What was the symbolism of this level design?

what was the symbolism of this level design?

It symbolizes how fucking ineffective the level design team was.

Dark souls 2 was shit.

Remember how all the Souls games (and Bloodborne) are designed so you can see areas coming up with great vistas? Dark Souls 2 doesn't do that.

ITT: people pretending to know anything about level design

Holy shit those repeating wall textures. Could they not have thrown in one or two variations, maybe some cracks.

Remember how in all the other Souls games the middle and end of a level have a shortcut unlocked from the other side? Dark Souls 2 doesn't have that.

It kinda does from Majula
Also you can see places like Earthen peak earlier in that path

Scraps of Life overshadowed by dreams
Baby, don't worry coz you ain't alone
Only time running days without nights
Tears pass through

>level design
>giant box with some props & textures blatantly repeating
>"professionals" worked on ds 2

>trying this hard to fit in

don't worry, no one will insult you. epik replies you might get a friend

This is allegedly level design.

Anor Londo 2.0.

>i like this game, so they're negative opinions must be some sort of meme

It's been a few years, so you can stop sucking DaS2's dick and come to terms that it honestly isn't good.

I liked ds2 for the bone fist and nothing else and I am really sad something of similar caliber didn't make it into ds3 but oh well

This one is actually fine, it's a hallway leading up to the boss, it's supposed to be dramatic.


Pure excellence.

>it's a DS2 is bad thread
We get it, you didn't like it.

how are other souls games compared to dark souls 2? It's the only one I played and it was okay apart from so repetitive levels and bosses and some bloodborne from a gaming event

was that the place with the gay mage snipers?
i wonder what they were changed to in sotfs

Why run around like a pleb through retarded shortcuts when you can teleport? LMAO DS1 fantards

DS1 and BB are the only better ones.

>mfw shrine of amana pre-patch

Better than 3, worse than the rest.

Because if the developers weren't complete shit at level design you would have bonfires every 2 seconds.

DaS3 and especially DeS are way better than 2.

>better than DS2

loving every titter

This is allegedly boss design.

This is allegedly good level design.

>it's a contrarian children thread

More of DaS1 is way better than any of DaS2. Other than lore its not even that similar.

2 is the worst one. I can't speak for BB though.

>inb4 some bow faggot waltzes in and tells you how easy it was and that you should've gitten gud

The only good thing about that area is the boss, easily my favorite boss design in the game.

Congrats on your 200+ replies thread, OP.

Replaying it now, it really isn't THAT bad of a game, but when you've already played all the other games in the series (Demons and BB included), it's just impossible to not see the amount of bad decisions. Animation, level design, lore, etc, all of it failed to deliver.

I still manage to have a lot of fun with it, tons of equipment, many possible builds to try.

Whats wrong with that? The only item there sucks too.

Thank you, sir.

>just stack everything and connect it with ladders

That's every thread on Sup Forums.

Anyways there's nothing wrong with having a preference that doesn't match critics.

How did anyone have trouble with this part? You need to git gud

It was way too easy

This is godlike level design. Praise FROM and PREPARE TO DIE XD

What's wrong with DaS3?

Nothing much. It was pretty fucking excellent but it could have been even better.

Other than Izalith being shit again and poise (for PvP anyway) nothing.

>he died at the bridge wyvern

A bit too short, a few areas are underwhelming (Capital is a big offender)
Seems like less weapon variety than DaS2
Miracles are still shit
Darkmoons are just reskinned blue sentinels
No shrug or No Way emote

lol, now show the user scores

>implying you didn't
So either you played with a walkthrough on your legs, either you're the shittiest liar this website has ever seen.

It has no identity of its own. The fanservice has no brakes in the game.

Well it's meant to bring an end to the series.

>it's a "we're going to ignore the shitty graphics and textures of dark souls 1, also pretend that DS1 has better world design despite the fact that the you're constantly teleported around the world by demons/birds/serpents, and never mention most of Dark souls is filled with "gotcha" enemies that knock you off or poision you to death from range"

Extremely linear. You can't choose to beat the bosses in a different order. Every area is well rounded by themselves but these areas are linked together in a straight line.
DaS was a beautiful, convulted mess where everything is perfectly connected to each other.
DaS2 is a spider web where you can choose the path you take but cannot stray too far from each paths
DaS3 is like a train where each area is a wagon of convulted and wide area but only leads to the next area.

It simply wasn't my first Souls game, therefore I knew what to expect and how cautious I should have been about my surroundings.
Protip: look at the burned ground

Well to this day, I'm still convinced they could have done a better job at wrapping things up.

>scorch marks
>obvious area to duck under
>if you sit back and watch carefully you can find a spot where you can sprint to the obvious area to duck under
sometimes I wonder how Sup Forums can even enjoy a series like dark souls

>DaS2fags still fucking exist
Holy shit.

>despite the fact that the you're constantly teleported around the world by demons/birds/serpents

What? The bird brings you to Lordran. That's fine. The serpents bring you to the Firelink Altar. Demons?

>he never tried to take the drake down and pussied out
How to detect a shitter.

I heard all the hype about how the game is so hard and saw the oil shit on the ground + enemies that could have fire bombs, thankfully the fucker shows up after one of the knights is aggro.

I don't think you need to defend DaS2 to realize DaS1 has plenty of shit design and runs like garbo

I've played through the game many times and have literally never died to him the first time he appears.
Dying to him while trying to get to the sunlight altar is another story....

Bring you to Anor Londo

covenants are way worse. 3 blue covenants, yet no invading the guilty. 2 area defense covenants with no real difference, purples are a good idea but not used to its full potential, most of the covenants have a really hard time finding other players, and there's only 8 covenants this time around despite the redundancy.
the decision to make the game more linear, but the areas more open is great the first time through, but makes replays much less interesting.

still a good game though

Are they not gargoyles? And what's wrong with that? The regular ate has been broken/sealed. It's an interesting way to reveal Anor Londo. None of these sequences somehow disprove that DaS is far more interesting and interconnected than DaS2.

>DS1 fanboys still as delusional as ever

literally everything about the multiplayer is utter trash

>Wow I just started this game and there's a fucking dragon that knocks out half of my health with a single breath of fire
>better go fight it right now and waste my time so I'm overleveled for the next areas I haven't even seen yet
how to detect a retard who only plays souls games because they're SO HARD FOR HARDCORE GAMERS LIKE ME

>half my health
Have you even played the game?

>his evidence for DaS1 being shit is PvP faggotry builds
Because those don't exist at all in DaS2 right?

You weren't mean to see them, the lightning engine would've covered them with darkness. The removal of the lightning engine was what made DS2 so ugly looking, to keep a good framerate. Bloodborne decided not to follow this route and had massive drops that everyone complained about, but after about 2 months (if that) and a couple patches it had really stable performance.

I wish DS2 would've gone for that route instead.

Who was the brilliant mastermind behind this?
>so we have this boss that's not that difficult for a late-game boss, how can we make it more difficult?
>just put like a dozen armored enemies with long-range weapons
>also, remember that the player is vulnerable while going through the fog gate, we don't want people just running to the boss, now do we?
>oh, one more thing, put a bell under the stairs and have some hollow ring it, you can never have too many enemies!
Velstadt was fucking easy, but putting a gazillion Syan Knights here is just stupid.

Defending dark souls 2 is the newest, most effective form of bait, since it's deeply disturbing that anyone could ever defend that stinking turd of a game

It's pretty effective. I'll have a go at it and fish for (you)'s: DS2's mobs of enemies are a good way of increasing the difficulty

>are they not gargoyles?
Nope, they're bat demons, you find more in DS1 (and in DS3 because they weren't tired of going all "HEY REMEMBER THIS GAME YOU LIKED" in this game)
>And what's wrong with that?
Nothing in my book. I like all the games in the series.

This is the problem with DaS threads during the day. Nobody can have rational fucking discussion. It's everyone trying to 1-up or snipe each other instead of just fucking talking.

Nice meme.

The fire breath does quite a bit of damage if you get hit by it the first time square on, yes.

I'm not very interested in squaring off about a GIT GUD contest, but dying to the drake is a sign of a retard or someone who has never played a souls game before.

Who the fuck thought shit like this was fun? Its not challenging, its limiting your options and making you play like a pussy.

>the fire breath does quite a bit of damage if you get hit by it
You don't say, captain obvious.

>Better than 3,

Explain yourself.

Why did Dark Souls 1 get incredibly mediocre after Anor Londo?

Dark Souls 2 feels like if you asked someone who never played Dark Souls to make a sequel.

Just like how the comic book feels like if you asked someone who never played Dark Souls to make a comic book.

It's based on characteristics of the game (lore, difficulty, character design) and uses the elements in superficial fashion.

Either you're gud enough, or you just ignore them. What's the problem here? They're slow as fuck.

They are incredibly slow both in their movements and their attacks. You can easily get in 2-3 hits depending on your weapon between their swings.

We can all argue whether the level designs are good or bad, but one thing I think we can all agree on is the bullshit infinite stamina on some enemies that kept spamming the same attack until they would inevitably hit you.

gee I dunno wiz king
try rolling?

Do me a favor and go read the previous posts you autistic

What a smug bitch

you mean like in ds3

Nice projection, mi amigo.

>nice iframes you got there, bitch

Of all the actual bullshit in DS2 this is what you choose to post?

Do you people even actually like souls borne games?

*backstabs you unironically*

I never project, FRIENDO

>mothers mask
>havels armour to min-max poise
>darkwoodgrain ring
Cancer playing cancer here, nothing to see.

My bad, then, pal.

The stupid pieces of shit embody what went wrong with DaS2's PvE, pick away at them when their attacks sync, kite them like its an MMO or run. Anor Londo had sentinel assholes too but they weren't fought on a narrow staircase.

>implying you roll the attacks

Let me just step back and hammer your face fag.