Confirmed VR shit

>confirmed VR shit
>confirmed to only be in 1st person mode
>new protagonist
>inspired off of shitty indie horror games

Why can't Capcom get it right?

Interview where developer talks about this shit

I find it strange too.

I don't mind it going back to horror, but what I played I wasn't a fan of.

Hopefully in the game there are zombies in the areas so I have something to fear.

Yeah, And?
Everyone knew RE7 wouldn't be a return to form.
Everyone is already content with REmake2.
Which if a single word comes out of capcom's mouth about VR about it people will just fucking explode.

Nothing about the Demo has anything to actaully do with the RE7. Just getting across the idea of first person for the game.
Capcom is not dumb enough to make it VR only when VR is still not the least bit affordable nor accepted.

>Capcom pandering to the Gone Home crowd

To think they fell so far from the glory days...

>mfw resident evil was never about paranormal
>mfw capcom never said this game will be about paranormal
>mfw there's no clue of paranormal in the trailer
>mfw andre never mentioned a girl when he's talking about the history of the house
>mfw the woman who kills pete has different clothes than the ghost and she's clearly a zombie
>mfw ghost girl literally has nothing the game
>mfw she's an irl ghost haunting the game
>mfw we're all fucked

>Silent Hill goes first person with PT
>RE goes first person with REVII

Sup Forums is so stupid

Gone home wasn't the least bit scary though.
It's pandering to the people who are lamenting about the loss of Silent Hills.

He already stated that the full game will have more in common with classic RE than with the demo.

Remember P.T.? Yeah, that too was a conceptual demo

>go to download the demo
>see on the store that you can already pre-order the game
>see that DLC is already announced

Are you fucking kidding me with this Capcom? You haven't even shown what the final product is going to be and you've got DLC and pre-orders just raring to go.

Sup Forums is just full of Kojima dicksuckers.


Still better than 5 or 6.

I can't believe it... With Capcom's increased focus on Rebecca recently, this would have been a perfect time to bring her back as a main character, but Capcom dashed my hopes and dreams. I will never forgive them for this injustice! She is my only source of joy in this world and Capcom is treating her like shit again, it's not fair. Something needs to be done!


I don't mind the direction they're taking, but the first person is stupid. Resident evil has always been a third person game and that's what has defined the series as well.


You know every game does it.
They even try to spin it as a good thing, and a good number of people eat it up.

It's not going away for a long time.

>Resident evil has always been a third person game


New protagonist is something I'm on board with. If they picked a returning character it would kill some of the horror.

That said, I still think they should have done the thrown out RE4 concept with hookman and the virus.

>people are still falling for these bait threads after the capcomunity interview

Fuck you man. Not like this.

Resident beaver :P

PT was a million times more interesting and it came first.