Dark Souls 2: SoTFS player resurgence

So I recently reformatted my computer and didn't realize that Souls 2 and 3 both don't have cloud saving and lost my data. I decided to start a new playthrough of SoTFS since Souls 3 is linear as fuck and not being able to skip to the areas that have what I want for my build kills repeat playthroughs for me.

I'm seeing summon signs all over in every area I go to and invasions at a decent rate. I put the bell tower covenant ring on and had invasions almost back to back. I went to the bell tower and had plenty of fights.

I didn't realize how much I missed this game in just my first hours of gameplay:

>They try to chug estus, hit them before they can even sip it
>The host has phantoms, they can't easily heal, can fight 1v3 and win since any damage I do sticks
>The weapons don't all have the same fucking animation, various movesets between straight swords, great swords, and ultra greatswords whereas in Souls 3 they all have the same vertical swing moveset.
>Barely more than an hour into the gameplay and already have +10 weapon thanks to bell tower PVP
>Invading sinners with cracked blue orb

I dislike the repeating textures in the area and the game is certainly less good looking than DS3 but the gameplay and weapon movesets blow Souls 3 out of the water.

Pic related: SoTFS only had around 1900 players when DS3 released, it's back up to nearly 4k. I guess people realized how much of a hack Miyazaki is and how uninteresting Dark Souls 3: Safe Space Edition is.

Your thread died for a reason, stop making it again

DaS2 has the best gameplay, best build variety and best PvP.

I've always enjoyed DaS2 and I can only think the reason Sup Forums hates this game is because they're fucking garbage at every game. You read DaS3 threads and see people whining about how they have no poise in their shitter Havel build. I read DaS1 threads and see people recommending full Havel's + Iron Flesh for killing the 4 Kings.

"DaS2 is bad" is the worst meme.

>Your thread died for a reason
The shitters on Sup Forums don't realise that they are objectively wrong about Dark Souls 2?

Yes, objectively.

Dark Souls 3 has cloud saving. My hard drive crashed, I bought a new one, reinstalled DaS3, and all my saves were there.

DaS2 is the worst souls game in every regard but PvP, the level design is atrocious, nothing fits together in a logical way, the combat is clunky, and the enemy and boss designs are lazy, the enemy encounters being ESPECIALLY lazy.


DaS 2 came back because there was a sale a few days ago.

But yeah - Some people went back to DS2 after finishing DS3.

Atleast i personally know a few people who did that. Mainly because DS3 has not enough content yet without the DLC and because they already played it to death.

Ds2 is objectively better than Ds3.

good argument nigger

man, look at all those fucking games. Almost makes me wish I was an Xboxshitter back then.

Plenty of people jumped back into DS2 because they can't deal with DS3s awful PvP meta and no-poise.

This is why DS2 has much more summons than DS1 while having less players overall. Everyone who plays DS2 is coop-pvp focused.

>mfw I am one of those players
DS3 felt boring and I feel like I've done everything I possibly can in DS1. DS2 has its faults, but playing it again after a long break is fun.
>I put the bell tower covenant ring on and had invasions almost back to back. I went to the bell tower and had plenty of fights.
So much this. I am not even all that into pvp (and suck at it) but man bell tower invasions are fun as fuck

Do you like bell tower hide and seek?

And both are better than Bloodborne
And DeS is better than any of them

Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne are the ones worth playing. The true sequels are crap

Haven't experienced much of that but seeing people fall to their deaths through holes in the floor always gives me a chuckle.

Oh fuck those troll holes. Forgot all about them. Brb booting up the PS3

Sup Forums is always wrong

Kill yourself anytime

DS2 has always been a good game despite what Sup Forums says, and is probably my favorite Souls.

It still has the best pvp and the variety and replayability is solid. Sure it has some god awful areas and boss fights, but what Souls game doesnt?

I don't think anyone denied that DS2 has the best PvP of all Souls games.

PvP in DS1 was a mixed experience with Gravekeepers being useless and the connections being garbage most of the time.

And Dark Souls 3 PvP is fucking broken and no fix is in sight.

It had a lot more than most Souls games

>muh PVP
please just fucking kill yourself already

top fucking samefag lad

>muh pvp
Not an argument pcucks
Kill yourself summernigger

>das2 nostalgiafags
Jesus Christ

I'll give you level design, but I disagree with the rest. I attribute nothing fitting together to the PC going hollow. And idk how you could think the boss and enemies are "lazy". What makes them lazy? Outside of the reused shit I thought everything seemed original. But even if they are lazy, they at least put up a challenge because ds2 throws 20 at you at once.

You're just wrong on the clunky game play. It improved on des and ds in just about every way

>The argument against Dark Souls 2 consists entirely of facebook tier memes and reddit buzzwords.

It had a lot more of everything than other Souls games, which means it still had more good fights overall than the others. It's like people forget des and ds3 have piss easy boss fights and ds had an entire half the game being shitfest city.

By that logic BB is the worst souls installment since they have the shittiest pvp design(atleast before dlc) but we all know how wrong it that. good for you user if you enjoy das2 pvp but dont bite more than you can chew.

>more shit of everything
yes i agree with you.

Not him but it didn't have anywhere near the amount of shit Dark Souls had. Everything after Undead Castle was fucking terrible except OnS and Sens

it's a great game

ehhh i always heard people overblowing the second half of das1 but when i look back it wasnt that bad at all. well mediocre mostly but same thing can be said about majority of das2 areas.

>DS2 is a bad game
DS1 is worse
>DS2 looks like shit
DS1 looks worse
>DS2 has rehashed bossfights
Yeah. I really hated how they used the Asylum Demon 3 times and the Taurus Demon 10 times and the Capra Demon 7 times.
Oh wait. That was DS1.
>The areas of DS2 are fucking terrible
The worst of DS2 is still better than fucking Lost Izalith or Demon Ruins.
>Fuck off mentioning the PvP - PvPfags are the worst
Yeah. It must really hurt to admit that a game you dislike for dumb reasons did something very right.

For a n64 game

I liked Painted World but even the boss was shit tier. Butterfly, Pinwheel, Bed of Chaos, Nito, Taurus (I suppose he was a training boss). Only two boss encounters are better than anything in Dark Souls 2, 3 or BB.

Stop making this thread you shitter. If you wan to spread your autism check out reddit.com.

painted world gave us the best boss waifu don chat shit m8 :^)

she fucks dragons lad not your tiny little noscale prick

Honestly I played DasII for a long time and all of it was single player. After you finish the game there's NG+, you can do the No Death No Bonfire Challenge which took me like 50 tries, it's such a fun challenge, DasIII has nothing like that. I played DasIII for a month and I don't even miss it, all it did for me was making DasII weirder to play.

And then your Soul Memory hits a point where you stop getting invasions and need to make a new character.
Unless you reset it with cheatengine and dupe cracked reds, at which point DS2 becomes a good game.

>Bitching about bosses becoming regular enemies
I'll give you asylum demon, but capra and Taurus were used once each, saying them being regular enemies is the same as a boss fight is mental retardation

halt that dirty thought priscilla is for cuddling m8.

Actually the last character I made before Ds3 came out I kept unlocked and hit the highest soul memory bracket. Still had consistent match making through cracked reds and blues since anyone who continues playing without locking their character eventually reaches the higher brackets.

fuck off smaug

I played DS1+2+3 all in one go for the first time and so have no bias or nostalgia towards any of them.
Finished DS3 like two weeks ago.
Dark Souls 1 really hasn't aged well at all. The game looks pretty dated occassionally and after playing DS2 and DS3 its very hard to come back for the combat, The bossfights are mostly pretty tame as well. Outside of the DLC only OandS and Sif still make me want to come back. The DLC however is pretty good. The level design starts pretty mediocre but the area past Artorias is pretty interesting.

Scholar of the First Sin was much more alive than DS2 even with DS1 having more players on Steam but i guess thats only like that because DS2 lets you get invaded as hollow and most people who play DS1 stay hollow all time. Soul Memory was a mistake but overall the designs and structure are far more consistent than DS1s. I even came back after DS3 to repeat some stuff and all the DLCs are great.

DS3 has overall the most enjoyable bossfights and great designs everywhere but the game is pretty linear compared to the other two and the NG+ design and PvP/COOP are very questionable.

At the end they are all good games.


Can we just discuss the souls games without moaning and bitching about what's so great between the games?

I just want to go spelunking with a fellow Hunter in the dungeons or have some DaS2 PVP in the Ivory King chamber. When I get home of course.

>I guess people realized how much of a hack Miyazaki is and how uninteresting Dark Souls 3: Safe Space Edition is.

maybe because they had the first 2 games on sale about a week ago OP?

If anything Majula is the best hub of all Soulsborne games.

Great theme - Great location.