Why are PC games so hard?
Why are PC games so hard?
What game is this?
nothing with a quicksave button can be hard
heh, that ghost in the corner looks like a sperm
Gay Furry Shota Sex
I'm sure it was unintentional. :^)
Because pc games are so fat that they break every chair they sit in so they can't finish their games
Post the webms
Boku no Anubis.
heh you're right
why are PC games so gay?
It's hard to play with one hand.
That game is just 2hard for me. Even traversing the overworld is a fucking pain with all the randomly moving flying enemies that are constantly in your way.
I got to the first boss and gave up. I wanted to earn the porn but after looking at it online it wasn't even worth it anyway.
Very nice looking pixel art
>walk up to him
>spam attack
>win somehow
Cus you're bad.
>Anubis isn't the top
>not fulfilling my fetish of small dom big sub
And that's why I'll never touch this piece of garbage game.
no thanks
>games as a trojan horse for furshit
Vote Global Rule 3 Precedence on Sup Forums.
A furshit game is still furshit!
It's not gay if he's under 14
these were always my favorite threads
>he doesnt like kemoshota
what a fag
Eugh, when will you furshits just die off already, im impressed your 12 chromosomes even keep you breathing properly
Even if it's just the censored ones I don't care just post the Webms.
What is it
post porn already
And why are you such a gay furry faggot?
Shame the game is gay shit. Gameplay looks fun.
Please tell me this is not real.
Epic undertale gamer memes x).
Toby's self-insert
The better question is, "why am I so hard?"
Why does every "retro indie" game have to be some furfag game these days? Worse than SJW agendas in games
Thats just not true, there are lots of retro indie games
Is this a Metroidvania?
Thanks doc
So when is this game going to be finished?
Because they're all funded through kickstarter and the furfags shoehorn their furry donutsteel oc's into them, alternatively, hipster game devs might just all be furfags.
Ohh my! What a coincidence!
>no option to play as shota sobek or shota horus
why do i like kemoshota but hate human shota?
Thanks croc
kemoshota is just better
>I've never played anything older than N64
Honestly I think the gameplay's above average as far as retro sidescrollers go but then the porn soils it.
Because consolefag can't into dwarf fortress nor grand strategy
>Not playing this game for the porn
>30 seconds of porn every 40 minutes of gameplay
What's the point, really?
There's a version without the lewd, you know.
If you like this game, try playing La-Mulana.
The furry aspect adds to the cuteness factor and also separates it farther from reality
Because it's the mixture of fantasy elements and added cuteness make kemoshota more appealing
>He only powers bottoms
I mean nice I guess but I love it when the smaller fucks the bigger guy.
>have no idea how you'd market an indie game in today's age, especially with the red scare shilling paranoia going around
>make it a hard game about furry porn
>it sells itself
is that it
is that all it takes
I thought it was a nice prize. Sure, I could just find it on e621, but it felt really rewarding making it through all of that and then reaching the porn.
someone post the webms already
e-six-two-one has all of the uncensored ones.
Does anyone know where to find the censored ones like though?
You just need to pander to demographics that don't get much content that panders to them, furry bait is good money
see: undertale
it's mostly a where and how situation
i always just thought reddit but things seem to get more ground if they're mentioned on Sup Forums first i.e. undertale back when it was just a demo
but i guess putting furries in your game is a really easy way for it to get noticed
how is that censored
He's not wearing a thong in the original.
That's just an alternate version then, the other ones can't be "censored" in that way
There's a nude and "censored" version of the game.
I don't remember my games weighing more than 300lbs
He must be talking about this.
Just post a link where I can see the cutie anubis getting pounded.
There's not much.
I am dying here for some more
poor guy
One is him riding a horse and another was him getting pounded by a dog. Sadly both videos have him flaccid.
Search for tag anubis_and_the_buried_bone on e621.
Well that's no fun.
Thanks user.
>he doesn't like cute flaccid dicks
how's that shit taste treating you, anons
>Not wanting to see the Anubis get off.
He needs to finish too, jerk.
post it uncensored in the /gif/ pixel thread
I can't find this scene on e621. Is there a loop anywhere of this or is that still image the only thing of it?
More like why do PC games make me so hard?
Rule 3 still applies to /gif/
Everybody and their mother has played La Mulana and call me crazy but smacking every wall in the game and bumbling around playing "Guess what I'm thinking" with the dev is not very interesting.
You could just play the game, you stupid furfags.
Small dom and big sub is shit, up there with vore, NTR and diapers.
Sound like Boku no Anus
I see furry stuff on there all the time
>implying you can't get off flaccid
it's almost like you have no fucking idea how anal works
That scene's not in the game
Harmarist lurks Sup Forums so it wouldn't surprise me if he decides to post more scenes from the game to fuck with Sup Forums
>it's almost like you have no fucking idea how anal works
why the fuck should we know that if we're not fucking homos
You don't have to be gay for anal stimulation.
If you have another dude's balls touching yours as you get anal stimulation, then yeah it's probably gay.
Post more shota anubis
Source to full pic please
>console peasants will never get this masterpiece
Shut the fuck up, I'm trying to piss off console fags because they didn't get an exclusive
Why do you care about what a male cartoon dog's dick looks like while he's getting rammed if you're not a fucking homo?
I really like that artist.
>Gay furry game has Undertale references
Who'd have thought of such a thing?