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I am SO HYPE for this game.
I wonder how long it will take to finish.
Will it be possible to emulate the game??
>keep seeing this webm
>nobody points out the pop-in in the e3 Horizon trailer
we all saw the wiiU version at e3, not the superior, 1080p 60fs NX version that is still under lockdown.
No one cares about pop in except autistic virgins like you.
that's because no one gives a shit about horizon
>the same webm
Vary up your threads sonyggers
Not saying its acceptable but its hardly the worse issue it could have had. And lets not forget that Elder Scrolls games and GTA games come out with pop in and huge numbers of game breaking bugs too.
If Nintendo releases the first bug free open world game that's going to look REALLY bad for everyone else. Their go to excuse was always "but it's such a big world".
It looks good.
Can you play online and will there be sound sometime in the future?
Open world on an inferior console. Why was anyone surpised
I think sound works but he removed for copyright reasons.
Online is probably not gonna happen though.
That's not emulated at 60 fps though
A-and still there are six months of development....
Wow it's almost like it's a modern game or something
Show me a current gen open world game that doesn't utilise pop-in or scaling. You can't.
Are lighting elements missing? Looks way different than what I remember on Wii U. Either way, looks like Cemu is making good progress. Can't wait until it can actually run a game accurately.
There must have been at least 300 demo booths at E3.
Let's say the event lasted 10 hours total between both days of Nintendo's stream. That equates to 3000 hours of gameplay on the floor.
Yet, THAT's the only thing you could get on this game?
6 years if you count pre production
>big empty world
It'll be shit
>We want the PS2 audience
Great, can't wait to play babbies first adventure where combat is a joke, the world is empty and barren, you're never in any real danger of a game over and puzzles are a joke.
Didn't Nintendo occasionally take that much time developing their other games?
>empty world
>literally one of the most populated open world games that isn't in an urban center
>things I made up: the post
If you had actually watched any of the demo videos, then you would know that people are saying that this might be the most punishing console Zelda ever and that there are enemies that can literally one-shot you if you aren't careful.
That's what they all say. Every single time.
They've stated that this is easily the biggest team they ever had for a video game.
I just wanted to pop in and say that this looks really great. The level of detail is amazing. It's nice to see a Legend of Zelda game that's drawing a distance from the other games in the series.
People have said that about every zelda since wind waker, and its always, ALWAYS been horseshit.
>"Many people from the media kept asking me if the footage from the new Zelda game for Wii U is just a promotional movie, but that really is actual gameplay on Wii U," he said last week. "Also, I wasn't kidding about how you will be able to reach the mountains that appear in the distance if you should choose to! (Aonuma)"
source (i know...): polygon.com
horizon looks better than this
Not but i watched the stream for about 3 hours myself and honestly,yes the game looks fun at times,but really the world feels very empty and barren as fuck with the exception of a few enemies (goblins,guardians), NPCs (1 or 2 that i recall seeing in the demo),horses-birds,the puzzles honestly looked weak as fuck,like something my 5yr old nephew could figure out in 10 minutes,sure i guess the lore is there to a point? But really that doesn't seem like it'll carry the game that far.
its kinda cheap how hes not physically affetced in any way by the wind or the motions. Hes just there dead.
>looks like a PS2 title from 2002
Nintendicksuckers confirmed for literal SHITEATERS.
Maybe they have less people?
CDPR with team of 250 were making Witcher 3 for 5 years
>>nobody points out the pop-in in the e3 Horizon trailer
That's because there is no visible pop-in in the game.
On the other hand everyone on this board alreay popped in ur mom, you butthurt Nintendicksucker.
People did last year
The difference is this game looks like ass so it shouldn't have massive popin like this.
they showed the very start of the game so of course it's not going to be challenging, just lets you get a feel for the game. And they took out all the NPC's and towns to avoid spoilers
Listen here fuckboy unless it hinders gameplay shit like pop in should'nt bother you. You wanna know an example of pop in that actually fucked gameplay?
San andreas, seriously good fucking luck flying a plane in that game without crashing. Or a helicopter for that matter.
It's on the fucking Wii U. Of course an open world game is going to be empty, have shitty textures and pop-in everywhere. But it's okay, it's Nintendo. You have to go easy on them, like you go easy on the handicapped kid entering a competition for the healthy. You just encourage them and say it's okay, they tried their best, and it's not that bad at all.
Shut the fuck up. I'm so tired of being disrespected on this goddamn website. All I wanted to do was post my opinion. MY OPINION. But no, you little bastards think it's "hilarious" to mock those with good opinions. My opinion. while not absolute, is definitely worth the respect to formulate an ACTUAL FUCKING RESPONSE AND NOT JUST A SHORT MEME OF A REPLY. I've been on this site for 4 years: 4 YEARS and I have never felt this wronged. It boils me up that I could spend so much time thinking and putting effort into things while you shits sit around (probably jerking off to Gardevoir or whatever furbait you like) and make fun of the intellectuals of this world. I've bored you? Good for fucking you. Literally no one cares that your little brain is to underdeveloped and rotted to comprehend my idea...MY GREAT GREAT IDEA. I could sit here all day whining, but I won't. I'm NOT a whiner. I'm a realist and an intellectual. I know when to call it quits and to leave the babybrains to themselves. I'm done with this goddamn site and you goddamn immature children. I have lived my life up until this point having to deal with memesters and idiots like you. I know how you work. I know that you all think you're
"epik trolls" but you're not. You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use Sup Forums). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn.
Why are you even comparing the graphics of this Wii U game to the graphics of a PS4 game? At least wait for the NX version
Naw it's definitely strength of console.
Zelda does look good running on a Wii U though, so its understandable why they had to do that. Maybe it'll be better on the NX
>pops in
>guy controlling tilts the camera away from the popped in
pretend I posted the gif with the guy who tilts his head back in laughter while raising his hand
>Enemies that can one-shot you.
Whatever you say.
Kek u mad :^)
God Witcher 3 had so much pop in, it was disappointing
>pop in
What is this? Someone explain. On mobile so webms don't work for me
I wouldn't mind popin as much if they did the style a lot of other console games do where it'll slowly fade in from a gradient
It's an understandable hardware limitation, but at least make it look less jarring, jeesh.
Why do people post in All Caps to prove a point?
It just makes you seem childish
not calling you a liar or anything, but i haven't really noticed all that much pop-in other than on grass and some far away trees, and they get drawn pretty far away.
In most open world games, You cant render everything, so sometimes objects "pop-in" as you get closer to them.
Some people say it's an immersion killer
result of a shitty engine, objexts retexture or appear as you get closer to them. exists in many modern games. games with really bad popin: Gloria Victis, Arma games/Dayz, Skyrim, Battlefield series, apparently new zelda game (this) etc. the webm shows pretty bad pop-ins as link is flying towards some shit on his glider.
It seems to me that it's a side effect of tech limitations. In games with big open worlds, rendering everything in the world at once would be incredibly taxing on the console, so it doesn't render certain things in the distance until you get close enough, at which point it appears to "pop into" existence. Some games do this smoothly through a gradual appearance of the object, but the webm shows Breath of the Wild doing it...not so smoothly.
How long you want.
Lol, no, it doesn't
Bullshit and you know it. The only zelda game before this one that was declared "challenging" was skyward sword
Meant to reply here. Don't know how I fucked that up.
someone sounds a lil bit cut
>result of a shitty engine
Come on user it's not the engine, the Wii U just doesn't have the hardware to render this big a world without some pop in.
It would be nice if it did, but it's not going to ruin the game.
Might have been my toaster PC but it was noticeable for me
does anyone know how to fix this in games or is there no way?
It as said about every single one, including edgy doge zelda.
And it has ALWAYS been a lie.
No it's definitely your shit pc you mongoloid
>does anyone know how to fix this in games or is there no way?
fog, lots of fog, to limit visibility
Can somebody explain me what is wrong in this? I really like it
Better Engine, but Nintendo is usually god with their engines,
So better Tech is the other answer, generally the only games that don't have massive pop-in are on the PC
That's what you get with an actual game rather than a Gears of War camera angle linear movie.
there's nothing WRONG with so much it's just that, well it's the systems big killer app and it's only just now coming out as the system is being buried
I think the only way is to just have better hardware, and since the Wii u is using 2006 tch thats kinda impossible. the best bet is to wait for the NX version which will probably run better
He doesn't mean what's wrong with the game you idiot, he means with the webm.
user, as has already been explained in this thread, it shows what is called pop in. Watch the landscape as Link is gliding, you will notice certain features of the terrain suddenly appear as you get closer to them.
It happens in most big open world games on consoles because of hardware limitations. It can be a little jarring, but you're in a shitposting thread where someone is acting like it will ruin the whole game for (you)s.
all those people stampeding to play it sure seemed to care about that.
Honestly, it's fucking nuts that they're rendering that much on Wii U hardware as it is.
It is a little ridiculous looking at times though.
it will get re-released for the NX for sure.
I'm posting in a shitposting thread I'm posting in a shitpostng threat I'm posting in a shitposting treat
>Mom I'm posting in a shitposting thread, do I win
I'm posting in a shitposting thread I'm posting in a shitpostng threat I'm posting in a shitposting treat
>Mom I'm posting in a shitposting thread, do I win
I'm posting in a shitposting thread I'm posting in a shitpostng threat I'm posting in a shitposting treat
>Mom I'm posting in a shitposting thread, do I win
I'm posting in a shitposting thread I'm posting in a shitpostng threat I'm posting in a shitposting treat
>Mom I'm posting in a shitposting thread, do I win
I'm posting in a shitposting thread I'm posting in a shitpostng threat I'm posting in a shitposting treat
>Mom I'm posting in a shitposting thread, do I win
I'm posting in a shitposting thread I'm posting in a shitpostng threat I'm posting in a shitposting treat
>Mom I'm posting in a shitposting thread, do I win
it can take 10000 years but that won't help how weak the WiiU is
the geometry and stuff popping in as you get closer
like a game has a render distance where it switches from low detail stuff in the distance to better models when it gets close, or as soon as it can be loaded
It's getting released for both systems like TP was on the GC and Wii. This is already officially announced.
>12 years in development
I hope this is copy pasta because holy hell is that some butthurt.
Eat shit moron, you didn't post anything close to an opinion, you bosted a bait and people replied accordingly. Suck my dick. Choke on it.
of course its pasta
no one would type that much
Can they fix this before release if they wanted to or is it due to the wii us weak hardware?
>tfw pop-in will never be fixed
It's always incredibly jarring and obnoxious.
Guess I'll just have to download more RAM.
There is actually much worse pop in in the trailers of Horizon that they showed, I honestly don't understand whats the point of better hardware if you still have shit pop in and terrible frame rate
MAD AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!
It's not a shitpost. Zelda is shit, Nintendo is dead. Nintendo should work for Sony
>game breaking bugs
This never happened
>Detractors are this hung up for excuses why it's bad
My hype levels are unalterable OP. You can do nothing.
>It's not a shitpost
>Being this mad cuz Sony got REKT by 1 game.
Holy shit how miserable is to be a Sonycuck?
When consoles have nice graphics
>Of course consoles have better graphics than anything, graphics are what makes games great, fuck gameplay.
When consoles have shit graphics.
>Of course gameplay is the priority fuck graphics i want smooth gameplay.
Fuck you.