Which side are you on?

Which side are you on?

I like both :3

nice bait
shit thread delet this

oops I did it again

Both represent a total betrayal of the spirit of a series in order to make them play like EVERY OTHER GAME.


man fucking end yourself filthy piece of pathethic garbage. your mom hates you. and is the reason your dad left you.

even with your biased-as-shit characterisation there I still lean to the left side of that picture
also caring about "appealing to mature tastes" way to broadcast that youre 13 years old

>Real nature colors
>As apposed to fake ones
>Real combat
>as apposed to fake combat
(You) tried

The left one went back to its roots in Zelda 1 for the NES. The one on the right decided nobody likes action games and turned into a shitty TLoU clone.

>interactive movie vs fun looking open world game
i take the game not movie

Zelda side

because Witcher 3 is just too fucking depressing to look at.

Nintendrones at full force

i play them both because im not an autist who likes to play a million different versions of the same game

If I wanted to to look at something realistic, I would go outside or play a different game that isn't gow

Last time I went outside everything wasn't fucking grey. And you know there's not gonna be anything deep or mind-stimulating with that story. It's gonna be manipulative if anything.

i don't even own any nintendo products... besides like old ass gameboys from 10 years ago


I was about to say that "older man with a child" is becoming the new thing developers are using to win over audiences and make them think that their stupid writing has actual merit, but when I think about, did something other than Last of Us do it?
I could swear there were others too.

>emotional and artistic depth


Both I guess.

They finally decided to actually develop the gameplay of a Zelda game and actually try to make it fun instead of leaning on gimmicks and trying to sell it on nostalgia.

And Im not sure what the fuck they are doing with God of War, I really cant comprehend it. The story changes are fine but the gameplay change is kind of nuts. It still looks interesting, though.

>appeals to the mind

The left has gameplay, the right is another DmC about Kratos in name only and his wifes son. So I'll stick with Zelda.

>people don't like low quality shitposting

Do people actually fall for bait this blatant?

This one is actually objectively true. Is it so hard to believe The Last of Us is actually a good game?


I'm not going play either one since I'm masterrace, but the new Zelda really looks comfy so far, GoW looks like absolute boring shit

the right game just looked like a corridor, though.

>Not cuck character
>Cuck character, literally has to take care of his wife's son while she is riding the Minotaur

hello IGN

It's not even DmC anymore

The fun side for sure.

What separates TLOU from literally every other generic zombie story?

Explain to me how it's bad

It's less popular than The Walking Dead but more popular than anything else

Did you edit the left picture? The saturation seems much higher than it was.

Let's not be stupid here. Games have no depth or deeper meaning. The only factor that should be used to decide a game's value is how fun it is. Considering neither of these games has been released yet, it's too early to decide.

>Being popular = being original

Technically Bioshock Infinite did it as well.

I'm on the side that doesn't rely on shitflinging for attention.

You've been false flagging with this for days to try to promote Zelda. It's not doing you any favors, OP.


>The Legend of Zelda: Might actually be good this time Edition vs God of Cucks

That doesn't answer my question

TLOU is praised for having a supposedly excellent story, when it's literally the same shit as every other zombie story ever made

I'm mildly interested in both, but I'm also kind of "over" both franchises. Neither one makes me thing "Oh my god, I can't wait to play this".

Oh yeah. Also Walking Dead.

left because it looks to actually be a game and not a movie

God of War used to be one of the best DMC ripoffs, now it's a Ryse ripoff. Makes me fucking furious.

I HATE Nintendo but zelda will be GOTG no question about it

>God of Cucks

Would you have to ask had you played it?
For one it's an interactive Zombie story.

>One appeals to children and the other adults
Holy fucking shit its almost like they have a target audience

Nintendo is the Baby Boomer of video games.

because its a walking simulator/movie with BAREBONES gameplay. If TLOU was a movie it would have been fine, but as a GAME its basically just an interactive story.

Games should be judged on the following IN ORDER

As you can see, gameplay is WAY more important to a video game than story.

This bait got me really hard. The way it's worded triggers the fuck out of me.

Neither, fuck both.

Fuck any sort of graphical distortion added on that makes it less detailed and easy to see. Colour is desaturated as if you're colour-blind, cel-shading added as if they can't bother with detailed textures, chromatic aberration added, because obviously your eyes are defective camera sensors, lense-flare added because duh, your eyes are cameras

All I want for Zelda is normal graphics. Majoras Mask with more polygons, pixels and better textures.

Zelda looks fun and GoW looks boring as fuck (enjoyed 1, 2 and 3 though).
So I'm firmly in the Zelda camp.

Music should be number 2. A game with good gameplay and music I can play for years.

Just stop responding to his faggoty ass.

>games should be judged this way
Do you judge rock music on how much guitar solos it has?

Bioshock Infinite
Dead Rising 2
Resident Evil Revelations 2
The Walking Dead Season 1

That's all I can think of right now. They usually result in some pretty good SFM porn


I don't play shitty games.

>il talk false comparisons for 500 alex
Music and video games are completely different forms of entertainment. Comparing them is like comparing Tennis to Basketball.

Sony, of course.

Almost none of those things are mutually exclusive. Fuck you.

You should be happy they're not totally demonizing men like the rest of the industry seems to be doing

I'm not comparing music to video games here Alex.

This goddamn funny. Even funnier that there are people who will actually believe the first half or defend the second half unironically.

There are no sides. I'm full idort. I'll buy everything and laugh all the way home while you children fight over your toys.

>minecraft invented cooking and crafting
wew lad
top quality shit right here

It is praised because there are very low standards placed on video games for story. It stands out in a sea of shit, mostly.

>it's literally the same shit as every other zombie story ever made
The only difference is popularity.

Not even.
Comparing video games to music is like comparing tennis and having sex for sport.
Video Games are more similar to Movies than Music.
Movies are about the story
Video GAMES are about the gameplay first and foremost.
Games don't need a story to make people play them
Movies need a story to make people watch them
Why pay for a $60 movie by some autist calling it a video game when I can go to a $5 real movie by a known director with talent and years of experience and a team of experienced

I'd like to know how OP reached this conclusion on a demo he didn't even play.

you literally said
>>games should be judged this way
>Do you judge rock music on how much guitar solos it has?

Are you mentally challenged?

>Majora's Mask
>normal graphics

It's not that its bad, It's just that it definitely isn't the 11/10 that IGN claimed

I'm comparing the way of judging them. The fact that I have to spell this out for you in this manner implies you'r either severely underage or just unable to admit you made a mistake on an imageboard ergo borderline retarded

They're both shit, but I'dm have to go with the 'fun' one because that's what video games are all about.

>it's not bad it's just not pancakes
Okay. I thought you were talking to me though

The gameplay is really shallow

name a game that popularized it before minecraft. i wont wait you cant because nobody has fucking heard of it before minecraft. these shit firepit mechanics where you cook food is so stupid. it was shit in new vegas its no different here and its complete antifun i dont know why companies throw it in if it isnt going to be anything comparable to minecraft

Neither, really.
I've never been to much of a fan of open world games, and BotW seems to also take the aspects I disliked about SS. Travelling around world and finding random meagerly better gear from chests just doesn't appeal to me.
The new God of War also takes in what I dislike about western games, over-the-shoulder view, included child character because Kratos has FEELINGS now, and the combat seems way more grounded and less flashy. Also apparently open world and skill-tree progression. It just feels like devs are trying to appeal to all other audiences really hard, audiences I'm not really part of.


The stealth is simplistic, there aren't many tools, the level design is largely linear and featureless, the gun mechanics are uncreative, enemies are largely unreactive and the AI is pretty dumb.

Examples of non-shallow gameplay?

and I am saying that as someone who preferred the previous GoW titles over the recent Zelda games.

Fuck what they did to GoW. Action games are dead.

Why are people so excited that this Zelda game has open world elements?

Every open world game that has come out in the past few years has been the same boring piece of shit.

How can Nintendrones justify getting excited about Nintendo being late to the party again? And a mediocre party at that.

In the TPS genre?

RE4, Vanquish, MGSV, Max Payne 3, the newest Tomb Raider, surprisingly

>Every open world game that has come out in the past few years has been the same boring piece of shit.

This is my favorite vidya maymay

Not crafting, but what is cooking mama?

Why do people think this is the first open-world Zelda? Almost every game has been open-world.

Alloud me to interject and play double's advocado hear. But you kind of blew it right at that moment. I could tell you the reason, butterscotch wouldn't be funny, after all it's a doggy dog world out there. I'd recommandeer you comment sasuke this very instance.

cease these falseflagging shenanigans immediately

I'm not touching either of these games, they both look like shit.

Only correct answer

what are you attempting to communicate

i should have specified openworld games with cooking last minute thrown in as a feature thinking THATs the thing people who play minecraft like. yeah yeah moving the goalposts i should have specified

though cooking mama makes cooking into a puzzle. if the new zelda had something comparable that made use of whatever touchscreen shit on nx or the screen on wii u i wouldn't be complaining

But most of the minecraft fans agree that cooking is the exact moment the game went to utter shit

Name one that wasn't. You can't.