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mortal kombat

Why are MKfags such insufferable tranny-lovers

have you seen the ingame graphics?


prove him wrong

Whoa there buddy you want Injusticefags.

no but for real tho
why does injustice 2 look so much worse than MKX?


Why is a lot of Cassie's stuff incest with her dad? Pretty weird

I can't wait for Wonder Woman.

Will probably Out-Gorilla Gorilla Grodd

because he is Johnny fuckin Cage

Because everything needs to be a Cage match.


Because that's secretly the fastest growing sector of the porn market.



Sorry, sir. You have shit taste, it's terminal.


Son, its time to come out

>MK vs SF

> anime poster


That was better than I thought it would be, kind of sweet actually.

I am so fucking lonely.


You're right, i'm a filthy cis scum who likes feminine women

knowing yourself is important

waifu of steel

>3dpd poster

Terminal. Shit taste.


considering the fact the cassie epitome of femininity you have some weird issues my man


Do you live in San Francisco?

way do street fighter fags hate every fighting game

No, I'm from London, wanna meet up ?

What meme? All I did was post Supergirl

It's scary how well that fits.

what did he mean by this?

yea and this looks so good


well, if that is from the game the trailer lied its ass off


Mask reminds me of Flash. Which also reminds me that both women and men look worse than ever in inJUSTice 2. It's a serious downgrade from MKX.

What is wrong with your face? Where's the Nemesis look? And why does it look like you have your hard-on out and exposed?

It's okay user. I'm here for you.


>real actors in a scene
>fight starts
>suddenly, all the characters morph into weird cartoon people and fly around the screen
Why are modern action movies so shitty?

> tfw I can't see it
> tfw not on the spectrum
feels kind of good man

im just saying the trailer looked like garbage

Ohhhh shit, Atrocitus is in this? Fuck, I might have to get this now

have you seen the barrack blow up in Commando?
you can see the boards that hold the dummies clear as day

probably because the modals are not finished just look at aquaman

How much?

>game still has long stage transitions

OH yea baby.
Ill let her shatter every single atom of me.

>oldfag joins the server.webm

Seriously, I fucking hated the stage transitions in the first game. Favorite map was Atlantis because it didn't have them but now thats fucked because it does in I2.

She's perfect

no thay are shorter and if you dont like it them it off

thats suicide level webm posting right there, son


Eeeehhhh, I guess if you're into tomboys she'd be pretty good


she literally looks like a gender bent version of the new TV superman on the CW (or whatever it's called now). Far too manly, short haired, and dykey for my taste. Plus she has tiny tits so...

go fuck yourself

Seems familiar.

>they will never be in the same game


the actor you're talking about is tom welling.

fuck you, I cannot unsee.



Needs more development time

but y'know superhero fans are retarded and will buy everything anyway so yea just

Is this a tranny?
Absolutely disgusting.

what not anime for you

yea look it comes out next year

how do you like the roster so far

He isnt in any newer shows is he?
Because user said "new" superman, he was in superman in smallville, but that is like 10 years old.

Conan will be my main.

>Supergirls face in that picture
Jesus christ man


Not if those pornhub stats are anything to go by.

dont see the problem

no he was right, that's the one I meant.

now I can't even hate fuck her to death.

>shitting on antje

What the hell is going on with the right side of her face? Did she have a stroke or something?

Its funny that lex luthor becoming the U.S president was a generic comic book storyline.

Because a pretty similar scenario is going to happen IRL, doesnt matter who wins.

Too bad there is no superman to save you though.



>Conan O' Brien
Where do I preorder it?

y user, Y

>still not enough porn of jacqueline briggs

Holy shit this looks terrible.

>Too bad there is no superman
yeah there is
Bw Conan and Hillary is Furiousa, from Hillary to Prince are Weird Al Yankovic, John Snow or maybe Ned Stark, Kitana and Mad Max, Rey bw Prince and Sherlock
Upper row third from right is Scorpion, last is Trump
Calm your tits, it's just easter eggs

>Still no Constantine or Power Girl

Conan was actually in the first one as a Superman skin.

>her reaction isnt to haul off and smack the sense out of him

well he is a DC hero;eyJ0eXBlIjoiZXRhZyIsImlkIjozNTUxfQ

>tfw Faora will never speedfuck you

>power girl won all the polls
>they didn't put her in because they knew DC would force the black girl version in and cause massive fan backlash

i found some


If I recall that Superman skin wasn't in the game.

It was made just for the sketch.

Would be down to have Flaming C be in the game though,



Holy shit please restrain yourself from posting this one next time please.