Current favorite genre:
Favorite genre 5-10 years ago: (furthest you can remember)
>Age: 25
>Current favorite genre: JRPG
>Favorite genre 5-10 years ago: WRPG
JRPG is better than WRPG
Shit poll
>JRPGs/Arcade Racers
>Arena shooters
New Wipe out when?
>5-10 years ago: (furthest you can remember)
Is Sup Forums even pretending to not be underage anymore?
indie / arcade
Fuck off marketing shill
I'm just trying to not leave anybody out. Fear not, most of Sup Forums is slow-developing 20somethings and a few 17-19 year olds ready to join the ranks.
>Current Favourite Genre: Action.
As action as it gets, only the most actiony of the lot will do.
>Favourite Genre 5-10 years ago:
idk I think I was going through a phase with roguelikes and first-person dungeon crawlers.
>10 years :CRPG/Adventure
>5 years ago FPS/RTS
That fucking game
JRPGs for that entire timeframe, although I played a lot Halo as well.
>arena shooters
>arena shooters
>Age: 25
>Current favorite genre: WRPG
>Favorite genre 5-10 years ago: JRPG
RPGs in general
I still love all the stuff I used to love years ago, I just added new things to the list.
Age: 27
Current favorite genre: rouge likes
Favorite genre 5-10 years ago: JRPG's
Third person shooters.
Kirby's Adventure
Mega Man 2
Golden Eye
Ocarina of time
Metal Gear: Snake Eater
Call of Duty multiplayer
Fallout 3
The Last of US
Bioshock Infinite
Yeah no wonder you don't like games with taste that shit, faggot.
>Age: 28
>Current favorite genre: none
>Favorite genre 15 years ago: FPS
>Current favorite genre:JRPG
>Favorite genre 5-10 years ago:Survival Horror
Cautiously optimistic about RE7
>Age: 20
>Current favorite genre: FPS
>Favorite genre 5-10 years ago: Beat em' ups/ Adventure
23, RPG, FPS
Point-and-click adventure
turn based strategy
>Age: 25
>Current favorite genre: ARPG
>Favorite genre 5-10 years ago: RTS -> Warcraft/Starcraft/Age of Empires/Total Annihilation etc.
RTS games nowadays have shifted more towards Grand Strategy/Mobas and the genre is a little barren so I can't rightfully call it my favourite genre anymore.
Ever since DOOM came out I've been getting back into shooters in a big way. The multiplayer for it wasn't that good, but I found out I'm the top player every fucking game.
So I've also tried Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, even played some Halo on my old 360. I win all challenges.
Except Insurgency. I fucking SUCK at Insurgency. I have a bad case of killing machine syndrome, I can't into being careful and making wise tactical choices. I need to be able to rush around and dodge shit, not wait behind a corner and play a psychological game with the dude that knows I'm there.
I'd probably be supremely good at Quake too, that's what I'm trying next.
I used to just be into old style RPG's like Morrowind or RPG Maker shit like Off, 7th Stand User, Space Funeral, etc, but right now I'm drowning in a need for visceral action.
>Current favorite genre: Flight Sim
>Favorite genre 5 years ago: MMO
>Favorite genre 10 years ago: MMO
>>Favorite genre 15 years ago: Racing/ Platformer
>Current favorite genre:
>Favorite genre 5 years ago:
>Favorite genre 10 years ago:
Build-em-ups (Minecraft, Space Engineers, etc)
Throughout all of this, though, fighting games have been a close second.
>Favourite Genre 10 years ago
>Posts games that came out few years ago at best
>Current favorite genre:
Fighting games
>Favorite genre 10 years ago
I don't like team games, and sadly that's what modern shooters are mostly about.
I just hope that the new Unreal will be good.
Age: 20
Current Favourite genre: WRPG (think dragon's dogma, dark souls, etc)
Favourite genre 5-10 years ago: Didn't really have a favourite, but i played a lot of runescape ~5 years ago and sims 2 on xbox ~10 years ago
Why does almost everyone distinct by WRPG/JRPG instead of CRPG/SRPG/TRPG/ARPG etc? It's not like all JRPGs are by definition SRPGs/TRPGs, or all WRPGs are by definition ARPGs/CRPGs.
Seems kinda vague to me desu.
go ahead call me a faggot
>City builder/Tycoon
Current favorite genre:fps
Favorite genre 5-10 years ago:fps
Whatever Souls and DD is (action adventure rpg??)
3d exploration-platformer (mario 64, Banjo, Dk64, Spyro etc...)
mein nigga. Very much the same.
If Homeworld : Sands of Kharak was a lot more strategy oriented and not just a huge 2D clusterfuck I believe that could have revitalised that genre. But yes sadly mobas are the only thing left.
>WRPG (think dragon's dogma, dark souls
>western rpg
toppest of keks
>Turn based strategy
17 Turn 18 tomorrow, mods can be chill about this right?
Current favorite genre: RPG
Past favorite: browser MMO
Remember having fun with Runescape, AQ, AQW, and shit like Sherwood Dungeon.
Shit, I mixed up current and 10 years ago.
I posted once when I was turning 18 in 90 minutes, and they gave me a MONTH long ban
You're screwed.
Damn, guess Sup Forums is a serious board for serious boys.
See you in a month I guess.
>Age 21
>RTS & Base Building
>Space Sims
Fuck. Got these backwards. Used to be action rpg all the ducking time. Play fighters mostly with locals for free salt.
>mmo rpg (runescape)
>difficult rpg
[spoilers]My post was only a joke and I won't report you, but just know some random faggot will, you just learn not to tempt mods after lurking a while[/spoiler]
[spoilers]Haha wow you got me, thanks user.[/spoiler]
Don't forget to put spaces in your spoiler tag next time
>yfw you started posting on this board at 13 and never got called out
>yfw when you've been on this shithole since 2009
And now I realised I forgot my ctrl+x.
First Person Shooters (something I can play for 10 minutes and stop)
Never really cahnged, but 5-10 years ago I was heavy into Warcraft, although unbeknownst to me I'd never raid again.
Age: 27
>Current genre
WRPG with but not only about dungeon crawling.
>5-10 years ago genre
2d action sidescroller platformer. Also RTS
>Age: 20
>Current favorite genre: Turn-based JRPG
>Favorite genre 5-10 years ago: Wew okay so about 10 years ago I was into fighting games a lot, and as time went on I went through an online multiplayer FPS phase and then it just morphed into this.
>Age: 25
>Current favorite genre: Action jRPG
>Favorite genre 5-10 years ago: FIGHTAN gaems
Forever and always. Fuck Todd Howard
Damn, 7 years?
I guess it's true what they say, you're here forever.
>3D Platformers/Fighting Games
>3D Platformers/FPS'
It's not space, I forgot to put the S in the second tag. Don't even know why I didn't do it the easier way, I had a brain aneurism up there.
Age: 23
Favorite Genre: RTS
Past Favorite Genre: Fighting games
furthest I can remember would be platformers on NES when I was 5 until my brother finally bought an n64.
>multiplayer fps games
>multiplayer fps games and artsy indie shit for chill
Simulator games
Pissed that Microshit blocked Simcity 4.
>Current favorite genre:
FPS and third person action
>Favorite genre 5-10 years ago:
FPS and third person action
>(furthest you can remember)
Point-and-click adventures and platformers, back when I was in single digits.
Holy shit. My mind couldn't even comprehend that.
>age: 23
>favorite genre: JARPG (dark souls)
>Old favorite genre: JRPG (Pokemon, final fantasy)
Yehh. The funny part is that I got called underage more after becoming 18 than before. I think you catch my drift...
>made in japan makes it a jrpg
jrpg is a determined by the style of game, not the country it's developed in
Oh, I didn't even notice
Nice get too
Can't wait for that to happen to me
>Age: 18
>Current favorite genre: JRPG
>Favorite genre 5-10 years ago: JRPG
Not much has really changed. The games just keep getting better.
Final Fantasy isn't a genre, dickface.
It's a genre of writing to be honest
>shooting games
>Shooting games with my Dad
>Age: 54
>Current favorite genre: Action Adventure
>Favorite genre 5-10 years ago: Character action
What can I say? I've always been a sucker for stylish combat.
>Turn Based Strategy
>Real Time Strategy
Since when do we separate gameplay genres based on writing?
You have to stop watching Extra Creditz, jRPG isn't a genre, just an indicator of origin for shitposting purposes.
>Age: 54
That's a typo, isn't it?
>90's arcade beat-em-ups
sometimes the best games are the old ones nobody plays anymore.
>games can be mainly categorised by their style of writing
First Person Shooters
Second question not applicable
>Age: 21
>Current favorite genre: single player MMOs
>Favorite genre 5-10 years ago: Metroid (2D)
I wish it was...
Well then you're old enough to know better than to call decent hack n slash games Character Action.
>age 23
>current genre: TBS
>5 years : Tactical Rpg
>10 years : FPS