Where were you when Overwatch became the dominant competitive game of the decade?
Based Kaplan just announced these changes.
Goodbye CSGO and TF2
Where were you when Overwatch became the dominant competitive game of the decade?
Based Kaplan just announced these changes.
Goodbye CSGO and TF2
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More like JUST Kaplan
I like the whole transparency shit so you know what you're getting into both pre-made wise and ranking wise. Not sure how I feel about the rest but I am interested in the changes to payload and how they're going to make it more "back and forth"
>golden guns
>highest skilled players will have the chance to unlock them first
>the chance to
so not only do these status symbols of 'skill' drop randomly by chance if you're ranked high, eventually everyone else and their pets will also be able to get 'em?
>Still no word on the input lag
This game handles like it's taking place underwater at fps rater below 150. As long as they're not gonna allow to turn of that stupid frame buffer this game will never be considered truly competitive. Having to turn all settings to low and the resolution down to 720p just to have decent input response is a complete joke.
kill yourself redditor
i hear what you're saying, but none of that is familiar to me
anyone else have these issues?
Can someone greentext up a summary because I'm too lazy to watch 11 minutes
Typical overwatchdrone, waiting to be spoonfed like a baby.
>how about you watch the video faggot
Nothing much, you can see who's premade in competitive, seasons will last 3 months, rewards will include golden guns and unique icons for each season similar to HS
why dont they listen to our problems?
why only the normie problems matter
what about quick play tick rate
what about the sickeningly low fov
muh consoles holds this game back
cant you read?
fuck off shill
Can't wait for golden guns. I hope they aren't like call of duty and actually do something more like stat track then CS:GO will be truly BTFO.
Kill yourselves ;^)
I have no more input lag in overwatch than in any other game and I haven't heard about it being and issue.
This and 20 Tickrate doesn't fucking matter unless you're "pro". Just get good at how the game is now.
>video on 1.5 speed
>he speaks normally
>switch to normal
>speaking so slow it makes me anxious
The hilarious bit about people bitching about 20 tick rate is that both you and the enemy are subject to it.
It's neither and advantage nor a disavantage.
Shitty? Yeah. But I've seen people blame their losses on it, like the enemy doesn't have problems with it too.
**Not that it matters. On 200 games, I can only remember 4 or 5 times it mattered, and only 2 of those lost me a match.**
It's not about advantage/disadvantage, it's frustrating. Everything is out of sync.
It's futile to try and dodge projectiles like arrows and to juke hitscans based on sounds of firing, because it's all out of sync
He keeps moving his hands like Jeb Bush
Most people don't notice or complain. You must be autistic.
>current CSGO tournies
50k views on twitch for round robin games
>current overwatch torunies
20k views on twitch for grand finals
dead on arrival
What is up with this guy's hair line?
Sure thing, buddy.
Popularity and quality are often mutually exclusive.
Who would have thought?
>tf2 killers
>implying tf2 didn't die after the medic update
let alone the fucking hats.
Explain The Beatles then.
Please... You can't actually believe this can you?
I Don't Read Posts: The Post
>all the retards who keep losing will jump to competitive thinking their team was bad just to find out they keep losing
>go back to the 50% win ratio meme and never ever blame themselves
Nothing will change.
lets sum up so you don't have to watch the bullshit
1. 2 and 1/2 month for seasons instead of 1 month for ranked
2. skill rating shown to you and others
3. show in screen who is in a group or not
4. average skill mmr score for 6 man team shown as well
5. sudden death showing up too often/overtime
they want to tone that down a bit, details soon
6. sudden death will resolve on the map you are playing, wont be random map after that play
7. temple of anubis, hanamura etc being played too quickly, based on 2 big team fights, formats in assault will be modified a bit to provide more opportunities for both sides. more details later
8. progression vs skill, progression was a tier u couldn't go back down once reaching a certain tier. new formula to generate mmr, no tiers now. mmr = skill rating 1-100 points transparency
9. not every match will be fair, but you gain more if u win, or lose less if u lose depending on skill rating? something fair in wins/losses
10. There will be future changes based on feedback
11. thanks for being patient
12. gold guns special icons for rewards or cosmetics/sprays seasonal rewards example: reinheart solid gold hammer. Some top tier cosmetic rewards for best players
I hope it doesn't since the skill necessary to play this game is so low it would only make competitive sports more shit than they are right now, at least MOBAS require team play but this shit can't even do that.
>Evolve: dead after two months
>BattlEAfront: dead after two months
>Dirty Bomb: dead after two weeks
>Battleborn: dead after two minutes
>Overwatch: will be dead after two months
>TF2: still going strong after over a decade :^)
I love playing this game just to piss off no-lifers and tryhards. "If we aren't winning plz switch characters". Hah, fuck you, and also if you have more than 100 levels you have no life.
They really just need to fix hitboxes and registration. I heard they are testing some high-bandwidth options on custom games, so at least they are looking into the whole tickrate stuff.
>also if you have more than 100 levels you have no life.
You plan to stop playing before you reach lvl 100 because you dont want to be a try hard? Nice logic retard.
Most people are also idiots.
Hope you're happy being like most people.
I could have easily had over 100 levels by now just by winning a lot, Id estimate if u had a 70% win rate or so, quite possible in about 60-70 hours played.
>We will make great things
But they aren't there. If they are there, then we can talk.
As Overwatch is now, it is just a medicore game, hyped with waifu porn.
Ha yeah you got 'em dude!
AKSHUALLY the "favor the shooter" bullshit they have going on makes it advantage for anybody ambushing another person.
For example, you're playing genji, mei comes up behind you and starts freezing you. You dash at the last second before freezing.
You dash on your screen, but then get frozen and teleported backwards to where you were. Your dash is now on cooldown.
Also roadhog hooks are fucking asinine bullshit with this tickrate. Pretty much anything that displaces/locks your character can eat your abilities. This isn't a lag issue where you were shot at runing behind a wall or stupid shit, this is YOUR game client recognizing you used abilities and feeding that data to the server, only for the server to recognize that ability was used, but at the same time wasn't because something ELSE happened at the same time. But it should have been slightly AFTER you registered your abilities.
>sickeningly low fov
>tfw saw a level 198 today
>almost 400 hours
I will never understand how people do it.
The game came out not even a mlnth ago, if you have over 100 levels BY NOW you are a fucking no life tryhard. Try using your brain you fucking pleb.
I look forward to the damage control from forced 50 and elo hell faggots
Kill yourself shitter.
Man I really wanted to like that game but its higher end play was just awful
Cry moar plx. I'll enjoy ruining your perfect games bruh!
Or people are just good at the game and win a lot. You are just making up a lot of excuse for your shittery.
At 103 it honestly feels like most games at like 80
they literally have no job and are a parasite. I would imagine some of them have multiple people in their house to keep playing the same account.
Why are overwatch fans so insecure about their game?
I played it. Its fun. It's no TF2, but its pretty fun. I imagine with the poor balance of the game though the Comp scene will be pretty dead.
I win as much as you do, since the game came out. I just have a life and have other things to do besides sitting on my ass and being fed by my mommy.
Overwatch is better than TF2.
there it is, the
>lol i could be challenger if i played more
excuse, kek
>I j-just have a life a-and a girlfriend you fuckign loser! thats why I am bad at the game!
Every time
>Overwatch compared to
>Evolve: The shit company that tried to take advantage of players
>Battleborn: Who died because of Overwatch
>Dirty bomb: F2p garbage
>Battlefront: >>EA???????????????????
okay buddy.
Yeah except I'm not bad at the game and win and lose just as much as you, while still getting laid! Hows it feel to be a virgin by the way?
that is so obviously written by some 16-18 year old that has defense-forced TF2 so hard over the years to feel important outside of his admin position in his favorite jailbreak server.
No one plays TF2 anymore besides children and the type of people who still play gary's mod. TF2 hasn't been relevant in years. There's nothing to kill. It hasn't had any relevant competitive scene in the past 5 years at least.
Besides, no one outside of the TF2 crowd claimed any of those games were going to beat TF2.
OP is also a huge faggot as he has probably played CSGO and/or TF2 in the past 2 years, which no self-respecting person would do.
>I win as much as you do, since the game came out.
Highly unlikely kiddo.
>implying technology doesn't help you solve simple shit so that you can redirect resources to something more complex
>Psh highly unlikely, kiddo
Found the Reaper Mainer.
I havent lost my virginity because I never lose.
well im level 76 with 40 hours played and 61% win rate as mercy/spoiler]
10 million
TF2 was a masterpiece. Overwatch is fun.
nothing about overwatch is "competitive"
its literally one of the most casual games of all times
Is this some middle aged numale kek
Am I free to steal this line later?
and then valve destroyed a masterpiece.
Sure kid. Just remember to give credit to user No.341795114 every time you do it.
nothing about your post makes sense
its literally one of the most useless posts of all time
I'm level 41 with 32 hours played. 55% win rate
I play what my team needs
I'm sorry, but did I already die a virgin? Oh, that's right. My life even over yet. In fact, I'm only 32. Does not having had sex at 32 count as being a permavirgin? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this post when I still have every chance of getting lad? I'm activating Tinder currently and I've had some of the best chances to lay pipe out of all of you memester /spee/ers for how many years now? I'm talking to girls who just happen to be turning me down currently, but you know what? They're still fucking sluts. My penis is one of the best dicks I've seen in rate threads and it would have been inside a woman last new years if it hadn't gotten whiskey-dick. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded posts like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when I lose my virginity and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, some Chad just had a drunk whore vomit all over him and take a cab home, just like she always does. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-virginity topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like my cock because it's too good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll me on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
I stopped giving a shit around the time big YouTubers like Jerma and STAR_ left TF2. Had competitive TF2 come around in 2012 at the latest there could have been something. But no. Valve sat on their fucking asses and pumped out cosmetics (created by the community) and gave us Mann vs Machine, a game mode nobody fucking asked for and is only popular because retards want some shiny golden weapons.
TF2 was fun, but it's just like you said, anybody who had hope for the game competitively has since moved onto better games.
Fuck Valve.
Thats because the weapon models are giant as fuck. But thats a different issue, don't blame the FOV.
>low tick rate
>press 4 to win
>extremely low skill ceiling
I don't even need to reply to this. But I guess I just did.
When will Sup Forums apologize and hold accountability on being wrong about the three things they got wrong in the last year?
>Falsely predicting that Overwatch would be a huge flop and be dead in a few months.
>Falsely claiming that Battleborn would be better than Overwatch.
>Falsely believe that Overwatch wouldn't be the TF2 killer people feared and that TF2 is good.
I think the lesson we can take from this is that Sup Forums is always wrong and refuses to admit it.
>doesn't lock out doubles of heroes
Oh boy I can't wait for sperglords to complain when you don't pick the meta heroes constanly
Man. Overwatch has some good ass art.
I can't fucking wait. I'm going to guzzle their tears like a fucking slut.
>implying that opinion wasn't discarded as soon as I saw a female blood elf rogue
lol overwatch is like ten times bigger than tf2 ever was
Reminder that Sup Forums has a ton of newfags who still haven't grown out of console wars faggotry.
Not that that excuses anything, just explains it.
well at least there is a weekly brawl that does lock out doubles
IF you thought any of those people were doing anything but trolling...I feel sorry for you user.
TF2 players are so fucking defensive, jesus christ. Even that Valve News Network faggot made a video detailing how Overwatch wasn't a threat and that people should just play the game like normal.
God damn the community is awful. Not surprising since anybody worth a shit left it years ago.
I'd rather CSGO fags stay in their game
rekted em
It must suck having to constantly convince yourself you're playing poorly on purpose to piss other people off instead of you just being bad.
I haven't seen this pasta before.
did they say anything regarding the fucking hitboxes
Fuck yes. A glorious containment mode.
>gaudy golden gun shit
>not exclusive competitive skins