>game has a double jump
>game has a double jump
Other urls found in this thread:
Banjo-Kazooie had a double jump.
It was shit too.
>I'm a retard, please rape my face
I hope someone will upload the toybox for me to download for free
Wonder what the toybox+ will be.
I'm sure it will.
they should release the toybox to everyone as a demo. looks like a test room anyway. good to see grant and steve able to make a game they love and not be shackled by rare
You mean, not shackled by Microsoft. Nintendo was pretty relaxed with them in the old days.
short Hover=/=second jump
Yooka literally jumps twice
Name one good platformer with a double jump
Spongebob Squarepants Battle For Bikini Bottom
Ratchet and Clank.
You already confirmed your cow shit taste with
So you can go fuck yourself if you think I'm going to waste time pleasing your worthless taste.
Psychonauts. Wow that was hard.
inb4 le misused schafer meme
What's wrong with double jump punk? Do you think it might make the game to easy?
Crash Bandicoot: Warped
The platforming in that game was fucking trash tho
Megaman X 3
That game's platforming is NOT it's strong suit
It wasn't. At worst it was sparse.
I said GOOD game
No shit, your post is right up there. What's your point?
Do you even actually like platformers or is this a shitpost
Please turn that voice down
The entire sly cooper series.
Can someone explain to me why double jump is a bad thing? I really don't see how.
>one loud retard shitposts the thread
>"g-guys what's wrong with double jumping? Why are you all against it--someone explain please!!!"
I agree, double jumps are fucking cancer. Do something more creative, something that requires a little more planning than an emergency jump in mid-air.
You best just be talking shit about Warped and not Crash 1 and 2, or I won't pray for you tonight.
-It halts all momentum
-It basically lets you float over gaps
-you don't have to commit to any jumps
Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts
Would have been nice if IGN just picked this for Game of E3 out of no where.
Oh man the shit storm.
-Bad for zero reasons
-No it doesn't
So explain to me why it's an issue in a game about exploring and collecting things again? Oh right, it isn't because BK is the quintessential collectathon and it everything from invincibility to fucking flying in it, let alone the double jump.
>showing gameplay without music
man that footage looks shit because of the silence and the way too loud sound effects.
interesting point, never seen anyone mention something like that before.
Yeah, no music really feels wrong.
i wanna fuck that octopus bitch
Submissive, good natured scientist waifus are my fetish
This is looking pretty great. Pretty damn great so far indeed. Will be sure to preorder.
Ori and the Blind Forest.
It had triple jump too and that was great as well.
Have you all bought your USB N64 controllers yet?
>nostalgic classic gets remade
>caring that much about which 3D engine its in
>That Toybox
Muh dick. July can't come fast enough.
I was actually praising Unity but I guess that could have easily been misinterpreted. Case in point.
honestly from the footage its missing something.
it looks like a faithful re-imagining of Banjo Kazooie and that's it. Not that much groundbreaking or new. I'll get it and I'll even get it for my best friends son (which is a bit of a mind fuck getting someone the sequel to a game I played when I was a kid). But it doesn't look very memorable.
>It looks like a faithful re-imagining
Hello user, how was that cave you were living in for a year?
Probably for the best honestly. Last time someone tried to add something to the platformer formula we got pic related.
Found myself saying the same thing about certain elements like when he runs up to the big chest and theres jusy 2 feathers in it. Thought to myself "if this were Rare, that chest would have been a character.".
I think that's one thing the game is going to be void of. Those oddball characters all over the place.
I liked it
He got them American brows going.
Almost a decade later, it still hurts.
I'm still a little skeptical about Unity. I've seen some games made in it that feel a little weird to play, and sometimes feel floaty.
Not to mention most games seem to have that low poly look to them. Stuff like Super Hot, Race the Sun, Grow Home have that same 3d style.
Where as 2D games like Angry Birds and Fallout Shelter have thever same look and movement of sprites too.
I just hope it's gonna be good and not floaty.
Laylee is one of the first videogame protagonist animals I don't want to fuck.
>the banter between Grant and Steve
>It halts all momentum
Depends on the game, that's the devs fault not an inherent fault of the mechanic
>It basically lets you float over gaps
That again has to do with the level design, if that's the case then the level design is too forgiving.
Either that, or if you lose momentum from double jumping then that is likely the cost of the extra height. Thus, you don't lose the momentum if you just jump once, which is how you end up not floating over the platform. It balances out by letting you keep your speed.
>you don't have to commit to any jumps
You basically just said the same thing again, so see above.
Google "United Games" and look at what has been made in unity. Floaty is only if the dev makes it that way.
Understandable. Rare animal characters have the least sex appeal.
Idunno guys it looks p fucking good, also steve and grant are really good people.
Everyone on Sup Forums wanted to fuck Yooka until they found out Yooka was a boy.
no it didnt
I just realized I can make my own fucking cartridge. What the fuck would I pay them for.
I'm going to strip off my BT sticker and put this on, and pretend it was the sequel.
No they didn't. I'd estimate it was no more than five people saying so, and the rest knew they'd want to fuck Laylee
>but but
Don't give me that shit. I saw the early comics.
>Game Over Gruntilda
I still want Yooka to have been a chick. Just to switch up the dynamic between the two characters.
Better yet, get an Army men cart that is green. Also here's a better print ref
Krystal is the only worthwile one on that list.
> Wanting to fuck monkeys
Jesus fucking christ, user.
>He wouldnt a Dixie
Me too, but we always can't get what we want.
Fuck that, we need strong masculine and suave reptilian protagonists
>Not posting Tiny Kong.
for shame.
Cities Skylines was made in Unity. Also that trump wall simulator also was.
It's basically the Flash of the new age. It's gonna be really huge some day soon. Maybe in version 6.
>sjw devs
No ty
>being a furry
>who likes chimps
>tfw you'll never meet tiny Steve in real life and hold a conversation with him.
I second this, but not Gex.
Steve has only managed to design one character his entire life, the rest are all Banjo re-skins
user, what makes them sjws?
Lemme guess, Dana Gould was "annoying"?
Post laylee ass
Gex can't exist in today's time. His entire shtick is parodying movies, but kids today don't give a shit about that and "gamers" (and Sup Forums) would hate it because it'd be called a meme game.
>Kerbal Space
>Pillars of Eternity
>Grow HOme
>Shit like The Forest and Rust
>Wasteland 2
>Shadowrun Hong Kong
>Endless Space
That, and he just looks way too smug.
Excuse me but I still want to.
You'd be smug too if you were a multi-billionaire who had fame and bitches from saving the world of Television 3 times.
And owning the worlds largest television set along with your siblings owning the continent of Australia.
Well, yeah. I'd like to see some reptile characters who don't have it all. It's kinda hard for me to like Gex that much when he's in such a position of wealth and power.
Mega Man X series.
It had dash.
Because of the double jumping and dashing along with Zero it made a better platformer to me than original Mega Man.
I agree MMX series turned to shit off the bat but the early games to me were amazing games.
Hold up, I thought it would be the opposite. Like, nobody wanted to fuck Yooka until they found out he's a boy.
Not much of a difference, you're sticking it in a cloaca regardless.
Gex hates fame and the fancy life.
He literally seals himself away from the outside world wanting to watch television until he dies.
He was forced to save Tv every time.
NOPE this was actually a thing for once. It was strange cause Sup Forums is really gay sometimes.
They are SUPER gay with StarFox threads.
Never mention Krystal, they will fucking tear you apart
Do mention lust penis, though.
One of my favorite youtubers reads and descibes fucked up r34 comics and his reactions are golden.
He did lust penis.
That's cuz you can be a straight gamer who legitimately wants to talk about Star Fox who has no interest with sex of the characters (Krystal included).
Yet everyone flood in wanting to fuck Fox and Falco and they'll shun you if you like Krystal.
You'll be there wanting to talk about the quality and mechanics and you'll be forced out cuz you don't wanna suck Falco's cock.