Play Zelda 1

>play Zelda 1
>it's ok
>play Zelda 2
>love it
>play LTTP
>hate it
>play OOT
>think it's ok but the 10/10 masterpiece every says it is

Should i try to play any of the other Zelda games or is this series not for me?

Other urls found in this thread:

but not*

>>play LTTP
>>hate it

>>play Zelda 2
>>love it
Best taste, Nintendo should do another one like Zelda 2 desu
And yes, try the rest of them

You should probably just go hang yourself instead.

Majora's Mask is the best in the series, though, if you want to keep trying.

Why should I tell you what to do?

>hate lttp

give wind waker a whirl

Probably not for you but try MM, it has a different flavor and you might like that more.

>hating ALTTP

What are you, some new strain of advanced faggot

Eh. It had its good points, but the grinding and the random encounters with trash mobs really ruined it for me.

>play LTTP
>hate it
>skipping Link's Awakening
You should kill yourself instead.


kill thyself op

>Link's Awakening
oh i did play that for an hour and hated it too.

I agree that ALttP is the worst of the first half of the series, and AoL is criminally underrated
I suggest you play Majora's Mask and skip the rest of the series. Also TP is alright after the first 5 hours if you want to go through all that

I liked OoT, but that final boss kinda ruins the game for me

>Obnoxiously annoying and difficult if you do it normally
>Absurdly easy once you learn you can just roll through his legs


>Hating LttP and skipping Link's Awakening
Summer is at full force.

how can you prefer 2 over 1 and then HATE LTTP? o.o

Link to the past is pretty shitty but not as bad as links awakening and skyward sword.

B8 detected

If Zelda 2 is your favorite and you hate LttP, then no, the series is not for you.

But maybe with that bad taste you'll love the weaker ones in the series. Give the DS games and Skyward Sword a try.


ALttP is literally just the casual man's Zelda 1

>>play LTTP
>>hate it

You're a contrarian if I've ever seen one, OP.

Do you honestly believe this or are you just trying to be a special snowflake? Or maybe youre just trolling.

The series isn't for you. Zelda 2 is the most unique (as in, different from the rest of the series) Zelda game, so if it's the only one you actually liked then you simply don't like Zelda games.

Return to 2009, facebooker.

I'm not a big fan of Zelda and I'm enjoying Twilight Princess so far. Maybe you should try that. The intro is ass though but once you get past that it gets fun.

I've been here when you were in elementary school, kid.

Link's awakening.

>hating awakening
that's proof of shit taste.

you might actually like skyward sword then

>loves the most hated Zelda game
>hates one of the most loved ones

Nope, this series isn't for you. Quit now and save yourself some time.

goomba stomping enemies with you the down stab is too damn fun

>play OOT
>think it's ok but the 10/10 masterpiece every says it is

Do I see a Freudian Slip in there?

Nintendo games aren't E for Everyone anymore, they're T for Toddlers, if you desire a game with any sense of depth than current era Zelda isn't for you

no i just type fast and leave out words sometimes.
what i was trying to say was
>think it's ok but not the 10/10 masterpiece everyone says it is

So you have been here since 1991?

>Play Majora's Mask

We're waiting, TC

>think it's ok but the 10/10 masterpiece every says it is
They reason it's rated so highly is because it was the equivalent of inventing the wheel for video games. It showed just how much video games could do. Maybe it doesn't hold up to today's standards, but back then it really was the best game of all time.
>inb4 shill

>play Zelda II
>love it

Skip Zelda, play early Ys instead. It's as good as it's gonna get for you. Depending on how it turns out, maybe check out BotW. The majority of the series takes after ALttP so don't worry about it.

post yfw BotW getting 8.5 from IGN is rapidly approaching

Eh, OoT wasn't quite THAT important. It was a step forward for open world action adventure titles and did a lot to answer the question of how to do 3D combat properly with its well realized targeting system (wasn't the first to do it, but it was the first to do it well), but it didn't usher in the modern age of vidya or anything like that. It's just a really well designed game that was a bit forward thinking in its time.

Play LA

>loves Zelda 2
>hates LttP
You just have shit taste

>basically invented 3D gaming
>not important
You can fuck right off

Or he just doesn't like what has come to typify Zelda. It is completely fair game to like the games before ALttP more than ALttP itself. They are different enough to merit a schism in preferences.

Nope. He also likes Zelda 2. He just has shit taste.

Oh man you wanted some posts in your thread with that LTTP HATE IT thing didn't you OP?

Desperate as hell.

>hating on LTTP

Mcfucking kill yourself mate.

I'd say Super Mario 64 was more important for that. Hell, Tomb Raider is probably more important for that. Even then neither game "invented" it - I don't know when the first 3D game was but off the top of my head Star Fox was in 1993, well before OoT.

>love Zelda 2
>hates alttp

Mah nigga. Toonfags are the cancer on zelda as a franchise. They are still salty that nobody wants their shit and that alttp sold less than Zelda 2

>zelda 1
>only ok
>hate it

Why? Zelda II is a fine game in its own right, it's just nothing like the other games in the series. It was very well received in its time and the only real issue I can think of with it is its sometimes obtuse progression requirements. The core gameplay is a rock solid 2D action RPG.

Link's Awakening is good. Four Swords Adventure is surprisingly fun. Wind Waker is shit.

1 and 2 are the best games in the series. It's all downhill from there.

If you actually hated LttP then you probably won't enjoy any of the others all that much.

>play LTTP
>hate it

>hating LTTP

Fucking fag

Bruh, listen to me
>likes Zelda 2, likes LttP
Probably just a Zelda fan
>hates Zelda 2, hates LttP
Not anzelda fan
>hates Zelda 2, likes LttP
What most people would say
>likes Zelda 2, hates LttP
Shit taste
That's all there is to it.

>Wind Waker is shit.
Your opinion is objectively wrong.

majoras mask then wind waker

Hardly. I want to know WHY Zelda II is a bad game. It's not perfect but it has far more good qualities than bad.

What is "doing it normally?" As far as I remember it gave you no indication on how to proceed.

>hated lttp
>oot is ok
>zelda 1 is ok

I'm afraid you just have horrible taste

majoras mask is the only good one

>hating lttp

>Win combat literally by mashing B
>Or just hold B and walk into things
>Mindless tile sliding puzzles
>Worst music in the entire series
>Inventory full of junk you never use
>Technology surpassed by a Gameboy game

Teenie hipsters took their ALttP meme too far,

Zelda 1 and 2 are best 2D Zeldas. OoT and MM are the best 3D Zeldas. Heavy narrative of 3D games aside mechanically both OoT and MM got so much right that it's insane. You can probably remove a huge chunk of text and cutscenes from OoT and the game would still shine, just by how intuitively designed it is.

>Hates LTTP

I can't put it in the classics in gaming tier titles but it's right there in the next tier for me. They most definitely should make another Zelda 2 style game, just name it something else so people won't whine and complain.


Come on, bruh. You're starting to sound like you have shit taste too.

It was empty and boring with a lot of filler.

I was pissed when they showed off the wall mechanics in ALBW and it wasn't a loose return to Zelda II gameplay. The potential, man. Oh well, at least one of the best Zelda themes made a comeback:

No trolling, that's exactly what I think as well. I have no idea why, but MM feels different and way better than the rest.

It's okay, OP. While I don't hate LttP, it's definitely one of my least favorites as well.

You should be able to decide for yourself, though. Asking Sup Forums is kind of like a last resort. There's no harm in emulating and giving some games a chance.Do whatever you want to do

I like ALttP as well, and you're not answering my question so I'm assuming you're just talking out of your ass. I can see why someone would like Zelda II but not ALttP - it just means they probably shouldn't bother with the rest of the series.

MM has a much bleaker atmosphere and FAR greater emphasis on world building and sidequesting than any other Zelda. Not really hard to see why some people would only like it while others absolutely despise it - it's really the only Zelda of its kind.

I don't care about the 8.8 shit but I'd be pretty mad if Skyward Sword wound up with better scores than BotW.

I still don't get how that game got such high praise, was it just fear for the reactions of Zelda fans?

It is pretty shitty tho.
And has a big part that's a major snorefest

>Hates Alttp AND Awakening
Jeez man

I wouldn't get too upset. It looks like it'll blow SS the fuck out but it still did get a 93 on Metacritic. BotW will probably do better but that's still a high bar to jump over. As for why, a lot of critics deemed it as "the game that justifies a Motion+", more or less.

Came here to say this