What's the point in getting a fucking Scorpio?

Seriously why would get a fucking Scorpio when every game it has will be on PC?

>inb4 great specs

I can literally build a PC that shits on it in terms of graphical quality. You buy a console for exclusives which Scorpio lacks.

PS4 and NX is the way to go.

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>the scorpio will not use the rest of the gpu if you're not running 4k

what did he mean by this??

eventually there won't be much of a difference in power between consoles and pc so i'm happy. no more half assed ports

i think its gonna exist as a slow transition to pc so that microsoft can eventually abandon the xbox

PCs don't appeal to the vast majority of the console market.
People want a box that they can just plug in and play FIFA/Madden/Cod/GTA on.

I'll buy the controller just to support them

Phil Spencer is my husband

Just nx user, i can get your moviegames on my pc as well

the average Joe just wants to sit on his couch and play halo and gears they don't want to make a custom pc

>PS4 is the way to go

If you want to pay for a new console every 2 years since Sony has now declared themselves the enemy of PC gaming

People like that don't care about specs though: they'll stick to a normal XBOne

to avoid windows 10

They care about graphics.

everyone likes nice graphics

Average consumer doesn't care about windows 10 is bad memes.

consoles should die. exclusives are a cancer and have no reason to exist except to nickel and dime brand loyal autists

>the enemy of PC gaming
What does that even mean?
Sony is not competing with PC. The majority of their users don't care about PC at all.

if they cared about graphics why wouldn't they use a pc? if they cared about graphics why would they play the new cod every year?

Friendly reminder that people don't buy consoles for the exclusives.

Great specs, blu ray player, xbox exclusives, no blue screen bullshit or incompatible parts.

We dont know price point yet but we can assumr it will launch at ~600usd then drop to around 400usd after a year or two. Sold at a loss.

Your pathetic pc wont be built with those stats. Itll blue screen, have shitty heatsinks and more. Just face it, console is an all in one package with no hassle.

1 too lazy to invest in a pc
2 its a casual game with a very low skill gap

Sony and Microsoft have explicitly stated that more and more of their markets are overlapping with pc as pc gaming becomes more accessible and popular. so I don't think you know what the fuck you're talking about tbdesu

Same point in getting any other console. For the neat and tidy all-in-one package as opposed to buying components and building a PC. People just like the simplicity of a console and gaming from a couch without having to set much up.

Scorpio is a single item to be ready for 4k and VR memes

and it won't be limited to indieshit like ps4

Apparently he hasn't heard of anti-aliasing, or shadows or anything else that might be able to be beefed up with the resolution at 1080p.

>Average consumer doesn't care about windows 10

they don't.

Not that much as to spend 100+ more shekels on it
That's assuming they know about it, because the only thing the'll read is "Xbox One": they don't follow vidya media or lurk on /v

what the fuck? you do realize that most people own a personal computer, right? not powerful ones, but enough to play the majority of shit on steam

>Itll blue screen, have shitty heatsinks and more
itt console peasants say shit they know nothing about

It's like they're not even hiding the fact that they are evil.

2006 called and it wants your shitty PC memes back.

This. I can't wait to play great games in VR on the Scorpio™ like Fallout 4™ and Skyrim: Remastered Edition™

>Itll blue screen, have shitty heatsinks and more

>most people own a personal computer,
yup, but most people don't plug them up to their tvs.

>Hank Scorpio

UN please

>Mentions how a pc can beat it with graphics
>Then goes on to say how the ps4 is the way to go

typical sonycucks

scorpio will shit on the neo and have games you can't access on the ps4. That's all that matters in the end.

>why wouldn't they use a pc

Multiple reasons:
>don't want to sit at a desk
>too expensive
>buying/installing games not convenient enough
>associate PCs with work
>want to play online with their friends, who probably don't own decent PCs either
>don't need a dedicated desktop PC for anything else

Even if some of those are uninformed opinions, they don't care enough to bother researching.

>if they cared about graphics why would they play the new cod every year?
They have low standards for graphics/performance, but if you tell them that buying this new system will make the graphics look better, they'll be interested.

>VR on the Scorpio

so MS never said how they'd use VR. their own headset? or can you use the oculous?

>Friendly reminder that people don't buy consoles for the exclusives.
Everyone who isn't an idiot knows this though, look at the sales of any multiplatform. Even the Witcher 3, a franchise that has never been on Playstation sold more copies on PS4 than any other platform.

I'm actually surprised Bloodborne was in the top 10

Yeah man of course. Remember when Atari dominated the market and the industry thrived on quality software because there was no competition?

Most people own a Macbook. If you ever went outside you'd know that. People are even starting to skip the laptop in favor of browsing the internet on their fucking phones.

Nobody owns a gaming-capable PC anymore except enthusiasts.

I have never had an Xbox game not run like what happened to me with RAGE and Crysis 2.

Some people just don't associate PC with gaming. They don't like using a KB/M and sitting on an office chair to play games. They just like having a console connected to a TV that they can play with a controller on a comfy couch.

Microsoft announced a partnership with Oculus like a year or two ago and everyone was scratching their head because there was no way the Xbox One was going to be able to handle it.

Just PC user, I can emulate all the Nintendo games that aren't absolute diarrhea anyways.

>pc gaming becomes more accessible and popular
The types of games they're talking about are League of Legends and Minecraft.

LOL okay

>assblasted pc faggots defending their personal rigs
Go outside to your gamestop, nest buy, target, walmart, GAME, whatever your local store is and survey the people about their choice platform. Ask em why it isnt PC.

You retards know its simple to build a pc, but the genpublic does not. Its a wilderness from their perspective, even though you and I personally know logical increments and pcpartpucker Nd yourube take away any guessing game.

what are you talking about? how would not having consoles eliminate competition? that's like saying only having one dvd player on the market would affect the quality of films. every dev would still be battling it out for software sales

To be able to play on a living room tv, have friends come and play alongside, including the meme games like rock band.

Not everyone just wants to play overwatch with their steam friends.

Ahh the little xbots got there courage to post again on Sup Forums
Face it faggot the only thing people need are ps4s, pcs and nintendo consoles.
And i have all three
Fuck xbox

so basically scorpio is beffy just for Vr, and any enhancements to older games comes in resolution and framerate.

if thats the case it may not be worth it.

>they don't follow vidya media or lurk on /v
TV commercials of course.

We all know the general public are tech retards. You're acting like a retard also though with your 2007 bluescreen memes

I play pc games on my couch with a controller and 4k tv. Literally just plug and play why is that difficult for normies?

the only selling point consoles ever had was exclusives

it's like they're holding games for ransom

delete this

>play along

split screen is fucking rare these days

>nest buy
>ND yourube

Idk man I think it's a bad move. 4k tvs are expensive, the Scorpio will be too, no reason to own it if you already have a bone or PC. I just don't see the average consumer getting one but who the fuck knows these days, when the shit test AAA garbage can still make a profit.

Friendly reminder that people who buy consoles for the exclusives can still buy multiplat games and you don't have an argument

They dont want a pc tower next to their tv like an autist. Plus no local multilayer.

>enough to play the majority of shit on steam
That demographic doesn't want to play old or indie games.
They also want to play with their friends online.

>xbox exclusives
what exclusives? literally every game shown at the microsft conference is on PC with the exception of FFXV which is on PS4.

Because most people treat their PC as a workstation.

PC is for work, console is for couch gaming.

That's just how it is in most people's heads.

Yeah, worst development in gaming. I dont own any new console pretty much for that reason.

Because sonycucks hate the idea of a gaming pc as much as they hate the xbox. So they won't ever get those games at all

Meaning never ever.

>post a very silly and bait level claim that goes against reality
>why don't people take me seriously? you're all assblasted defending your personal rigs!

Oh, you haven't heard the 180 have you yet?


2013: We're not going to compete with PC we're going to be developers best friends and let them release on PC
2016: We're making a new PS4 because we're scared of PC and people buying their multiplats on PC. PC is now our enemy. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US FOR PC. WE HAVE EXCLUSIVES, WE SWEAR.

>is on PC
I'm not getting win 10 just to play forza horizon. fuck that.

Yall complain about exclusives on consoles but are ok with it being locked to an OS?

Replied to the wrong post?

If that were true, exclusive games would still sell more. But they don't. There's just not enough sales of exclusive games to account for all the console sales.

Yes meant for >I'm not getting win 10 just to play forza horizon. fuck that.
And you think people are getting a scorpio just to play Forza horizion when Win10 is free? Yeah good luck with that.

Confirmed retard.

Sonycucks genuinely want to stay in their own Hardware DRM walled garden because Sony's reversing policy on letting exclusives go to PC.

Remember when "Exclusives are bad for the industry"? How fucking quick Neogaf 180'd on that and claiming how amazing exclusives are is hilarious.

What's wrong with Windows 10?
>inb4 spying
That was back ported to older windows now. You're not safe from Microsoft if you use Windows at all.

> most people own a macbook

> posted from my gated community

I don't think you understand what the word exclusive means.

Why would you not have a ps4 and a pc.
I can play bloodborne and witcher 3 with mods.
Getting nx as soon as i can.
Only way i would get an xbox is if i suddenly won a whole lot of cash and i needed a console to smash.

I don't think you understand what not getting any of these games on your ps4 means.

most aaa ports can be run on medium-high with a gtx 560. what's the average gpu in an average pc? most people probably have a pc on par with consoles. and yeah people don't tend to associate pc with easy gaming, but that perception is obviously changing as Microsoft and Sony both said they are losing market share to pc. obviously people who have been console gamers are beginning to view pc as a gaming device as well. not the chads and turbo-normies, but average gamers who aren't autistic about it. I assume that makes up the majority of gamers since the middle ground is almost always the majority. I find it hard to believe Sup Forums autists and Chad and Heathers make up the majority of console and pc players

>Most people own a Macbook. If you ever went outside you'd know that.

Mac has less than 15% total marketshare for personal computers. If you even did a hint of research instead of shitposting you'd know that.

You're an idiot if you can't comprehend why having only 1 gaming platform would be a bad thing. I'll let you figure out why. Put that brain to work.

>for a segment of the market that feels that this is important
How large do you honestly think that segment is, out of 40 million users?

>We're making a new PS4 because we're scared of PC and people buying their multiplats on PC
I think that's a great exaggeration.

>Why would you not have a ps4 and a pc.

Why have a PS4? Theres no games. Multiplats are better on PC. Pointless Station Poor.

PC + Nintendo is the only combo I've needed this generation and it's going to stay the same since Sony showed no games at E3.

>getting a scorpio just to play Forza horizion
I already have xbone. why get a scorpio?

why get win 10?

why get any of this shit?

so many games and programs are incompatible still. aside from the spying, the incompatibility is unacceptable.
>That was back ported to older windows now
lol ok.

"not getting any of these games on your ps4" is not what the word exclusive means. Thanks for confirming you don't know what you're talking about.

Not in this day and age they don't, most have tablets or at best a laptop, that will not play games well at all. I know several families that do not own a dedicated computer anymore.

>mfw looking at pc white knights going apeshit

Do people not realise that sitting on a couch is more comfortable than sitting at a desk and that a controller is more comfortable to use than a mouse and keyboard? Then add the fact with a console, use the 360/PS3 for example for 8 years fuck even count post 2013 when the new generation came out can play every game that comes out for them with no problem, it takes no effort or planning it's so stress free, not everybody needs to sperg out to an fps counter or have the best possible graphics available majority of people don't give a fuck as long as it looks presentable.

>people unironically want to have to buy multiple dvd players to watch all their movies

people who support consoles and exclusivity are truly the ultimate capitalist cucks.

>I already have xbone.

That explains everything. You're trying to rationalize your obsolete dead console.

I think it's time to stop seeing MS game business as the Xbox and begin considering MS platform for games as Windows 10. It's very possible that Windows 10 is going to get every game that would be released on any Xbox console from now on. Xbone and Scorpio would then be just part of the whole Windows 10 business as something like Steam machines for people who don't want to bother building a PC.

>what's the average gpu in an average pc?
An integrated one. The average PC doesn't have a dedicated GPU.

>or a segment of the market that feels that this is important
How large do you honestly think that segment is, out of 40 million users?

large enough for Sony to spend millions developing an updated console to compete with pc and admit as much. so probably a lot. at least enough for their investors to take notice

It because pc gamers are faggots who partake in a never ending pissing contest, pure cancer

>Hurr durr Microsoft would NEVER do such a thing
Kill yourself retard.

>Do people not realise that sitting on a couch is more comfortable than sitting at a desk

How many times are you going to repeat this before you realize you're making an ass out of yourself? The "comfy" argument hasn't been valid since HDMI became standard.

Why do people keep assuming that everyone who buys a console has a fucking gaming pc?

If that were the case, multiplat games would sell more on pc than consoles.

You support bad capitalist practices everyday you fucking hypocrite just by buying shit you need. We all do, that's just how it is.

>How large do you honestly think that segment is, out of 40 million users?

A significant amount since PC Gaming is the fastest growing sector in gaming and console growth has completely dropped off despite the PS4.

>I think that's a great exaggeration.

And yet completely true. Why would they make a new PS4 if PC wasn't dominating. They want the PC market, or else everyone will ignore consoles and their business is finished.

The average PC isn't used for games.

The Scorpio is designed for a very specific demographic.

People who want the power of a PC without actually playing on PC. You'd be amazed at how many people out there detest the thought of playing on PC so much that they'd prefer an overpriced jacked up console instead.

Scorpio isn't designed for most people, it's for xbots who are going to get mad when the PC version of their exclusive looks much better.