Find a flaw.
Find a flaw
i can't
You just did.
its not parallel i have ocd
But it is?
>i have ocd, also ptsd and im vegan, my pronouns are they/them/its
Remove Sumireko and Mamizou from that fucking roster and replace them with Kaguya and Wriggle. Or Tewi.
Will the online game be better on ps4? also West launch when?
its true
riddle me this
which of the following is Youmu the most:
A: cute
B: soft
C: dorky
Youmu is a boy.
>he'd REMOVE characters
Opinion discarded.
Utsuho isn't in the roster.
How is that a flaw?
Touhou has FOUR threads.
The roster is small
I only see three.
Japanese netcode
Dorky, it's the only true answer
Add in some more classic characters and it's fine.
>classic characters
hello secondary
Half of them are wearing fucking hats.
>rice picker hat
you think that's a positive thing?
where's china?
>he wants to run around with his head in the nude
Fucking pervert.
>part of china
soku is way better
2hus will die without their hats
t. chilean
not me
close though
I would still play soku if that chilean faggot wasn't the only occasional host
Bad netplay
>go into irc
>everyone starts pinging you
fuck this cancer
Uhh yeah..
Let's talk about Satori or something
bad game
she is the biggest whore in Gensokyo second only to her sister
Because ___
chileans can't play this game on their PCs
Which is ironic since said chilean does play ULiL
Playing at 20 fps is not exactly playing the game
I thought it worked only in japan
You don't see an active community for this game outside of said country
Maybe you don't know where to look
It only works in Japan because they're on a small island, and the netplay gets really bad if the opponent doesn't live across the street from you.
Shit combat, floaty in the unfun way, sluggish, easily becomes onesided, shit characters and balance, shit game, shit music, shit story
Just plain awful fighting game. I reccomend you acquire taste and just play an actual fighting game instead of the shitty 2hu ones.
The Mystery Spot system. Pure RNG in a genre where it shouldn't be. Other than that and some of the remixes being bad, the game is flawless.
>easily becomes onesided
It's a bit more specific with the characters, but one problem with Hopeless Masquerade is each character is forced to be aggressive when by punishing the player for not being aggressive.
>Mystery Spot is bad
>But Weather effect is a-okay :^)
So, when I'm getting some matches?
>But Weather effect is a-okay :^)
I never said that, I hate Soku's weather system too.
Yeah, I can see why you think Soku is RNG too, but it isn't. I forgot how exactly it works but there's a cycle between the weathers and you can force the next weather to appear instead of the current one.
it's RNG, and even then you can't deny the fact that the decks are RNG too.
I do know it's not RNG, I still don't like it. It's too close to being RNG while being half-"does almost nothing" and half-"dominates the fight way too much".
>even then you can't deny the fact that the decks are RNG too.
Who cares about the decks. All you do there is stuff supers that actually works and there's no good skill cards outside what you already have. Who the hell plays Wipe Moisture with Patchoulli Knowledge?
>Who cares about the decks.
Okay you are just baiting, I won't let you bump anymore.
>kuso soku thread gets almost 400 replies
>legitimate Touhou thread is dead as shit
and then people wonder why this community sucks
There's none
>still didn't get a trip
Lazy ass Futofag.
I guess the guys who care so much about touhou source material and "the Sup Forums touhou community" don't care enough to talk about anything else apart from how much they hate soku :^)
None of them had people playing though
>anti-sokufags are also fags
no shit
Why would I a get a trip?
Its not hisoutensoku.
That's a good thing. Soku a chilean shit.
Well, this is a meme i don't understand.
Care to explain, famalama?
I just like Hisoutensoku, and i don't feel like ulil or hopeless masquerade are fun.
No Yamame.