who I am, this is what I'm like, take it or leave it, bro", with games like D44M, and the new Legend of Zelda, games that really harken back to their roots, but more importantly are completely unapologetic about what they are and are trying to be

Does that make sense?

Never, because muh racism and sexism.

Cuck isn't racist or sexist.

>god of war
>appeals to the mind
>any sony shit being intellectual


>playing a Zelda game after Wind Waker
It's over bois, they switched demographics a long time ago.

no, that's falseflagging nintendrones for you

>still no Pepe in Skylanders


>Makes fun of men who like to watch their women fuck other (mainly black) men
>implying the dorks on Twitter will ever have anything to do with that

>doesn't speak
>that's why he's the perfect man

Holy shit what a terrifying thing to say.

Only adults play what they enjoy and don't care about being judged for the "emotional and artistic depth" of a game.

Cuck isn't racist by itself, but the context it's used in 97% of the time absolutely is.

It IS extremely sexist, though. I mean, it's literally about sex and gender roles. That's the entire point.

This is absolutely disgusting, fucj this game so much fuck Nintendo fuck Japan fuck video games I am literally shaking. How these people can even remember to breathe let alone survive being this retarded is beyond me.

>character moves around in a physical space
>state of the game changes as player interacts with it
>graphics meant to represent physical forms reminiscent of reality
>have to input commands to play the game
>includes both data and information
>isn't even edible

And Nintenyearold cuckfags will literally defend this. The delusion of these people is unreal. If you're excited for this """"game"""" do the world a favor and end yourself before I do it for you. Japan needs another nuke.

This. How dare they put male nudity in the game.


>open world

Nope. I'm gonna have to pass on both. I have never seen a game I liked that relied on this meme mechanic.

Come on, that's been a joke used for centuries, against men AND women.

Zelda still outsells GoW four times over.

OP is the attitude that has killed gaming.


The irony though

>Implying People Can't Enjoy Both.

A god of war game was literally the only reason I got a ps4. Now I don't need it after what the new gow is. I think I'm gonna build a mech out of my ps4 parts, since I have no use for it anymore.

whats the point OP?

Nintendo is a company that makes products for KIDS

This are the kind of bite threads that are more successful than the new god of war will ever be.


It's falseflagging threads like this why people claim Sony is the biggest group of shit posters on Sup Forums. Ironically the mass amounts of these threads are made by anti Sony fanboys.

>You mean you actually have to play the game?
>That's like a baby's toy!

>Ryse of The Last of The Souls Order
You could've used Nier: Automata (because the only times Sup Forums shits on it people often talk abut PlatinumGames or DMC),but you went for ''MUH CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE'' garbage

>has a son
>automatically a cuck
What's wrong with this website?

>both games deviate from the core of the predecessors in the series
>god of war goes from high octane hack and slash action to cinematic garbage with the once proud main character to "my wife's son" (literally) and trite viking bull shit
>zelda removes linearity, adds interaction with the environment, adds the ability to customize, increases exploration exponentially, adds combat options like stealth
>people try saying gow is in any way shape or form better than zelda

Reminds me of this.

>Zelda does something every single other game has done to death, only it's watered down from horrible console hardware

I therefore consider it bad.

>God of War becomes a cinematic experience rehashing nordic/viking mythology

Therefore, I also consider it trash.

See? We can reach a compromise.

It makes sense.

why do so many people stress for realism in Vidya and to an extent art so much? Is it really that bad to exaggerate certain things/aspects from time to time?

No father figures, that's why they're here

>not liking cute boys

> meme mechanic
> was in Zelda 1

Ok dude

Zelda has been fucking shit for years, not saying GoW is better but don't put it on a pedestal.

you chose a nice picture of zelda, im suprised sonybro

>It's dark, therefore mature

>sonyggers intellectuals

>people ITT actually thinking that the OP is serious

Yeah and this new game looks to counteract the stagnation

And Zelda 1 has aged like curdled milk. Your point?

didn't they say they were going back to the Zelda1 and ALttP style in regards to non linearity and Exploration

>tfw live near woods that look glorious during the winter and all of these games that overdo shadows and shit ruin cool scenery every time

i fucking hate video games

Yes, by stagnating it with garbage like open world elements and stealth. Not to mention amiibo exclusive content A YEAR BEFORE RELEASE.

You forgot to compare the fact that one's a open world sandbox game with lots to do and one's a movie

>provide an open world you can fully interact with

What games do you like, user? I ask so I can at least see why you take such a staunch stance

imo this was Twilight Princess' flaw. Skyward Sword and ZeldaU know how silly they are, and thats reflected in their artstyle.

I like both.

>Sup Forums constantly shits on open world sanbox games
>'' Wow look guys "new" zelda is an open world sandbox game best game ever GOTY of the year all year!!!''

How is this board not removed yet?

That's what they said about Ocarina of Time, and guess what? Half the game is BORING. Hyrule Field is basically a small scale version of an "open world" and it's the worst part of the entire game. Being open doesn't mean there's content worth searching for, and if half the damn map is just filler with no secrets to find, then why even bother? The game even gives you songs to skip through that garbage. It should be an indicator of why open world doesn't work. And of course we can't forget Zelda 1, which basically came down to trial and error since half the map is also devoid of content and is there to make the game feel bigger, but not better.

>what games do you like

I prefer games that are smaller, but chock full of content. Contra for example.

>turning a hack and slash game into cinematic TLoU garbage

Only Sonyfaggots will defend this.

This is actually a subtle False Flag! Bravo OP for actually making an effort!

So I've been ignoring the deeper implications for a while now, but it is painfully obvious that there's something severely wrong with the Sony fanbase.

For years I thought it was just playful banter but it's basically become a mental illness, mass hysteria. How the hell did this happen?

That moment when sony won e3.
Horizon Zero Dawn:
Third person open world action game with a deep combat system that isn't just "run around and shoot/hack" like zelda and the witcher.
Interesting aesthetic prehistoric meets futuristic.
Mission designers from TW3 and New Vegas.
Looks absolutely amazing, and has a lot of promise.
Nier Automata: The continuation of an amazing series filled with fun dialogue, characters and story. Literally the most interesting and creative gameplay from this 2016 line up, actually well design and fun boss design.
That Bullet hell,That OST, that gameplay, that aesthetic. confirmed 60fps and it looks amazing.

Persona 5: There isn't a soul on this board that doesn't know persona, always fun, great characters, so much fucking style, classic unique take of turn based combat, c'mon. you know what it is.

Gravity Rush 2: Really fun and creative gameplay mechanics, fun characters, yeah it's pretty easy but their aren't too many games out there with such a unique concept that aren't indie games that look this good.

SpidermanPS4: Looks like tons of fun, finally a spiderman game that wasn't made for a move, the web swinging is said to have actual weight to it, looks promising.

The Last Guardian: It's been a long time coming, obvious graphic downgrade, but where here for the puzzles and cute monster friend. Guaranteed to make even the heartless scum on this board shed a tear. Back at it again with unique gameplay.

It's this sort of mindset that makes you look like a child. Nintendo's games are aimed towards all audiences, not just kids.

Not him but open world games are for the most part shit. They make this big world and then put little to no content. A minigame or two here and a few hundred worthless collectables there isn't good.

how dare you


>real nature colors
People are so out of touch with reality and stuck in these shitty brown and grey games that they have no idea what nature actually looks like, because devs for some reason think grey and piss filters = realism.

You could see it in their faces, they wanted a new Crash game, a game that isn't Uncharted/TLoU/Heavy Rain/GoW Reboot trash. Sony's fanbase is desperate for the return of fun platformers that don't take themselves too seriously. Insteady, they get movies.

>who wants to draw naked feral link hunched over in the forest shoving leaves into his mouth and hissing like a cat for me

If playing a GoW 4 makes me a cuck, playing ArmA makes me a soldier? Just asking. No violence, please.

To be fair to oot it is older than most people on this board and considering the time it came out it had a decent amount to do. Hunt poes, find heart pieces, gold spiders. Sure it's not too much looking at it today but it was enough back then. Add to that you can skip running through it a lot thanks to lost woods/warp songs and the issue is circumvented. I'm hoping this game will have enough stuff to keep it not boring and it looks promising. 100+ shrines, I imagine heart pieces, probably some sort of collectable, world bosses, weapons and the like hopefully will keep it varied. Add to that how you can interact with the environment and it has me interested. If it's not your cup of tea I understand, but for me this is the type of game I wanted since I read about fable when it was still project ego. Do what you want how you want

I didn't mind that much since they were trying something new. But yeah that was one of TPs flaws

When did this happen? Like i remember seeing artists shit on other artists for using vibrant colors. what the fuck

It looks mature and mature sells because even kids want mature games. Especially kids.

I don't know, it just makes me depressed. If you have to use a dark tone you can still make it look appealing, use pitch black and something to contrast with.

>He can't detect sarcasm

Look at that background, I thought we were getting ten new Crash games. By Retro or something. Instead it's less than fucking nothing.

Are they retarded? Why would they do that?

That would be panned as too cartoonish in these days

It's pretty easy to imagine that board meeting.
>Sony: Please Activision, We need a new crash game for our console, to show our support to the old fanbases
>Activision: Hm, the best I can do is making him appear in one of our most profitable game. Skylander
>Sony: Dear God no, they'll hate us for it
>Activision: Hmph, and you'll take this remaster to check if there's a market for it. And then you'll take this dick
>Sony: But a damn remaster wont show how the market i-
>Activision: Shut your trap hole and suck this dick.
>The End

Undertale is best game. It has all of that and more

Even though it's meme, normalfags typically aren't fond of overly cartoony stuff. Of course, there's always exceptions like Adventure Time/Overwatch/TF2/etc.

My sister is a huge zelda fan, and she's not excited for BotW just because of the artstyle.

Gauging interest? Everybody buys the newest Battlefield and God of War, so who's to say a platformer will even do well? Remake the old games and see if there's any real interest before investing in the real deal.

I get enough real gritty combat in real life thank you very much

Sony likes to try to appeal to both though, while Nintendo ONLY does the games on the left. I still love both for what they bring to the table, so it doesn't matter really.

In theory: attempt to appeal to kids (read: their parents) games that are mostly non-threatening, but have the gameplay and difficulty to appeal to older, more hardcore gamers.
In practice: kids pan the cartoonish looks, parents just buy whatever, still has loyal fans despite the gameplay been waning for a while.

In theory: have a wide range of games with different looks and play styles, in an attempt to appeal to everyone by catering to their different tastes.
In practice: brown 'n bloom dominates because that's what kids want, games like Crash or Spyro disappear and their fans are left wanting.

Damn already solving puzzles, thank you real gameplay

>unironically comparing the two

How fucking stupid can some people be.