Capcom's net worth = 1.7 billion USD

Capcom's net worth = 1.7 billion USD

Sony's net worth = 17 billion USD
Nintendo's net worth = 18.4 billion USD

Why can't either Nintendo or Sony straight up buy Capcom and force them to make games again? Capcom with Megaman, DMC, RE, Monster Hunter and Street Fighter arguably holds some of the most marketable and valuable vidya characters of all time. Capcom can almost make a smash clone with roster that rivals Smash and certainly better than Sony all stars. If a certain home console is a Capcom game exclusive machine, it'll win the console war easily

>Nintendo mega man games
Muh dick

>I don't know what net worth means

why bother. they're basically monster hunter and ace attorney guys at this point and those are reliant on nintendo handhelds.

Nintendo doesn't buy companies that aren't small enough to mold in their image.

Sony itself is having massive internal problems and is in serious danger of having to sell off existing branches like mobile. Why would they buy Capcom when they can just money hat things?

Capcom will make exclusive games for literally any company who is willing to pay for them. Why buy a cow when you can just go to the store and buy a bag of milk

Capcom is going to put its games on their systems anyway. Offering a price premium north of 1.7 billion dollars [along with assuming whatever underperforming assets or debt Capcom might have] probably isn't worth whatever eventual revenue would come in from Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, etc. when those games are coming out anyway.

>net worth
Are you stupid?

>Capcom needs to ask Nintendo for help to make Monster Hunter
>Capcom needs to ask Microsoft for help to make Dead Rising
>Capcom needs to ask Sony for help to make Street Fighter
>Capcom needs to ask Sony for help again to make Resident Evil.
It's over boys, pack it up

Why would capcom sell themselves to become tied to one company when they can sell timed exclusives to individual platforms, then make cheap ports of the hits later and make more money?

Capcom is to big to be bought.

I guess they potentially could. It's traded publically.

If a majority holding isn't being held on to tighter than a schoolgirl on a subway car, I guess there's stuff japs know about that company that most of us don't, that makes them an unattractive asset.

You know if Nintendo did that Capcom would die since well no one buys games for the Nintendo consoles now

Modern capcom is already extremely risk averse (see ) , having someone even more "safety-first, chug out sequels and spinoffs" like Nintendo buy them is a huge waste.


If capcom was going to be bought it would most likely be a chinese company such as tencent who are actively looking to buy up video game companies to bolster their non existing game library but it seems like capcom isnt going to be bought anyways. Also anybody who thinks that microsoft could buy up capcom doesnt know that there are some legal reasons that prevent an american company to buy up a japanese company. Dont know if thats the same for China but I think there is a japanese company that a chinese company has bought up so I think its just American Companies cant buy up japanese companies.

Didn't people say Nintendo had a warchest full of money and that they could survive in a loss for at least 30 years or something? That doesn't look like infinite money for a company to me.

MH4U sold like 4m copies. That's probably more sales than others like Atlus sells in a generation.

they run themselves with very little money and manpower which is why they're struggling to push out titles worth a shit

from software is owned by a chink company so the laws for china are probably less strict

>sony hasn't bought capcom yet

it is when they're probably the best devs in japan when it comes minimizing losses.

>no more Lost Planet

I don't want to live anymore, senpai.

he's the average Sup Forums poster

>>>>>>bag of milk

Because its more trouble than its worth, Capcom already have multiplats on every console and exclusivity deals with Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony so buying them outright is pretty much pointless.

What do you mean force them to make games again? Megaman is dead, we know that. They released the DmC reboot not that long ago, plus the DMC4 remake with the new characters. RE Umbrella Corps comes out in a few days, revelations 2 came out last year, and RE7 comes out beginning of next year. MH had a new game come out like 6 months ago, MH stories comes out sometime this year I think. Street fighter just had a new game come out a few years ago.
Not to mention Dead Rising 4 coming out later this year, the Dragons Dogma pc port, Deep Down which has still been in development.


This and to he honest, let's get to the bottom line

Nintendo can't even properly handle their IPs and get their shit together; they're becoming worse every day

Sony is such a clusterfuck and while they invest in games, the moment they literally absorb companies into themselves is the moment they get dismantled. There's a reason all the old internal studios died.

It's better off if a outside interest buys them out like how the Chinese did with SNK. We all thought it would spell doom but it didn't.