Dawn of war 3

Can we talk about this garbage?

>New dawn of war
>hypest trailer
>shows off gameplay and its a fucking mobaalike
>animations are shit
>graphics shit
>gameplay looks boring as fuck

When did Relic turn to shit?


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"See this fucker in terminator plate making fucking backflips with his hammer! Thats whats 40k is about right?"



Looks cool

cool man

That doesn't look out of line with DoW 1 and DoW 2 melee finishers, but yeah the art style is fucking horrible.


these fucking terminator animations...they act like fucking toys

>>gameplay looks boring as fuck
I mean what RTS has gameplay that isn't boring as fuck?
Whole genre's been stagnated for 20 years. There's a reason it died.

It's literally build a massive army and a-click the enemy base.

Hey kids! Do you like mobas like LOL or DOTA?

We have now made DoW with lanes! aint that exciting?

I love DoW1+DC. Didn't played 2, but 3 will for sure.
Reason: Building bases coming back

You mean like DoW2?

>Thats whats 40k is about

It what my 40k is about.

This is literally the the first part of the tutorial mission that they made to have gameplay to show at events.

Bait, Hard bait 7/10

This guy have some good points


What is a mobalike you dumb fucking nigger?

this looks fucking awful. the art is pure shit

any news about Deathwing ? they were supposed to be at e3

Can we talk about how absurdly hard it is to mod custom skins into the campaigns of DC and SS?

DoW II >>>>>>>>> DoW1

There's a reason why the traditional RTS genre died, it fucking sucked.

Warcraft 3 was the best thing to happen to RTS

>Warcraft 3 was the best thing to happen to RTS

I love how Sup Forums has this profound love for that game all the time despite it being... hardly the best RTS around back then.

But now they are getting a game which is one part DoW1 and one part WC3 (seriously, those elite units are WC3 heroes to a T minus the leveling part being replaced with the wait before you can call them in) and they're screaming bloody murder.

I can't wait for the next game in whatever franchise copy Tiberian Sun so you can once again show you are nothing but a bunch of liars who are blinded by shitty nostalgia.

Oh, and try not to shit up /tg/'s DOW threads.
Please and thank you.

Love, Relic faggot.

Do you HAVE to start this shit? Can't we just appreciate them as different games? Why does everything needs to be a retarded discussion about A vs B?

>Pre alpha footage
looks like a already made game

That Knight looks delicious as fuck desu
Rest looks like a fucking mlp teletubby world

>tfw no original gabe angelos VA
>tfw it looks like a moba

Because they are retarded, nostalgia-driven fans who have to fight for the attention of a company who would do best to ignore both of them and make something fresh again.

It's like that massive rotten sandwich Homer keeps eating simply because he bought it.

>That Dred

Of all the shit in the 40k universe that's what bothers you?

I just hope we get goods voice acting at least....

If shit games go die then why is DOTA and LOL are so successful?

Because they are fun

Wasn't Angelos supposed to be mostly robotic now, considering how much Kyras fucked him in Retribution?


Thanks for saying that now I can ignore anything you post knowing that you are a total faggot.

There has always been a market for RTS games like DoW, the problem is that new devs simply don't know how to make a good one. At any rate I enjoy immensely DC, SS, CR and Retribution, they are so wildly different that there's no point in making a shit throwing fight about which one is the best.

Damn this looks fun

Total Warhammer is bretty gud senpai



well, Gabriel is play Soldier 76 now so we get a new shitty force commander

>There has always been a market for RTS games like DoW

I didn't say there was a market for them, I'm just saying Relic is not a company that makes sequels and I love them for that.
They could have stopped and kept milking Homeworld for all it was worth like all the other companies back then but they didn't.
Instead, they tried to make a different game with Impossible Creatures.
The game wasn't the best one around but points for effort and it was certainly fun.

Going forward, they've struck gold with DoW.
Did they keep milking DoW like all your idols?
Fuck no, they went further and created another great game, CoH.

Once again, CoH alone could fund a company itself but these mofos weren't done yet, and so they went and created DoW2.

Once again a novel experience and the most Warhammer 40k game ever made, great fun as well.

They're not exactly paragons of originality. The capture points are inspired by Z while the squad system came from Kohan. The story of CoH is just a retelling of BoB and Saving pvt. Ryan, Dark Crusade campaign did nothing special, simply implemented a mode that was booming with RTS games at the time,...
In the end, though, this is not a studio you ask for sequels since they only do so when starved for money and the games end up bad because of it.


>sperglord supreme

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