New release PS3/360 games are $60 CAD

>new release PS3/360 games are $60 CAD
>new release PS4/ONE games are $80
>Scorpio/NEO games will be $100

Say goodbye to your Canadian market Microsoft and Sony. Who the fucks gunna pay $100 dollars for one game!? And that's after buying a 500/600 dollar console. This 8.5 gen shit is pissing me off

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Scorpio and Neo aren't next gen though

>a fucking leaf

>Who the fucks gunna pay $100 dollars for one game!?

Gday mate

Your min salary is also like $20, fuck off.

I thought DUDEWEED man was supposed to save Canada?

>Persona 5 will be 100 dollars because of the Atlus tax
>It'll be spoiled to high hell because they're taking so long to release it here

you cant have weed AND faggots
its one or the other and faggots are winning.

and this is before taxes, the last game I've bought is Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012 and it was on PSstore using a gift card for like 9,99. otherwise I didn't get anything brand new.



Leaf here. Rainbow Six Siege cost me $120.00.

Also, weedman wants to raise minimum wage to around $19 per hour. What could go wrong?!

post pre-orders

>raise minimum wage to $19 an hour



Don't forget new 3DS games being 59.99

Scorpion will be between 800 CAD and 1400 CAD.

it's probably fucking ontario, it's always ontario.

>TFW Wii u and 3ds owner
>free games on both

>EA Shovelware


have you seen the touchscreens you order food at mcdonalds now? gunna be a hell of a lot more of those and self checkouts

60$ for pokemon, ouch. howd you get FF and BF1 for so cheap though?

>who pays $100 for one game

Plenty of SNES and N64 gamers did.

>Pokemon 3DS $60

ontario is the only province that matters

Just gonna point out that SNES games were around $100 in Canada over 20 years ago. People still bought the shit out of them. There was even a brief period where buying an SNES itself was more expensive than buying a game for it.

you could replace ontario with a giant sea and canada would only benefit from the "loss".

Is there actually a guide for the Wii U floating around because I have not been able to find an updated one anywhere

liberals already shot down a motion from the NDP to raise minimum wage to $15, why would they want to raise it to $19.

Amazon had their E3 deals

20% off Pokemon and Miku though so it's $47.99 really

still too much for 3ds/vita games but it's not like Pokemon games ever go on sale

guys trudeau wants to bring minimum wage to $30/HR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I looked but there isnt any game I want to get on release on sale so welp

Last year was better when they had that pre-order 3 and get 30% off e3 deal

just got back from montreal last weekend

beautiful city desu


>mfw Mexicans won't need visa to travel to Canada in a few months

Prepare to be enriched

sweet, ill be able to afford games then

yeah and best buy didn't even do anything this year in term of pre-order deals

next year we probably won't get anything.


>earn $30/hr
>games now cost $200 from inflation
>GTA5 costs $400

oh fuck more immigrants

are mexican girls hot at least?

>FF XV for $50


Wait what


Literally nobody gives a fuck about Canada.

And who's going to suffer?
The Canadian economy.
And with the housing bubble about to burst, we're fucked.

Because they want to be the "good guys"

t. fat american

Easy solution.

But become part of United states and adopt the USD.

The MSRP for Pokemon is $49.99 CAD. Big retailers are taking advantages of the brand name and they're selling the game at a 10$ mark-up. My local game store is selling it at 49.99.

>He didn't go digital

PSN still uses the USD price for most games

Mexicans didn't need visa to travel to Canada but a lot of people started ask for refugee because of the drug wars (thanks gringos) and your ex president implemented visas however this is not gonna be the case anymore

might as well pirate

how do i move from USA to Canada and get a job?

i'm sick of not having healthcare

Walk through the boarder but if you want a job you must be not white or male but then again if you aren't either of these and are an immigrant the government will pay for all your expenses and then some.
If you're Muslim you will be treated like a king here.

>And with the housing bubble about to burst, we're fucked.
Only in Toronto and Vancouver. Houses are still relatively cheap in my region. 150k$ gets you a pretty nice home here. The reason for that is that we don't have poo in loos and ching chongs invading our housing market.

Fucking Ontario is just baby USA.

>Only in Toronto and Vancouver.

From my personal experience over the past 10 years, all the chinks from Vancouver are slowly moving east and devouring the entire housing market.

2 hours away from Vancouver the housing market is slowly closing in, it's just a matter of time before they go up

The cheapest you can get a house here in alberta is 200k and thats for a 3 bedroom. a nice house is 300-500k and alberta probably has the worst economy right now because no oil jobs

Games are $91 physically in Ontario, last game I bought was Devil's Third at launch for $85 at EB Games.

>a fucking leaf

and that's why it's the best. it's mini US minus the high crime rates

>tfw our prime minister says LGBTQ2 or "the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and 2-spirited community" every time he addresses them

I didn't even know what 2-spirited was until our cuck pm said it in the House of Commons

Chinese don't speak french, so I guess that's why they're not interested in Quebec.

That's because a lot of people moved there for the oil rush. The oil's gone now.

>Minimum wage hasn't matched inflation for over 20 years.
>Raising minimum wage not only increases inflation but makes it harder for any independent business to stay afloat.
>The only who actually benefit from an increased minimum wage are the upper middle class and above, who demand higher saleries as minimum wage has increased.
Your fucking retarded.

Why is this meme so hot with burgers right now?

It's essentially just a free bump since it never ever adds anything meaningful to the conversation.

This shit is getting complicated. By 2030 it'll be LGBTQ2VZMX001-ASDFQWERTY2.3.11

holy fuck

I just wait a couple of months and buy my games on Kijij, you can get some $79.99 releases for 30-$40 if you wait.

>promises to legalize weed
>holds it back a few years
>legalizes bestiality instead
I fucking hate this "country"

>Chinese don't speak french
They don't speak english either.

Oh look it's another one of those threads with
>baww my games r so expensive :'^(

Just be glad you don't live in a third world shithole



canadian market fucking sucks for gaming. graphics cards cost 50% more cause the dollar is shit and everything ships from the us

Are you retarded?
Every business that relies on low wage workers would shut down within a week if that happened. The Canadian economy would collapse to Zimbabwe levels.

>tfw weed smoking faggot
i'm fucked

Says the Americuck. You are the only country that has niggers fucking their women.

Also, take a survey asking "who do want to die more: Canada or USA?"
Nobody likes the states.

Hey man thanks for the free steam code!

Its a Sup Forums meme. Not a burger meme.
And its because Canadians are the #2 shitposters on Sup Forums behind aussies.

>970 costs $799 here.

Saved me from buying that shit.



I'm polish

Yeah, but french is scarier.

lol it was a joke

I thought my friend was joking when he said something about how it's perfectly legal to suck off your neighbours dog. God I wish he was joking.

You do have a point there, but, you still sound like a little bitch.

nuuvem has cheaper vidya than they do here in the USA

>how to hue loudly
Bretty good. And the currency calculator says the BR buck is .29 to USD, so it's seems on par with Canadians.

To be fair I would be angry all the time and shitpost about races if multiculturalism was shoved down my throat every waking moment out in the real world where you get a pass+money if you're any sort of ethnic.

I hope EU doesn't get it as badly as them

where does asexual fit in? LGBTQ2A? what about gender-fluid and intersex? LGBTQ2AFI? what else can we add to this

also what the fuck is 2 spirited tho

> burgers confirmed for not being able to handle the banter

say that to my face and not online and we'll see who's the little bitch

Maybe so, but if you only have a console or, in my case, a're pretty much shafted

Our "real" is gonna rise up again pretty soon I'm sre. We just shoved our fat president off her throne and that made a downwards spike in the dollar price, but I'm pretty sure it'll go back to normal sooner or later

EU is far worse off than the canadians and they don't shitpost nearly as much.

wait WHAT

It's an Sup Forums meme.

gaming pc prices are the worst, people on Sup Forums say you can make a gaming pc for $500 but in CAD you cant

>DUDEWEEDLMAO man elected
>still no legal weed
>expensive as fuck games

O i am laffin.


1...2....justin's coming for you........3.....4.... better lock you door....

All I could do while flying air Canada was mutter a fucking leaf under my breath with a friend. Canada is the worst.

No hold the fuck up I just breezed over that reply with "oh okay beastility" but it just dawned on me

What the actual fuck man?

Iliterally just googled "bestiality canada" and got this