Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

I dont understand your sentence

I thought there was something readable, but then I just kept reading and it ended up being a train wreck

You even fucked up the sentence you're quoting you faggot.

>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

I'm sorry what?

sure is fucking summer in here

>stale pasta

How can there even be this much newfags

You need to be 18 to post here.

Sorry i don't know the lore and stale memes of Sup Forums by heart

>I'm actually the one who is underage. But to hide it, I must say everyone else is.

It's a shame that they waste all this funding and tech on another dumb zelda game.

Just come out with a new game for once Nintendo.

>memes of Sup Forums

It's okay, just never post again

Goddamn you botched it, almost as hard as the guy that fucked up on the mgs phantom pain thread awhile back.

Literally newfag

>Projecting this hard
Responding like that makes you seem insecure about your own age user.

I don't get it, it looks and promise to be great, what's the matter?

He's just saying you are probably underage because you don't remember the old post this was copied from.

It must be an old post then, I've only been here for 2 or 3 years.

Zelda games tackle themes in very simple ways. They have very simple plots, easy to grasp messages, and don't bring anything new to the table at all.

They are fun in a way, but so is playing hungry hungry hippo. You wouldn't say its the most amazing game ever or anything to get too excited about. You already know what the experience is going to be like.

I would rather they try to do something new.

So what do you want?

>People being unaware of fucking near-decade-old memes
Just nuke this place.

I don't think that's the correct one.

I like the Huey one
I forgot it though
if someone can post it that'd be swell

I dont know whats worse, newfags who don't know old memes or oldfags having an autismal spasm about "MUH MEMES". How about instead of sperging you let the thread play out like it did when we first were here.

It's a pretty common meme, my normie friends fucking knew about it and they don't even post here.

Kill yourself

Le oldvfag meme xb xD

And it's pretty common knowledge that you're a colossal faggot.

So what?

It is a good one

>being this retarded

Anons are pretending not to know the OP, in turn causing retarded anons to call them newfags.

LOL at the screenshot.

>Anons are pretending not to know the OP, in turn causing retarded anons to call them newfags.
That's definitely not what was going on. If they wanted to play along they'd be talking about BotW's graphics, because that's what the original post was trying to talk about.

But all the reactions were confused, which is what those anons were probably emulating.

its funny cause the guy who posted that was more in the right than the guy praising the conduit
