>didn't get the job I was interviewing for
>was at the final round
Other than grinding in Rogue Legacy, what other games can I play to get my mind off this?
>didn't get the job I was interviewing for
>was at the final round
Other than grinding in Rogue Legacy, what other games can I play to get my mind off this?
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Her ass
Job Hunt
Job Hunt 40000
Damn, dude. That's super shitty that you didn't get picked when you applied for only one job. I'm just glad it doesn't speak to your lack of initiative and ambition, that would be really rough for your future job application.
The only other one you'll do before you give up and fake autism.
I've applied to maybe over 300 companies and have interviewed at probably 3-4 dozen.
This was one I wanted the most.
>know programming
>can fuck around in photoshop
>have designed web sites
>know video and audio editing
>still feel like I don't know anything well enough to do it as a job
>get to final round of interview
>there was a whole day of testing
>get highest score in everything
>don't get picked because I'm too quiet
I still remember the exact moment I fucked it all up.
>Applied to 75 companies
>only about 10 got back to me
>7 scheduled interviews
>4 scheduled second interviews
>4 scheduled technical interviews
>only 2 scheduled in person interviews
Applying to jobs on the other side of the country is rough.
>I still remember the exact moment I fucked it all up.
Worst feel.
I got feedback about my candidacy. They felt I answered all of their questions really well, more so than most people. But they also felt I wasn't as passionate about the field as I should have been.
What was the job OP?
Hyperlight Drifter
Will give you the feeling of being alone in the world and being plagued with a disease, which will mirror your real life situation quite well user!
It was a recruiter position for MS.
It was some group test.
We were going to the fucking moon or something and had to pick some items that would help us navigate and shit.
On the other hand, video games helped me to perform better in some other tests.
You lack leadership qualities, passion, and the self confidence necessary to benefit a company beyond routine work.
I hope you're more outspoken as a result.
Just what are you trying to do?
>You lack leadership qualities, passion, and the self confidence necessary to benefit a company beyond routine work.
You don't say.
>Got a masters degree on computer programming optimisation
>Still don't know what I'm doing 70% of the time
>Have various companies trying to hire me
How long can I keep up the charade?
All the way to the bank user.
Get over your impostor syndrome and just do good work fag.
>Interview for a position I really want
>Answer everything well
>Make a stupid fuckup on a technical question and don't realize it until afterwards
>Kick myself for being so stupid
>Self hatred grows that much more
One of us
What exactly are you trying to get in to? And with what educational level?
>6 months ago
>Get an internship at a great job
>Everyone makes a lot of money doing this
>6 months later
>still haven't been paid
>everyone likes me and gives me responsibilities as if I'm staying
>I feel more and more as if I should tell them all to go fuck themselves and leave
I even like the job
I saw this one girl at my job my boss was interviewing who answered every question 100% properly and she did not get the job.
>working for free
>for 6 months
>Working for free
user internships that are treated like jobs must be paid internships, that's the law. Complain to whatever labor authority is appropriate and ask for backpay.
>be Native American
>apply at casino
>literally get notified for interview next day
>get job
>work in a fucking casino cuz I'm a Native American
And they say white people get all the benefits lol
native americans smell really nice
It's obvious he didn't want to distract her from her true passion: The kitchen.
In the end, he was really a good man and we just didn't know the service he was providing for her.
Who is Patty and why is she so flat?
>go to college for a year
>they pull all my scholarships
>no one will hire me because I told the college to fuck right off
>go work at a call center cause it's the only job that would take me
>making $12/hr+bonus/commissions for upselling directv packages to old people
works for me. Making more than my friend who graduated with a BA in compsci is hilarious. He makes $10/hr flat, has been working with the same company for months. The only thing he has over me is he can work from home.
how do you know, were you there during the interview?
Its because they think natives give bad luck to other people, so they lose more.
Depends where you live
I live in a South European shithole with 60% youth unemployment, I'll make some sacrifices to get a very good job
But I can't be a cuck for much longer
At least you got a interview op
1 year latee and not even 1 interview.
I did get a job offer but declined because i wanted more money, even though it was already quite a lot.
Take confidence from getting to the final round OP and smash it next time.
You can do it friend!
>you will never be employed
Man, I feel you. While you're in grad school it is get an internship during the summer or die, and those internships don't pay.
>making $10/hr with compsci degree
How is this even possible? I had a 60k/yr job right out of college.
I've been looking for a job for about a year now. Does it get better, lads?
only when you get one and if your boss isnt a cunt
if you focus on the cash the job will just be shit. Focus on potential skills you could learn to take you to better places and the good cash will eventually come to you without it being the focus of your employment.
It feels like we're in some bizarro universe where Communism won under the guise of Capitalism.
Wow so many wagecucks, so the antichrist is winning eh? Pretty sad.
She's got too much going on in the back and absolutely fucking nothing going on in the front.
Anyway. Play a game you can really lose yourself in. For me, I play open world games or sandbox games or whatever you want to call them to accomplish that. Tomorrow, get off your sad ass and keep trying. I have faith in you OP, even if you are still a faggot.
Lol user pretty much.
I haven't been unemployed since I was 19
I'm 25
Do you have education?
I haven't been employed since 2009. I was a student from 2010 to 2015.
Yeah, I've seen that happen before, too.
How have you interviewed 3-4 dozen times and not gotten a job?
When you get a job. The entire thing is a mess of needing experience but never getting experience and nepotism dressed up as networking.
Once you get a job don't stop job hunting. Job security is a myth and being a good worker is no guarantee of keeping your employment. I lost mine in April despite doing 20+ hour overtime every week. Fortunately the company is now suffering because nobody else wants to fill the graveyard shifts I pulled. Hopefully they become insolvent by the end of the year.
You guys are making me feel shitty about quitting my $14/h job
The tech industry is a fucking bitch.
Anything really. Time heals all wounds. Keep looking for other jobs in the meantime, and once you get something, gain some more experience, and then try your luck there again. I did pretty well when I applied to Sucker Punch, didn't get the job though. So I'll stick here with this other programming gig until I feel I've got what it takes to try again.
i'm so upset they took her out of The Flash so quickly. we get her beautiful ass for like 4 episodes or something stupid
>that flat as fuck chest
Im in a similar situation.
Have no real qualifications, but a shit load of practical experience and two absolutely fan-fucking-tastic references that are availble online and directly from previous employers.
I don't actually think i'm as good as i'm told I am and probably lack the confidence to push myself further.
yet I constantly am getting approached by companies for work.
I know i have to advance in my current company or move up to another one soon or I will stagnate but I have no idea how and lack the confidence/motivation.
Yeah I was right there in the office on break.
As I was finishing up he was still asking her questions, never saw her a day after, so if she DID get the job, it wasn't in the office itself.
Not really, are you going entry level or already experienced?
If already experienced what experience/qualifications do you have?
Entry level. It feels like dogs fighting over scraps.
>work manual labor job
>pays enough to afford rent
>get education in communication
>cant get a job because area is too rural for entry level positions
>comm jobs in the area want people with 1-2 years of experience to manage their shitty office
>can't schedule interviews cause working mandatory overtime
>can't move cause fiance is having a legal fight over her father's inheritence with her mother he was in the process of divorcing before he died
And worst of all
>no time for vidya
Shantel VanSanten
>shit taste
No surprise here
>comm jobs in the area want people with 1-2 years of experience
then fucking say you have it. If not in an official capacity then elsewhere. Or just state outright that you don't have it but are a quick learner.
Holy shit it's like this new generation of kids is fucking retarded. No wonder none of you fags can get jobs.
Okay cool, so entry level in network support or something different?
Also where you based? Not an exact location if you think im going to track you down or something just a rough area.
Do you have any qualifications?
The job world is all fucked up now. Unless you know someone on the inside, you're pretty much fucked. Even shit tier retail jobs these days call for 2-3 years of prior experience.
Better rake in those NEETbux if you can.
>lying on your resume
user its mandatory experience. If you don't have it they immediately toss your resume into the trash. Lying about your soft skills is one thing but fabricating easily verifiable information is a real quick way to tarnish your reputation in the industry.
It's in a non-technical field. I'm doing recruiting in Seattle. Also I have a year of XP.
>No I don't have the experience but-
And that's where they throw your shit in the trash
Why would you want to have multiple sclerosis as a job?
>tfw your applying for a federal job
This is the longest most drawn out fucking process in history. Knowledge/logic/language/ tests, background checks, interviews, several physical fitness tests, and more over the course of 6 months to a year. It is fucking ridiculous.
Can't just let anybody be corrupt and useless
I know. Can't wait to have a job where it's almost impossible for me to be fired.
Make sure you contact them and ask for feedback OP
And just give the manager a firm handshake right? Stop pretending you know what you are talking about.
That can backfire on you. You could end up with someone who's super shitty, blames everyone for all their own problems and goes on 'sick leave' for 3 months twice a year and gets the non federal/union people who are good people fired because they are fucked in the head.
Rogue Legacy is a god awful rogue-"lite" game
it's just grinding with mediocre platforming
and how would that be bad for him?
Path of Exile is an excellent and fun time sink.
warbug grindframe
They write this kind of shit because they don't really want to hire you instead of someone they "know".