Hey Sup Forums I recently purchased Kotor 1& 2 any advice or tips before I start to play?

Don't go evil in 1 it's stupid juvenile bullshit like "Give me your lunch money or you die" constantly

Bastila is bae either side you pick.

So choosing the good side? Okay I'll keep that in mind thanks

Kreia was right

make sure to cut down the threat that is juhani

she really did nothing wrong

Both games are written so that almost every planet has its own self-contained storyline that then ties into the main overarching plot. For 1 especially, take it planet by planet to avoid getting burned out. 2 has a lot less content so it's much less of an issue.

Easiest ways to cheese the game are to either pick dual-wielding + master flurry, or max out force lightning. Pick either if you want to cheese the game, avoid if you want a challenge.

You can turn off auto-leveling if you want to customize your party members. It's recommended since most auto-level gives them sub-standard skills and abilities.

I did this on my first playthrough, and I kinda feel like I missed out

You really didn't, she only moans about some inane shit later on, such a useless character that contributes nothing to the plot, just like rug boy.

you can pound that pussy if you're a chick

Kreia did nothing wrong
Guardian is super easy mode
Juhani is in the closet for a reason
Combat kind of sucks

I think that covers it.

I found consular to be easy mode if your dark. Just span force storm to win. Especially in KOTOR 2 when you can have your whole party spam that shit to win. Plus get insanity too and absolutely nothing will stop you

Install the restored content mod for 2 before playing

Play KOTOR II with the restored content mod otherwise you're missing out on one of the best Star Wars stories there has ever been.

Also Kreia literally did nothing wrong. So don't be too harsh on her.

Also you can turn most of the characters in KOTOR II into Jedi but only if you butter them up with the usual dialogue bs.

I quite liked her whole reformed addict kinda thing but you can do without especially when old man neutral is so powerful

>thinking the ending where you rule over an empire with your waifu slut bastila isn't the best

Both games are pretty easy, whether you go consular or guardian so just play it yourself.

Consular might have a bit of the rough start but it evens out. Not sure about sentinels, never played them.

dual wield, force speed, flurry, enjoy destroying everything

lunch credits*

>he's never played kotor2
>has kreia twist already spoilered
nice guys