On a scale of 1 to 10, how hyped are you for Zelda Breath of the Wild, now that you've seen it in action?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how hyped are you for Zelda Breath of the Wild, now that you've seen it in action?

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5. I have no doubt that there will not be enough content in the game to justify the world size.

Straight up 10/10.

10/10, not even kidding. Its literally everything ive wanted 3D Zelda to be for a while.


I'm still more excited about P5, but it's crazy how close BotW is considering I'm usually cynical as fuck about everything Nintendo these days.

10 here

if there is, would you be salty or pleasantly surprised?


I think it's going too far from what a Zelda game usually is and I don't feel like they're gonna do a good job at it. It feels like it's gonna be bland but I could be wrong.

Also no female link. Fuck that shit

When is it planned for release?


How one can be excited for any Nintendo ip is beyond me. Enjoy your Fischer Price casual shit tho.

March 2017 at the earliest. By close I meant how close to my level of P5 hype it is, if you misunderstood me or something.

The game is finished. They're already talking about how to get to the final boss, and Miyamoto mentioned he hasn't actually beaten the game yet.

That means all they're doing now is polish and biding time for the NX to come out, and they definitely seem to not be cutting corners with this one.

There's no reason to believe it won't be as dense as OoT/MM.


I'm still okay with this. But yes I misunderstood you, heh.

9/10, which is impressive considering how terrible the last 2 3D Zeldas have been to temper any expectation I have for the game. I just hope the Wii U is able to maintain playable fps because I sure the fuck won't be getting an NX unless Nintendo reveals the best lineup in gaming history. I'm not expecting 60 fps, but it sure would be nice to maintain 30. I won't be able to play it if it runs at buttery smooth 12 fps like Bloodborne.

>if it wasn't being released on NX, we could be playing this by November

Fugging A. Here's hoping the NX will have better graphics/AA and constant 60 FPS, and not be a gimmicky piece of shit pandering to a casual crowd ala Wii.


Preordered it before I even saw half the cool shit in the treehouse stream

there was never going to be a female link. you might as well criticise your favorite zeldas for that

>game is finished
>coming out next year

Anyway 8/10 here, Zelda is their golden goose at this point so I highly doubt they'll fuck it up, then again this is modern Nintendo. However my ass is planted firmly in the hype train seat, especially after watching hours of footage.



Can't wait.

I was 2/10 before

Now im 10/10, really looks like a departure from SS

Need more info on weapon durability. Whether we can fix things or make them more durable, and how many unbreakable weapons there are, if any. I can quickly see the game becoming annoying because you're forced to keep switching between weapons constantly. Just need to know if that'll continue throughout the entire game.

Also no special editions? I would have prordered that shit on the spot

ok some of you will call me a faggot, but when the trailer was shown I teared up when the strings started

I haven't been this hyped since the Twilight Princess reveal trailer and every time I watch a new webm with technology and details I get progressively more scared, especially now that I learned that my favourite studio (monolith soft) is fully working on zelda as well to make it the best thing yet

I am scared because I don't want to end up like metal gear fans that got completely destroyed by kojima and his folly with MGS5

I'm at an 8, which is higher than I expected.
It'll probably reach 10 once we see music, story, villages, dungeons, side quests, economy, etc. NX news might help too.

Enough to buy an NX just because of it

>going too far from what a Zelda game usually is
>btw link shud be a grill XDD

you shit ass hypocrite

0. not a normalfag so zelda is shit. I also own a wii u.

Since i don't own the console, 0. Game looks good tho.

7 or 8? Mainly because currently I can't play it. Would be much more excited of they wouldn't of announced amiibos bs at the same time.

Check out our new fucking game and here's a bunch of dlc for it too!


>going too far from Zelda
>no female link


hope the master sword and hylian shield are unbreakable

10/10, I was writing up a concept for my perfect game earlier and it matches this exactly.

0 hype. It looks okay, but doesn't really bring anything to new to the table.

If I get a chance to play it I would, but I am not going out of my way for it. It mostly has "new zelda with modern gameplay" as it's point of interest for me.

need to see more and the nx version to go higher

will consider buying a weeoo/NX out of 10

MGS 5 was 10/10 in the gameplay department, but Kojima and his team got fucked over by being forced to implement micro transaction bullshit and rushing the story out without Kojima putting his vision of the final game to fruition.

This looks like it doesn't have shitty publisher rushing shit out the door, and all the technology and sandbox stuff looks like it will be on MGS 5 tier or better without grinding out a Mother Base and having a shitty story.

Originally I was a 2 or 3, but now I'm about a 9.
It looks really fucking good, like what the original two Zelda games tried to be.

It's all good senpai.

In my younger days, I would feverishly soak up every scrap of information, screenshot and video of each new Zelda.

This is the 1st time I'm going to have a media blackout on a Zelda title after E3.

I'm sold. I don't wanna know anymore about it.

This. If I'm gonna play it I want to be sure there are at least some good end game weapons and armor that are unbreakable. I hate that shit where link runs around helplessly when he only has those improvised weapons.


been a while since I was that much interested in a game.

this and horizon were the best of e3 for me, can't wait to play zelda: meet the pyro and monster hunter mecha.

3/10 EXTREMELY fucking skeptical. Everything we've seen so far looks like the same bland, empty open world schlock we've been getting for years, just with a very light coat of Zelda paint. Unless the apparent towns and story add some serious meat, it's not gonna be all that interesting for more than a couple of hours.

If the demo is anything to go by, it looks like clothes don't degrade (not sure about armor since there was Link with full plate armor in the trailer).

In Skyward Sword, shields would degrade over time and you either had to repair them, upgrade them, or replace them. One of the end game rewards was a shield that never broke for doing some combat sidequest.

I wouldn't be surprised if you could repair/upgrade weapons/shields you find, and eventually unlock end-game permanent equipment later down the road. (though the way Aonouma is talking about the game, it sounds like you could get end-game equipment and events can be achieved early on if you know where to go/what to look for/what to do)

10 because legit hype and some bias. I love every Zelda honestly. please don't hurt me

>i wish i could be tit link XB

Fuck you

Here's my prediction:

The Master Sword and Hylian Shield will be indestructible weapons that are somewhat out of the way and require a good amount of exploration and story progression. They'll be pretty basic and not the best possible things you can find, but they'll be satisfactory for everything. They might not necessarily be as good as some other fully upgraded items, but they'll never degrade or break so they'll be the most reliable things you can use.

But then there's even better shit somewhere, like an equivalent to the Biggoron Sword or Mirror Shield which are both indestructible AND strong as shit. That shit will be obscure as fuck and take almost forever to find. You probably won't find this until like 90% of the way into the game, and that's if you know where to look.

It's gonna end up shitty like every other open world game. Either not enough shit to do in a huge empty world or full of boring repetitive shit nobody wants to do just to pad out game length

IDK. It looked good. The gameplay looked fun. The environments and visuals looked great.

I mean, if I had a WiiU I'd pick it up but I don't have one. Not sure about picking up an NX. We don't even know what it really is.

I feel the same way. Who gets excited about a game series that has consistently disappointed for decades now.

This shit is sonic-tier


i might buy an NX if it looks good

5/10 I've been burned before by being too hyped so now I will always be detached from things I look forward too.

I really need to see the green tunic. Shame there isn't an amiibo of Link wearing it, for "spoiler" reasons.

6/10 not hyped about having to wait another year.

I'd wager you restore the master sword

'bout an 8.

0/10 seen it all before in other games with much better graphics, but it's okay when Nintendo does it. Fans are just hungry for a good Zelda game after the last two blunders.

Looks like Hyrule Warriors will end up being the prettiest Zelda game for a couple more years.

I expect things won't be perfect, but nonethess I'm blocking out any more information about this game besides the release date. I've seen all I needed to know this is something I'll enjoy for hours just messing around at the very least.

Name me ONE (1) game that has ALL of what we have seen in BotW and is not shit.

>dat $60 wolf link DLC
Get hype!

6 also because of MUH 100 SHRINES that are confirmed to last between 2 and 15 minutes.

Zelda towns have never been bustling with content and small, direct quests. Zelda usually has vague stuff that is a side quest but most people will never finish it because its incredibly vague.

But we already did that in Wind Waker. And who knows if the Sages are still around to help with that.

not that hyped seeing how skyward sword disappointed. I hope it'll be good but that's about it

Dragon's Dogma.

What games have the level of open vertical freedom, genuinely curious.

Can I CLIMB DAT MOUNTAIN in some other games?

LOL, it LITERALLY is not.

At least they're trying to change the gameplay up!

Repeating the same old OOT gameplay for 13 years got really old really fast


You realize that's pointless if there's nothing on top of the mountain right? and plenty of games now have jetpacks/grappling hooks or just let you straight up climb.


A better one, name me one thing in Zelda that was shown that was unique for an open world game.

But are there restrictions? If I see it, can I climb it?

>this is what Nintendo fans actually believe


>open world meme that focused on gimmicks over substance

That's literally what BoW is looking like.


As far as the open world goes, it looks like other games but worse. The graphics are also nothing to write home about. Only interested if the actual dungeons turn out good.

If you want to climb that mountain so badly play JC2/3

If you turn off the map boundary you can climb anything.

What are these gimmicks?

zelda's great but I'm not into open world games or games with RPG elements; about a 4 i'd say

i'm really worried about the difficulty curve and complexity of the dungeons; lbw was pretty bad on those fronts

But MGSV had god tier gameplay, Zelda just looks like boring ol Zelda. The Ai looked completely brain dead and the cooking system is just Far Cry's plant system for boosts.


It'll be a 10 when I see the green tunic.

Please tell me what game does what this game is going to do. It's something I really want to play.

fukken where the music at

six seems to low, seven seems to high. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Least you could do is poll it


>Wolf link DLC
Not in Canada it isn't

>forcing you to play worst Zelda game ever to make wolf link gud

Not even remotely.

Every single major Zelda game in the past decade has been hyped to ridiculous extremes only to be a mediocre letdown. This one will be no different.

What is it going to do exactly? Nothing that was shown is anything new or unique, even for the series.

I can't WAIT for the new link to be imported to SFM so Ganondorf and futa Zelda and Midna and other LoZ females can all pound his boipussy.

There are probably minor polishes to do, but come on now. It's obviously being floated along until the NX release just like TP was. It's basically finished.

9.5 out of 10.

Everything we've seen so far is absolutely incredible. Absolutely 10/10, GOTY, no question.

I'm a little worried that the game won't have enough content to fill the massive world, which is where the -0.5 comes from, but the nine+ month wait to find out is going to be painful as fuck either way.

what s up with that price? a bug?

nuh-uh reggie said this is gonna be bestest and most epicest game ever so ur wrong FUCK YOU

Definitely a 9/10 from what I've seen.

Once the NX version proves to be the better version, It will be a 11/10.


Thank you. You will be receiving your payment tomorrow morning.

How is taking all the best things games can offer and putting them into one masterpiece bad? Have you considered I don't want to have to play 10 different games to have do the same things I can do in 1 game?

Things you cannot do in DD
>Glide around
>Climb that mountain
>have enemies light their weapons with your torch
>kick a chest and stub your toes if not wearing shoes
>Use a leaf to blow enemies off cliffs
>Chop down trees
>Have persistent tree logs you cut down in your game world and use them as a bridge
>Have fun
>DD doesn't have an interesting world
>Tame horses
>Not have to deal with annoying ass pawns, or just play solo and throw out an entire combat mechanic for it.
>Throw weapons
>No spears
and I could go on and on.

DD is an ok game, but it is literally only there for combat which gets stale when the best weapon (greatsword/hammers) can only have 3 skills.

MGSV is what could of been BotW if Kojima wasn't a fucking hack

Yet Sup Forums will keep jizzing over this game until it becomes another MGSV and then everyone hates it.

Nintendo already said that both Wii U and NX versions will be exactly the same.

They will release both versions in the same time because they're scared this game can damage the eraly NX sales, in my opinion.

5, these new Zelda reveals get more underwhelming each year. I actually ended up enjoying Link Between Worlds, but the other recent ones have just been mediocre.

I was excited to see what open world Zelda would end up being, but when I saw the subtitle "Breath of the Wild" (one of the worst in the franchise, in my opinion, because it has no personality to it) and the gameplay video, I felt absolutely nothing. I'll play it, but it's just not exciting to see Nintendo using open world game tropes 5 years after we got bored of them. It's like watching a forgotten mid-era PS3 open world game being released today.