why is genji the only character in this game that takes an ounce of skill. It's like he doesn't even belong in the game
Why is genji the only character in this game that takes an ounce of skill. It's like he doesn't even belong in the game
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he's the tryhard weeaboo character
i know because i main bastion and usually instantly carry the team as soon as I switch, but I never feel like playing bastion because most of the time we'll just roll the other team.
i play genji until we're almost losing then switch to bast, then we start winning again, i go on fire, etc. also sometimes i'll steal potg playing the entire match as genji and then switch to bast last minute.
You mean jump out from behind corners to Deflect, then spam Shurikens, repeat? A lot of Overwatch characters have abilities that work a little too well, but I'd never classify Genji as a skill based one.
That's not Mcree , Lucio, phara, Roadhog,Zenyatta
user dont be silly.
>Getting rekt by a Genji with a korean name
>Check his play time
>Next is mercy with two
Really breaking those sterotypes there, Korea. Breaking the mold, truly.
>skill ceiling
if you can't beat the best players in the game, you still need to get better
>Implying shitters can even play mcree now without fan being a instant kill
>implying wall riding isn't one of the most complex moving mechanic in the game
sucker, i beat myself daily
Nice blog, where can I subscribe?
>Enter game
>Guy on my team picks Genji the second the game loads
>Never switches
Genji takes a lot more effort to be good with and has no single button instakills. Its a shame he gets countered quite badly. I can get winning games with no medals just by harrassing but the gold medal games are where its at.
Whats your twitch channel bro
>i main bastion
just kill yourself senpai
here subscribe
twitch tv/k ace ytron
Anyone from Sup Forums want to play with me if I buy this game?
Have you played Overwatch after the McCree nerf? You can easily tell the difference between shitters and good players.
>play Tracer
>see McCrees that can't even finish me off with Flashbang+FTH post nerf
>tfw finally figure out how to do this on ps4
It's suffering being a poorfag saving up for a new pc now but it will be a few months at least I feel like by then it will be too late get OW on pc.
Does anyone ever think that characters that "take skill" are actually just shitty characters?
I'll see myself out...
>double jump while mashing "E" when holding a control point and dash once "E" runs out
>get behind team
>activate ult
>2-shot everyone as you zip around
Even Pharras's rocket jumps are harder
you try doing half the shit a good lucio can do like in shit I was playing a game earlier on Ilois well and got knocked into the pit while flash banged and could still get out the well with good wall riding.
Tracer has 150 hp and just flash takes her health down to 125. Did he miss every shot?
>Fan isn't an instant kill
Fan combo still kills everyone but Winston, Roadhog, D. Va, and Reinhardt.
I can't do the jumps onto the same wall without falling.
You don't like it, don't play it, you piece of shit
>people still haven't realized that headshot into 5 bullet fan the hammer is more effective now
to be fair if you're playing bastion and Genji gets on you, unless they're terrible you won't be able to kill them with your limited movement. yes on the pc I kill literally every single Bastion that knows how to shot shooting when I e
Are you retarded? Flashbang-> fan -> roll -> fan.
Still OP as fuck even against tanks
Shit I gotta learn how to move like this.
My "GO FAST" boner was filled with Tracer but I want to be able to do shit like this
Rebind jump to L2 and his knockback to X
These shitty McCrees will only hit a few times or their reaction time is so bad that I can Rewind or Blink.
I play on PC.
>Having a hard time on pc
wut mate how?
i love when they see you coming and don't shoot, waiting for the e, but i'm throwing stars at them the whole time
bastion isn't even a good character
seriously when i play genji i kill bastions so easily. even as non-bastion counter characters it's easy. all you have to do is flank him or just target him first but everybody who plays this game is shit.
the main reason i main bastion is because of faggots like you powering him with salt.
yeah the main problem is again, people don't know how to play bastion.
literally all you do against genji is fire one test shot, if he deflects it you stop, if he doesn't you keep shooting. and if he deflects, you literally wait 2 seconds and then start killing him. the shurikens don't kill bast fast enough.
seriously why am I the only person on Sup Forums who's good at this game?
>reaction time
>on flash and fan
Do you even know how reaction time works?
Kill yourself moron.
He is one of the few characters without a hit scan weapon. That alone makes him harder to play than almost any other character in the game.
It's not hard, you just have to keep the wallride all the way up.
I just don't get how to jump on the same wall and continue wall riding without falling. Like you know, jumping to gain higher elevation on the wall? I hold space but it doesn't continue the wallride.
Tap for the life of you and sometimes you gotta use speed boost to keep the speed and height going
Do you?
>thinking people believe these lies
Post master overwatch stats.
Why not main a more based robot?
Not an argument.
>mfw a SA player actually kicks serious ass at something
you can't wallride twice on the same surface unless it curves, because a different angle kinda counts as a different wall, if that makes sense
I mainly play on PC, but bought it on PS4 because some friends of mine wanted to play together.
How in the everliving fuck are you supposed to aim on this fucking thing?
>act like a moron
>tell someone else to kill themselves
Sasuga, user :^)
I do use the speed boost.
Okay that makes more sense. I thought I was just doing it wrong.
You don't. The snipers on consoles are overpowered compared to PC because it's impossible to aim correctly.
and all phara does is have to shoot a rocket near here. We can all make simplification like this and I am not even that faggot.
>Snipers are overpowered because people can't aim
Nigger wut
Is it really that much easier?
Not an argument.
You can actually move the camera and aim while wall riding with both analog sticks now and shoot if you do that.
only if you are going to be my healslut
They're balanced differently on consoles than on PC. Both have their own numbers.
why are you so autistic
Because he took a specific situation when I was speaking about a character as a whole.
If you can't gain elevation on the same wall how do you wallride back up the well on Ilios? I've heard it's possible
That video shows more then one fucking situation son.
They do the same damage on both, or are you talking about reticle magnetism?
Bastion is the most fun to play as.
How did he have two bear traps down?
Do you rebind it for all characters then? I feel like that would fuck me up otherwise if I were to switch between characters mid game
Hole in one!
I was talking about the Ilios hole example, are you stupid or what?
But that's not Reinhardt
Another Junkrat on his team
>won't be able to tell those 3 snipers to switch because they will all just spout "WOW CALM DOWN IF YOU WANT TO TRYHARD GO TO RANKED MODE"
dark times ahead
You can select to rebind it for just one character at the top of the control screen. I changed almost every character to have their own cross hair and sensitivity the only peoples buttons I changed like that were him and Phara both to L2 and just them.
he's the Rogue of Overwatch
most Genjis just run into enemy and die until they get their ult, then they kill 3 people and whine about their own teammates
the game doesn't go by each surface, it goes by angle. the well is circle you can just keep holing space and when the duration ends another ride will start
Found out today that hitting shields with phara's rockets count as a direct hit. My 50% overall accuracy means a whole lot less to me now.
>it's a lucio not healing his team and being an ineffective flanker episode
it's neat n all but other classes do it better and he needs accel aura to pull off 90% of his moves
>Quick play on defense
>immediately 2 Hanzo's picked with McCree and Reaper too
>Go Lucio to try and do damage control
>wait with baited breath and pray to god 6th player picks either Tor or Bastion
god i fucking love zenyatta, nobody expects him to be a killing machine. whenever i play him i get an ungodly amount of kills
Is there a difference between Phara's standard LT vs A (on xbox)? I use those two pretty interchangeably
I just find it easier to fly and aim with it being on LT in xbones case
same thing mayne
>genji vs. shitter bastions
>its a genji thread
found it
1:35 talks about chains
3:45 talks about curves
Right? He's super fucking good, his only fault being that he has no escape moves with his low HP. But even then, you can just stay back.
That's how I feel most of the time while playing Genji, then at the clutch moment of a match I end up being the main contributor to the final victorious attack and sorta feel like it was okay to be useless until then.
So wait, do you have to continue holding the button once the wallride is initiated? That's where I have trouble.
No Mercy? Flying all over the place and healing is so much fun. Personal best was 10.2k healing against a full team of Genjis. Was both retarded and hilarious.
Awesome. Thanks for sharing the vid, I've learned a lot.
I'm gonna hate that game.
I hated LoL/Dota because I always wanted to be the team player and most of the time I played support and were bored to tears, and it start to be the same in that game.
yeah it stops when you let go, which is why wall jumping works the way it does. There's a small window after a wallride ends for you to press space
this is all best figured out by dicking around with him on your own
>Zenyatta on Hanamura defense point B
>team dad doing long-range healing for everyone spread out on the upper levels, lower floor, and the open side room
>still getting eliminations all the time
>soloing tanks and sniping Pharahs
>team pats me on the back in chat after
>get POTG
>8 commendations
>Excellence is its own reward