Are there any video games that can make it feel like a cute girl loves me? Visual novels are acceptable

Are there any video games that can make it feel like a cute girl loves me? Visual novels are acceptable.


no one will ever love you

True Love

All bishoujo games ever.

>those bags under her eyes
>that slightly tired look in a qt girls eyes


damn she looks like me but I'm a guy

I have mixed feelings on this, she looks cute but she also looks like a fucking frog.

Whoa, there's two! And they're twins.

Princess Evangile

It's been a while but I remember Ritsuko being the only route worth playing

Aren't there a million games like this on vita?

The Witcher series.


for about ten minutes

then you run out of content and get lonely again

You should crossdress and take some pictures senpai.


Why is trannyism common among Sup Forumsirgins?

I'm a Sup Forumsirgin tranny, so maybe.

I blame anime mostly.

Alpha Protocol.

Would you like that?

Why do you blame anime? I'm like completely ignorant when it comes to anime, because I don't see the appeal.

s-stupid cuties! i b-bet they're not even female!

>Raped by a woman tier

Good taste bro

Maybe. Only one way to find out.

Mina's response while we were riding into the sunset together was priceless.
"Uhhh nothing"

Hold on a moment.


There is only so much moe blob anime you can watch before you begin to want to be a moe anime blob yourself user.

don't watch it.

>man jaw

Wow, that's a really puffy vulva.

Better do it quick before the thread 404's.

You're not fooling me with a filename like that.

Why was old simpsons so good?

dental plan

post the rest of this

source please

that's not cute at all

my dick

he is very cute tyvm

>those cuts
Jesus Christ, why do traps have to be mental?

that's not a trap .

he hasn't seen the timeline...

literally not sure if serious

Like, that's dense on a level I don't even...

that's because it's not a she, user.


What are you people talking about?


It would be cool if there was a dating sim MMO with pvp where you could cuck other players by fucking their waifus

Fuck user I'd fuck you.

>that ass

you really do look like OP


Come and play dota with me user.

it's just a male to female lol

That's a trap, user.

no that's a crossdresser. Traps don't need special clothes to look girly.

>being this retarded

God fucking damn it.
This is the 2nd time ive ever seen a tranny and gotten slightly aroused.

Gay truly is a disease. Stop trying to get me to catch it.

Okay, you're cute and all but please do go back to tumblr.

Its okay if they have a feminine dick.
If you can't see it (the peniis), its def not gay.