Tell me your best moments playing D.VA

>tell me your best moments playing D.VA
>tell me your secret techniques
>tell me why you love to play her
Btw D.VA thread

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inb4 gremlin

one time i got a kill with the ult

I like playing her late at night while blasting shitty kpop through my headphones. Whenever my mech gets destroyed, I remove my pants. If I die, I alt tab and jack off to sfm porn of for a couple of seconds.

Otherwise I never play her, she's functionally worse than all other tanks in the game.


what is up my niggers


D. Va is cute!
C U T E!!!

The secret is to play her long range and fire at people across the map

my folder of lewd dva images is lacking.....

This thread is a trick. OP just wants to know your strats so he can counter them with somebody else!

Her damage is pretty bad at long range, m8.

>Long range

Even Mercy could outdamage D.Va at long range.

>attacking on Kings
>my team can't get in point due to Torbs and Syms and an annoying Winston
>aim up over wall and launch my mech
>kill Torb, Sym, all turrets and the Winston
>team still doesn't push in with me
>die trying to hold overtime
>lose game but still get PotG
I don't even main D.Va but shit launching her suit is so fun

Watching Mccree squirm after you block his flashbang is pretty good

My secret is I'm a tumblrite landwhale producing meme images for upvotes there.

>Widow harassing team across the map on Dorado
>Shield up and fly into her goddamn face
>Kpop her right in the cunt
>Ult charged
>Point it at the payload and eject
>Get two kills
>Pick off a low health roadhog just before re-suiting

The enemy team was really, really bad.

>Open Beta
>Tons of hot fanart, zero interest in playing her
>Tons of gremlin fanart, decide to give her a go because I can spam ";)" and be an annoying MLG piece of shit
Havin' the time of my life boys. This gook piece of shit never dies for real and has a shit ton of mobility.


Wait a second...isn't that just ED-209 from Robocop?

I took on full health tracer, genji, and hanzo outside my mech in overtime.

How do I git gud with D.VA? I got the B.VA legendary skin on my second loot box and I feel bad never really using her. When I do use her I'm either decently good and get a lot of kills or I fail hard.

I also never seen to hit enough people with my ult. Usually it's just one guy coming around the corner at the wrong time.

That'd make a good skin.

>Feel like I'm playing like shit
>Look at medals
>All golds

Every time. Makes no sense.

no it's Jumping Flash!, you noob.

Post D.Va love

That means your team was shit.

rather that throwing it forwards so they see it coming, try to lob your ult in an arc or use it when you are high in the air. That way people won't know exactly where it's coming from until they have much less time to react and find cover.

I want to fuck D. Va.

Those two had a baby together.

Her ult is mostly useless in higher MMR as people know how to avoid it but you can still get them sometimes if you use it at the right time.

Shes good at shutting down annoying stuff like bastion and turrets with her defense matrix. She can also block ults like pharah and roadhog's with it. Though she's a tank, shes good at flanking and can really catch Widowmaker off guard if she's giving the team trouble. D VA can also catch those running away with her boosters as well as boosting them off of points. Btw if you press q as they break your mech you can initiate your ult if you have it charged.

>forced to play this little shit because teamates are too stupid to benefit from my Zarya
fuck i wish i had friends who played Overwatch

>you will never see D.Va's feet

How small is D.Va?

I'm trying to imagine her taking a huge black cock.

I wish I had overwatch to play with my friends.

>No D.VA buff


i wish i had friends to play overwatch


Whenever I play D.VA I always end up missing the Lost Planet games.

D.Va is best at KOTH, especialy on maps where the point is really close to cliffs since you can ram people off.

Try imagining her riding Widowmaker's cock. Or just look up blackjr x widowmaker sfm futa porn.

>Attack on Anubis
>5 D.Vas, 1 Lucio
>Everyone blast out the left door
>Fly over the arch
>1 person shields at a time while the others walk and gun
>Anyone loses mech, hide behind the other 4 and pop pop until you get it again
>First point goes down fast, blast to the second before they can effectively co-ordinate or set up
>NERF THIS every minute

I've won 8/10 games doing this


>>tell me your secret techniques
Like almost everyone else in the game, her ult + Zarya's ult is god tier.

I just flank snipers, supports and turrets from behind enemy lines. Ult is great to combo with other ults, taking out turrets, taking out teleport kill rooms, and clearing the enemy off of an objective. Went 14-0 the other day on Gibraltar and pushed in payload in like under 3 minutes.


>cropped porn
You are the cancer killing Sup Forums

>coordinating a team against a bunch of randoms
No shit you're going to win a lot.

i wish i had friends

>tell me why you love to play her
No reason.

Playing her with a competent team is real fun. If your team sucks balls, she's basically useless. Won't survive a second 1v6, unlike other characters from tanks to attackers.

Fucking degenerate gif, it's like looking in to the abyss.

the Korean hypnotized me faster than the English ahahaha

>Chased after a Widowmaker through half the map, felt like the terminator, her death took time, but it came.

>gorillawarfare, harassment

>I like stuff that flies, especially if its fast.

>it's like looking in to the abyss.
how so

Id play her more often if it was the mech alone

Right now she reminds me a little too much of asuka, and I got her legendary skin as a drop, junker I think

She's fun but kinda clunky to play


That thing gave me nightmares as a kid watching RoboCop

i need sources for every picture in this gif

She doesn't need one, shes insanely good already


Jesus christ user...

Whenever I see people talking about buff, it makes me want to make some muscular art.

Mercy is S T R A I G H T

Wait till you see that girl's face!

>people actually, unironically, find this arousing

So DVA's Mech is actually controlled by an AI who was secretly put in by DVA's millionaire korean daddy so his baby girl can do the cool things kids do these days like overwatch or something.

DVA thinks she owns but really doesn't.


>Mercy is S T R A I G H T
for like straight gay af more like haha

how do I get people to die from the mech explosion?
It used to work in the first few weeks but nobody falls for it anymore

everyone just hides behind something and i contribute maybe a couple seconds of the enemy clearing off the payload/control point

My best moment is people thinking I'm useless by picking D.VA and ending the match with 4 gold medals every time.

No user, I don't mean that at all. You're really confused


im sorry user.
it might as well be official.

how do i play this gook bitch

The absolute worse shit is when you're on overtime and the transport is at the finish line
As def or atk and you're trying to stay on it and out of nowhere an enemy dva ults that bitch in the middle
If you have no way of blocking it, pulling/pushing it out or becoming invincible inside it gg
Worst fucking way to go down but it work

You know, I see d.Va art like this around all the time. Is there anything Fujoshi-like art for her?

There's no proof of that.

I was playing DVDA earlier and owned some noobs



Same shit happened with me. I wonder how many Dva bros got into her from the gremlin art

You eat bullets with your matrix and bump into shit while charging.once you're in someone's face as a result, shoot them. She's not good against crowds when you're more on your own, but you can harass and lead people away to chase you. When you pop out of your mech, hold down that tire button and spray around head height and turn corners often. Knowing maps will help prolong your life.


I've found that the boost can let you knock people

I've gotten quad kills on the king of the hill maps by boosting at the right angle


I love D. Va, but mostly because of Jet Boosters. The rest of her kit kinda blows. Buffs can't come soon enough.

Roadhog on the enemy team guarantees gold damage.

What's the deal with her? Does she like junk food or something?

Its suffering

>In an aroundabout

Gook here. I haven't played this game. How do nips feel about her?

people outside NA don't get triggered as easily.

>They see your dick.jpg

Wait, so Americans and Europeans hate her while nips are somewhat okay with her? What's going on?

Western culture is about who is the most offended and oppressed
The trigger wars
keep up phampai

i think he was just asking general opinions, not whether or not people are triggered

why does she have mei's ass?


>caring about dogs

why are people triggered by her?

i don't think they are, but the first of those two replies implied they were i guess