
>Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep 0.2 -A Fragmentary Passage- is not entirely scrapped content from Kingdom Hearts III. It was something Nomura felt the need to make, but he didn’t want to slow down the pace of storytelling in Kingdom Hearts III with a lot of backstory, so he cut it out and created a separate installment based upon it.
Not OP but just adding on, apparently KH3 is "overwhelmingly big".

>Nomura hints that the Kingdom Hearts: Unchained χ story will soon branch from the Kingdom Hearts χ story. Kingdom Hearts χ is complete, but Kingdom Hearts: Unchained χ can be considered a second part.
It's been implied that Unchained is gonna continue for a while and they're thinking of new worlds to add.

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>>Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep 0.2 -A Fragmentary Passage- is not entirely scrapped content from Kingdom Hearts III. It was something Nomura felt the need to make, but he didn’t want to slow down the pace of storytelling in Kingdom Hearts III with a lot of backstory, so he cut it out and created a separate installment based upon it.

Jesus, what did Aqua do to suddenly become so important?

Did you not play her episode in BbS?

Prequel character that the fans all like = obvious villain bait.

Like that nigga Oersted from Live a Live


Also, Kingdom Hearts HD Dream Drop Distance will be 1080p 60fps

>apparently KH3 is "overwhelmingly big".

Yeah Nomura also said that the length of 0.2 with the be the length of a world in Kingdom Hearts 3 NOT the previous Kingdom Hearts worlds. This shit could be over 3 - 5 hours long as opposed to a hour or two. This makes me hard

You do know Birth by Sleep was Aqua's game right? Like how Dream Drop Distance was Riku's game featuring Sora

Still think that BBSv2 should be its own game, but whatever. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't gonna play it

Yeah I'm kinda bummed that BBS volume 2 won't be it's own game but it's nice that something came from that concept being 0.2

>That framerate change from DDD to 0.2

Is Unchained X that phone game that just came out? Is there actually story to it?

DDD will be 60fps
0.2 will be 30fps

I assume KH 3 will be 30fps as well.

Yes but it only picks up after like 300+ chapters though

Yes. It's part of the Chi subseries. The Japanese only broswer version, Chi, ends in September. X Back Cover is another form of the story told from the Foreteller's (the people in the animal masks), perspective. Chi and Unchained are supposed to have storyline differences but Unchained is more for an international audience.

Interesting. I assume its loaded with paywalls though, being a mobile game.

Eh, don't get me wrong. There's a good amount of people who spend themselves into poverty on this game, but I've yet to spend a time and I'm doing decently so far. The only time I'm even gonna think about spending money is when some of the Illustrated Medals come over.

Somewhat yes but right now if you download it, you get an overpowered as fuck Aqua medal and all missions are only 1 AP which means you can advance very far into the story and do some mission grinding to get better medals and shit

If you want to get optional stuff and cosmetics, it helps to buy stuff, but overall you can complete the core content without paying

>aqua's game
>not having super glide or whatever the fuck terra does
>relying on hips and yups
>riku's game
>not having super glide
>relying on admittingly amazing shadow dodge

Garbage! GARBAGE!
i'm not being serious

Aqua makes me hard

Damn right

>next year is the 15th anniversary of kingdom hearts

jeez oh man

>mfw I've been following it since the beginning


Aqua's design is literally a blue-haired anime Lightning. Why the fuck wouldn't people want to play her game?

>Aqua's design is literally a blue-haired anime Lightning.


Here's hoping Lightning and Aqua will share screentime in KH3

You'd think that'd be the perfect pic for Sup Forums in general.

Why do people think that Nomura is the Lightningfag? That's Toriyama.

Wish he could keep this shit out of the main story.
Games already a clusterfuck of characters with their own things going on and hes adding more when this is supposedly the final game.

So does II.8 include all the content of II.5 plus extra?

>Look at how stupid I am, everyone!

So I guess you just had a brain aneurysm when it came to Sora's cutscenes. That's cool.

>this is supposedly the final game.
It's the last game in the Xehanort/Dark Seeker saga. Not the last KH game.
No. It's a different collection of games/content.

It has never been called the final game.

Without the shitty personality and flat ass.

I heard Aqua's ass is big in 0.2. Is it true? I wanna cum buckets tonight

Not that user, but Nomura did say something very similar to that.

It was said years ago it was the end of Sora's story and I'm not keeping up with whatever mess is produced after this. Its the FINAL game.

>KH3 will not have a St. Canard level
>Sora, Donald and Goofy will not dress up like superheroes and fight alongside Darkwing Duck
>There will be no fighting of Negaduck, Liquidator, Bushroot, Quackerjack, etc
>There will be no great Launchpad scene with a classic crash landing
>There will be no acquirable Gizmoduck summon

DDD was all about Riku's growth and maturation, with Sora's role mainly being to act as his foil and demonstrate his own need to grow further.

Well, that and setting up Xehanort's comeback.

>It was said years ago it was the end of Sora's story
No, it wasn't. And Nomura has said multiple times that Sora will always be the protagonist.
>Its the FINAL game.
I mean, you can drop it if you want after 3, nobody can stop you from doing that. But that was literally never the case.

People were making fun of how bad Terra looks. Aqua looks just as plastic. Hopefully this is the same case as King of Fighters and they have not finished the shading and lighting because fuck, that looks amateurish.

This, Nomura said it was Riku's game and it showed by TWTNW, Sora's portions of it were good though, but it was obvious it was Riku's game from the start.

Going by the interviews released in the last couple of days, I think they're still working on it.

>0.2 will be 30fps
With drops evidently.

>tfw been emulating the games at 60fps for years
I don't think I'll even bother with the next-gen KH games.

In the E3 interview Nomura said that making shaders for characters and environment to not look out of place is the hardest thing they've faced with using Unreal Engine 4 and still are working on that.
They should take notes from Guilty Gear and Bloodstained.

Before you try to make a complete fucking ass out of someone, Nomura said that Dream Drop Distance was Riku's game and Birth by Sleep was Aqua's game. You're the only one that's had a brain aneurysm here dumbass


3D is just the developers circle jerking about how great Riku is for the fans. Having Riku pass the test over Sora after all they have been through is not some deep complex writing, it's sloppy fan service. Same reason why Axel is given a keyblade.

>They should take notes from Guilty Gear and Bloodstained.
Or from... themselves? They should have stuck to their own engine instead of jewing out and getting a cheap one.

Hopefully they get it right. Back Cover looks so fucking amazing. Like damn

I kind of don't like much darker it is but how bright the Foretellers are. I think I would have liked it better if they either darkened their clothes or brighten up the world. Though not as much as it is in the game.

It's completely playable for a F2P person, I'm caught up with all the story, I could be around the 20s to 30s in tier 10 of the Coliseum if I could be bothered, and I have a couple of the paid clothes without spending a single dime. There's obviously an energy system that gets way too restrictive at times, and there's the entire VIP system which gives paying players for the week all the weekly events F2P players have to wait for plus some exclusive events on demand, but otherwise it's pretty fair game.

Everything about it looks good to me. Hot damn that looks great

>Kingdom Hearts III will have a short prelude before the game fully begins to make sure everyone is caught up with the story.
Cool. So I don't have to play any of the spin-offs then?

Sure. Knock yourself out.

why is her running speed so ridiculously sped up at 1:10

>>Nomura indicates that Kingdom Hearts III may hit Japan slightly earlier than the rest of the world, but it will be nearly simultaneous in when it releases.
I swear to God if I get spoiled after waiting 10 years

The Black Coat/I believe Nomura has recently said he's the Master of Masters looks fine, but I'm meh on Ira.

Nigga, go on a media blackout. I'm not even gonna chance if it's a day early.

>Or from... themselves? They should have stuck to their own engine instead of jewing out and getting a cheap one.
The reason they used a third party engine is because their in house engine, Luminous, is a mess
FFXV has all sorts of performance issues

>2.8 will be a worldwide release
>KH 3 will not

What the fuck are you doing Nomura

Could be worse


I just beat BBS this morning.
>Terra sacrificed himself to fix his mistakes
>Ven sacrificed himself to fix his mistakes
>Aqua sacrificed herself to save the main antagonist of the franchise.
One of these is not like the others. Everything is literally Aqua's fault.

But SE has been outsourcing all kinds of games, KH3 has been one of them. UE is a well documented engine anyone can make a game on so that's what they went with instead of training cheap labor to use their engine.

The reason XV has performance issues is because they purposefully built the game like complete retards.
>100k polygon characters
>global illumination even though it looks bad
>9 zillion particles for sneezing
>open world because???

>Everything is literally Aqua's fault.

Literally EVERYTHING is Terra's fault. His sheer stupidity and insecurity cause every fucked up thing wrong in the Kingdom Hearts universe. Aqua was trying to fix all his mistakes because everything Terra touched turned to shit

I don't understand why Lightning got the popularity she did, but if you think she won't be in KH3 you're delusional. There's no reason not to include final fantasy's new hotness as another add-in, even if it's something as small as the gullwings.

The reason they swapped is because their engine (Luminous) is even shittier, that's the thing. Type-0 HD and FF15 both of which use Luminous, are a fucking mess in terms of performance and working with them.

It won't be enough to help you understand shit

KH3 isn't outsourced you fucking retard, Square Enix Osaka Studio is Squeenix's own internal studio, not some outsourced shitfest.
The only "main" game they DID outsource in recent years was FF13-3 Lightning Returns which was done by tri-Ace, it's also why that game felt a lot like Valkyrie Profile.

>but if you think she won't be in KH3 you're delusional. There's no reason not to include final fantasy's new hotness as another add-in, even if it's something as small as the gullwings.
She wasn't even Nomura's first choice for Dissidia, Sazh was. The bitching about Lightning in KH3 sounds like the same paranoia about Frozen. Even if did make an appearance, so what? It's not like she'd hijack the entire game.

>final fantasy's new hotness
It looks like they're moving on.

There are no spinoffs. They're all main story games.

In before that one user tries to argue this and say that those games are "non-cannon".

You can't prove it so I'm not going to believe you. The game looks like shit animation and graphics wise. We know SE can do better than that sine they made every single previous KH game which didn't have any issues whatsoever.

SE has been outsourcing remasters.

Nigger you are beyond fucking retarded, nothing has been outsourced, the KH remasters were done inhouse by literally 2 programmers in their spare time, though the team got expanded to 10 for 2.5 remaster.
And prove what, that KH3 is made by Osaka Studio?

—By the way, in KH3D, characters from The World Ends With You appeared, right? I am sure the number of fans hoping for a next development of TWEWY isn't small, is it?

TWEWY has many fans overseas, too, and with such high regard from so many of those who played, I've been asked many times by those overseas to make a direct sequel. It's not a simple matter just because it did so well in the past, but the staff are all looking for a solution, so I won't say it's impossible.


They remaster more than just KH games.

And prove that nothing has been outsourced. You can't.

I'm saying I have faith in SE's developers. If it's entirely made by them then that faith is gone.

Why are you sperging out lol take your meds.

>And prove that nothing has been outsourced. You can't.
I can and I did, they fucking said so themselves that initially Tokyo Team was working on it but Osaka Team took over. There is no 3rd party involved.
Squeenix actually discloses their outsourcing jobs because they're obligate to do so since they've got investors and are a fucking publically traded company you goddamn retard.
I even already gave you an example of an outsourced job already, others include the FF remakes on PSP/DS/Mobile in past 10 years and the HD port of FF10.
That still doesn't change the fact KH3 is not outsourced in any way, get cancer and die for your stupidity. I'm not going to argue with you any longer since it's like talking to an ape covering its ears and going OOGA BOOGA I DUN HEAR YOU OOGA BOOGA

Why is Unchained x so fucking addicting? I passed it off as mobile phone bullshit but it's just as fun and addicting as the actual Kingdom Hearts game.

You didn't prove shit and you're sperging out why exactly? Take your meds.

>The Black Coat looks fine
They made a cool design for the completely made up on the spot teaser at the end of KH and they just haven't really be able to top it. They just keep reusing it. Which is, frankly, fine by me, abut it's still amusing.

Actually one of the reasons for TAV being in armor during their teaser was because he didn't want to reuse it. So much for that.

>60fps for Kingdom Hearts DDD HD

They literally have no reason to port HD Remix 1.5 and 2.5 to PS4. Maybe as Kingdom Hearts 1+2.5 Remix HD?

>They literally have no reason to port HD Remix 1.5 and 2.5 to PS4.
Retard money.

This. Do you know how much money Square can make off 1.5 and 2.5 on PS4? Kingdom Hearts prints fucking money to them. Unchained x has been downloaded 4 million times in North America alone

I kind of feel that porting the collections is Nomura's failsafe in case he decides to delay KH3 further so he can keep his promise for a new KH game to release every year.

>Next year is the 15th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts

I never asked for this.

Considering Shiki or Neku outright said they'd like to meet again or something like that, I'd say chances are pretty high for a TWEWY world.

They're never getting the collections are they?

This is such an insane misread of the story I don't even know how too respond. The ENTIRE game is Aqua cleaning up after The Idiot Twins.

Never played a Kingdom Hearts game but I find Aqua extremely attractive and I also find Rapunzel extremely attractive and they're both in the same game so surely it can't be bad.

Not trying to start a console war shit but why the FUCK is Kingdom Hearts 3 going to be on Xbone? Like why? There has NEVER been a KH game on a Microsoft console and the Xbone isn't even getting 2.8 or none of the other HD Remixes.

KH 3 being on the Nintendo NX makes more sense than it being on Xbone

So I want the steelbook for 1.5 and 2.5 collector's editio, should I just hold on for an announcement for hopefully the ps4 editions or bite the bullet now

MS bucks

Steelbook is pretty nice. Discs have their own artwork seperate from the regular editions. I keep them in the box it comes with though.

>the first KH 3 live demo will be at E3 2017 during Microsoft press conference

tbf they have literally never talked about the Xbone port since the 2013 trailer, I wouldn't be surprised if it got subtly cancelled without anyone knowing.

>End of the live demo they announce that KH3 is coming to Windows 10

The amount of goldfaces flooding the catalog would crash the board for a whole day