Why is no one talking about Mirrors edge 2? Let me guess, DENUVO

Why is no one talking about Mirrors edge 2? Let me guess, DENUVO

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Because it's shit. Sorry user.

Yeah exactly that. I would have pirated it, but I guess I can't yet.
Too bad, I wanted to see if it was anything more than shit.

>buying EA games

Lel, go back to r/gaming

Is it out already?

It already went down to $40 bucks on Amazon. That is the fastest I have seen a game drop since its launch.

Honestly, I might pick it up once it mega cheap, like $20 on PC.

battleborn is tied with it, I think

It's an EA game, so can't buy it.
EA + Denuvo = no gaem

>play beta
>nvidia forcing you to update drivers
>character clothing warping
>framerate drops
>play release
>same issues
>gpu almost exploded

Thanks Anita

Because it's a SJW game.

It's mediocre.
No reason to be open world, and it ends up hurting the game more than it helps it. The characters are unforgettable, the story is a total mess, somehow worse than the first, the only thing that's really good is the gameplay, and besides a few minor changes it's pretty much the same. Oh except combat, that is infinitely worse than the first, somehow.

Because it fell for the open-world meme, it's not a real video game.

Why did they even bother with a sequel? the original was painfully mediocre

Its gud

I got it yesterday and have been enjoying myself

It's not something that i have to play now so i wait for a sale somewhen down the road

The original is one of the few video games that come really close to being literally perfect and is always in the top 10 patriotcore lists, your taste is painfully pleb.


Yea the original was pretty lame, this sequel has no reason to exist. I guess they just have so much money, they don't know what to do with it.

The first game was the most trial and error game I ever played

Nothing trial and error about it but it was still a piece of shit though


Explain. Even on hard (when you don't have the path highlighted) it's never trial and error, you always know where you should be heading and you learn the controls and gameplay real quick, after that the traversing feels really natural.

The original had a thing going, which made it slightly above mediocre. Now other games have copied everything (mainly the parkouring) making this game stand out less.

>Let me guess, DENUVO
Pretty much. Everyone would be jerking off about it in countless screenshot threads if not for denuvo.

It's bad. Did the immediate price drop not clue you in?

Genuine shame really.

I would have been happy with another game about the same length and style as the first.

>Why is no one talking about Mirrors edge 2?
It's pretty shit that's why.

I don't buy EA games anymore. It helps that I didn't particularly care for Mirrors Edge the first time around.

Actually yes
A shit ton of people complain here and say shit like

I don't give a shit, I was buying the games anyways.

No one is talking about it because it is on origin.

tried it, immediately refunded as it looked like it was being rendered underwater

how is possible for something to look and run so much worse than its 8 year old predecessor

I had no idea it was released. Is it that bad?

Because it's shit?

EA offers 2 hours for the refund and they don't care if you use it as a demo. Access also got 6 hour for a demo.

the game would have been ok if it didn't force as much combat as it did and if the open world was done better.

>0 hype
>made by EA
>released only on origin
>cannot be pirated

pretty much the perfect combination to make sure your game goes completely unnoticed

it happens to almost every EA game nowadays, I don't know how they still get enough profits to justify shitting out these """games""" so fast

>origin only
>can't try before buy
>sjw destroy MC image
>game runs like shit
Wew lad

I really like it.

The gridnode missions are damn fun.

Zero marketing. Didn't even know it's out yet. They probably realized early it sucks so they didn't even try to force it down consumers' throats.

I was one of Mirror's Edge's biggest fans

I didn't buy this. I genuinely think if I played it it would ruin my memory of the original.

They got told that Faith was "A strong independent female character." And took that as a design document.

Nah the game just looks boring.

too bad there are only like six of them
the gridnode missions are the best missions in the damn game

just beat it
enjoyed it for the most part, but they went completely pants on head retarded with their design of the spire

you can tell they designed the outside of it first, planned out the ending scene, then went "how the fuck is she supposed to get up there?"

also, Faith is dead. It's cute that they show her after what happens at the spire, but she would be dead

Also that side mission for Rebecca where you climb the tower in the construction zone. That's some good shit.

There are plenty of forgettable missions and some of the side shit is annoying, but there are nuggets of brilliance in the game.

is it better than the first mirrors edge?

it's fun, and I really did enjoy traversing the city, but it doesn't beat the tight level design of the first game

How's the music?

It's still pretty damn comfy

This will sound like the stupidest thing ever but is it worth playing for the music?

It's what made the first game for me.

Not as good. There's a really nice moment when you finish the tutorial (skip to about 17:50)


But after that there's nothing really special. Seems like characters talking at you over the radio is more important.

>They westernised the shit out of Faith because SJW pandering
>Zero marketing. I didn't even know it was out

Is that enough?

>skill system to get skills you had in the first game

for what purpose

skinner box

>Let me guess, DENUVO
They're literally paying to not have poorfags shill for them for free

>open world
>inferior aesthetic
>skill unlocks

no one asked for this

>slides a hundred feet and lands flat on her ass
>not dead
Fucking bullshit

just finished playing it

they gave it the EA treatment

Another great franchise killed by EA.

They'll never understand that you can't just put popular things in a sequel to make it better, you just fuck it up.

>Badly optimized
>Various problems regarding textures
>Forces you to update your drivers to play on AMD
>Overall worse aesthetics
I'm surprised it has DICE written on it
It looks pretty unpolished
It's fun at least


this, it doesn't have DICE level of quality at all.
It's not bad, but it's certainly not the game I waited like 8 fucking years for.

Fucking EA

>Why is no one talking about Mirrors edge 2? Let me guess, DENUVO
Because the game has no marketing, has the game even came out?

Because the shills are on vacation, also, the game got released, so they cant do anything else.

the tepid beta response probably caused them to not throw good money after bad
they tried up until the beta and then rip

Its shit.