No Flying

No Flying

No Sale

good, we dont need you

>All realms low pop

I think you do

lol ever losers like me who have spent years farming useless legendaries and mounts dont give a shit about this game anymore


All of this shit to complain about in the game and you choose this.

>playing wow

seriously, it's time to grow up

Something about blizzard attracts the worst of shitposters and shills.

WoW, Diablo, HoTS, and hearthstone can never be discussed here without people shitting as hard as they can on the series. WoW and diablo I can understand, maybe Hearthstone too. But I don't understand the hate HoTS it gets as it never "ruined" something for anyone. As if the existence of any blizzard games ruins the experience of others.

What did blizzard do to you people?

What a fucking crybaby.

Learn to enjoy exploration of zones.

Cucked childhoods left and right

>i have to do tons of quest to allow flying in broken isles ??
yes and guess what at least when you finally fly youll feel good cause of the reward of being able to

I still haven't gotten the cheevo for flying in Draenor.

PCucks are the biggest crybabies in the industry.

Too bad everything else about WoW is shit now. Might as well have flying.

>What did blizzard do to you people?

Its cool to hate whats popular, that's why carl on duty is finally getting shit on.

More at 11.

No flying wasn't the issue in WoD and won't be in Legion.

>not having subs

What mature, cultured games do you fancy, good sir?

>no flying

LoL, actually.

More skilled players, way better balance too, unlike your shitty after thought of a PvP system.

You people are going to pay for ANOTHER expansion?

Why don't you people just let go already?


The one thing WoD handled really well was exploration and in order to fly you had too complete all the main quest chains, find 100/200 treasures, get revered with 3 reps, remove all the fog from your map and do each assault at least once. I want this in legion

>Look at me, convenience is bad! Am I cool yet, Sup Forums?

To what end? You could go and do all of that on your own time if you actually wanted to.

But the truth is, the end game is all that matters, people power through the levels, ignoring the effort and creativity put into each of the quests and story, just so they can jump into the arena/raids.

Even putting such an arbitrary requirement to unlock flying won't have people reading quest text or stopping to take in the aesthetics, it's all fast paced, ultra streamlined grinding to get what they want.

It will never change. Besides, it's all bots now anyway. Bots don't care about your lore.

You have to be joking

>everyone thought Tirion was gonna be raised as the 4th Horseman
>it's actually Darion being re-raised as the 4th after Paladins kill the fuck out of him in revenge for assaulting Light's Hope

While the unlocking requirements were tedious, flying at any stage in WoD would not have improved it significantly. Take a step back and think if WoD would have been any better if you could have flown to those shitty apex crystal grinds.
This debate is always the same thing: players confusing the fever with the disease.

>growth of the game with no flying mounts: 8.5 million
>growth of the game for all else: peaked at growth of 4 million, ended up dropping down to 2004/5 levels of players

boy i sure can't wait for WoW to finally die off

>you been waiting 12 years, so keep waiting

>No Flying
Day one buy

Removing flying mount was one of the few good things coming from WoD

Defending HOTS is super entertaining, because it's so unique.

WoW probably couldn't be worse without an actual gameplay overhaul. Sure, there's not a lot to do, but class gameplay is fun, so there's always PvP. How could it not be fun doing Rogue things in a flag BG, holding back their cap for that narrow victory.


The truth is that there is no mounted gameplay, and flying reduces the potential of everything else.

>Raising people from the dead
It's annoying death doesn't really mean much now.

I'm not disputing that part friend, you are absolutely correct. What I am saying is that holding people back by forcing them to stay grounded is merely delaying their speed run to level 100/110/120 etc.

It accomplishes nothing, because they learn nothing. Unless the goal is merely to spite them. Then sure, I guess you'll rustle some jimmies. But those who are interested in the endgame are only interested in the endgame. It's tunnel vision.

Flying won't save WoD/Legion. Agreed.

if you think no flying is the issue your fucked in the head, if your gonna bitch, bitch about having only 2 raid tiers and the holocaust of a story

>learn to enjoy exploration f***ing noob
>what the f*** do you mean you don't enjoy these empty landmasses with minimal details and Fisher price you graphics noob?

23000 achievement score, 305 mounts, 715 unique battle pets and current 13/13 mythic raider reporting in.

You speak for yourself. The Legion Beta is awesome and Legion is going to be awesome.

I'm glad your blind fanboyism and leaking autism are contained on that one game at least.

>90k salary
>6 platinum trophies
>owns all pertinent gaming systems

Yeah, WoW is the only thing I do for sure. Sup Forums has fallen so far since 08.

>lying on Sup Forums
It's alright user no need to be sour.

>6 platinum trophies

Which games?

You people are going to pay for ANOTHER Zelda game?

Why don't you people just let go already?

Except that's literally the Skyrim audience, and exactly what model they follow now.

WoW just has the added benefit of still reaping profits from the hopelessly addicted two weeks after everyone else has buyer's remorse.

They should remove leveling. It's not as if the game relies on RPG mechanics really.

It's just playing the game and having fun.

>What did blizzard do to you people?
>muh ruined childhood

that's pretty much it.

the biggest growth ever was during wotlk faggot.

>current year
>shit posting on Sup Forums

Get in the party van, Alfred.

I haven't played WoD but didn't they already try this in it?

I'm all for this but damn if flying is just gonna get patched again after the community bitches then what's the point?

They upped the capacity. Which is good for the ones I play on.

>the people working on WoW could be put to use on Overwatch but instead they're making '''''''content''''''' for this husk of a game

The people working on SC2, D3, Hearthstone and HotS could be working on Overwatch too.

>No flying
Good, the introduction of flying mounts destroyed world PvP

Paladins get fucking owned, they just get saved by the Light's Hope I WIN BUTTON lightshow.

What the fuck that is literally the worst thing you could have responded with. LoL is braindead cancer. It's popular for the same reason McDonald's is. People are dumb.

I'd rather they stay away from it personally.

Blizzard has already stated that flying on TBI will be added in the middle of the expansion (probably patch 7.2)

Is it no flying period, or like WoD where you get flying from an achievement?





Like WoD where you get an achievement.

Like WoD. You can start on the achievement at release, flying will be added to the achievement in a later raid tier

No flying in current game content.

Zandalari 7.2 confirmed

Doesn't change the fact of what he said is true.
The beta is terrible too, wtf are you on?


Well thats not too bad I guess.

>Like WoD. You can start on the achievement at release,
so it will be aviable when theres no point at all to it and you are just waiting in your class hall for missions and waiting for raid hour

>mfw there are cucks who don't RP

I'm a non-crap player whose friends quit years ago and I just log in to nostalgia around. Got a guild spot for me?

Khadgar is one of the few things that WoD did good.

Not really
When I got flying in WoD I just realized that I still had no reason to leave my garrison unless I wanted to do more dailies for some reason. It didn't feel like an accomplishment at all.

Well if you don't want to play the game then don't play it.

You people are going to pay for ANOTHER month of play?

Why don't you people just let go already?

>Not paying with gold

There are things that I enjoyed doing; pvp, raids, leveling alts but unfortunately none of those allowed me to unlock flying. So I had to do stuff I didn't like in order to unlock flying. So it didn't feel like much of an accomplishment after having to do content I wasn't interested in to unlock something that I already had up to that point.

>implying I have enough gold to not bankrupt me
>implying the price of token isn't fondled by blizzard
>implying having only one character will produce enough to buy with gold

Blizzcucks will never be happy. That's why they will always be cucks.

I never even had over 30k

>30k is too much
>Being this much of a fucking casual

>hurr I've learned a new buzzword so I'm gonna go on the 4chans and use it

What do you call being helpless against constantly watching something you love be fucked over and over again? Cuckold.

Try fucking 90k in europe asshole

>nobody is playing wow outside of the USA.

What. Normal people leave at that point. You people stick around to watch what you profess to love get "fucked". Well that's your problem. Blizzard doesn't owe you a damn thing and you're obviously too stupid to realize that you've outgrown the game.


last time i checked the token costed me 97k
3 months ago i think it was
and i only manage to make 200k monthly because i was running LFR+every raid for every tier on every class and going to the garrison 3 times daily

>has no arguments
>is probably a tad retarded
>probably played elemental shammy

>implying having only one character will produce enough to buy with gold

I don't know what you are doing but I make 90k a month easy with one character alone and I'm not even farming for it.

I just started playing WoW in anticipation of Legion. I am lvl 14 right now, do I just keep doing quests to level up or can I do dungeons?

People who continue to make these threads are cuckolds. People who continue to support Blizzard are cuckolds.

Mods are in Blizzards pockets so nothing is ever done about it. If I had it my way Blizzard and all related topics would be banned.

You're aware they have done this in the past, right? They always cave to the whining idiots on the forums.

You can do dungeons with lvl 15.
I would say even without heirlooms you level in dungeons much faster.

At level 15 you can use looking for group tool for dungeons.

Do you play on Eu server? I could give you my Battletag id if you need help.

Dungeon leveling is objectively the quickest way to level. Good luck chaining enough of them in whatever free time you have if you're not a tank. The only downside is that you are literally grinding for levels so it can get boring really quickly.

Chain running dungeons with everyone being GOGOGOFASTPULLNOW is the most boring shit you can do in the game

You make a good point. I think you will have more fun doing quests. There are some really cool quests in the level zones between 1 - 60.

I really only do garrison/old raids on my main and make more than enough. And the only reason I do old raids is for the mounts. It's not hard.

>6 platinum trophies

>If I had it my way abloo bloo bloo
What are you, five?

>People come to these threads talking about how WoW is dead, everybody's quitting, etc.
>Meanwhile I'm still doing stuff with my guildies and friends, shooting the shit on Teamspeak and having a blast

I feel like the people who genuinely hate on WoW are the people who only log on a couple times a week to raid then immediately log off when it's done.

Level solely through quests with the first character. Dungeon xp is a little crazy so you'll outlevel the zones otherwise.