Was this the single most cancerous thing to ever happen to the world of video games?

Was this the single most cancerous thing to ever happen to the world of video games?

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Thats not Undertale

That's not social justice.

That's not Anita at the UN.

Sup Forums

Paid online




That's not Social Justice

Did they do this again this year? I remember when they did it a few years ago Joel basically shit all over Geoff for the entire show and was pretty passive aggressive.

That started gaming tard

That's not indie games.

That's not pewdiepie


That's not Big Bang Theory

That's not voice acting.


The Nintendo Wii

Cancer? Why? That was one of the most fun train wrecks I've ever had the pleasure of watching.


fuck no, that was the most entertaining and fun video game event to date. You must be autistick fuck to not like that

Modern MMORPGs

I loved watching him just destroy Dorito Pope and shit on all the games.

It was good

these niggas get it. VGX was hilarious. I wish they'd do another one, but it just wouldn't be the same.

That would be games going mainstream.

Prove to me that wasnt our downfall.
>muh wider audience

That was the most entertaining thing to ever come out of video game "press"

Paid reviews.

i'll tell you the top 3

1. gaming going mainstream
2. microtransactions/dlc/season passes/etc replacing the traditional expansion pack
3. modern consoles holding gaming as a whole back

This guy was Anita before being an Anita was cool.

VGX was great, Joel McHale didn't give any fucks and the result was hilarious

That's not social justice.

PC gaming

The Internet

literally all /thread-worthy

Online multiplayer, killing couch co-op was a disaster

This is the most entertaining thing that has ever happened at a live gaming press event. It was just sad that Dorito guy couldn't handle the banter. The games industry in general takes itself way too seriously.

Twitch and let's plays


Horse armor

Almost makes you nostalgic for simpler times. What ever happened to him?

>The 'X' stands for Xenu, the one true god
mchale is hilarious

That's not Dark Souls.

They never will. Joel completely fucking roasted way too many people. And while that was very much appreciated during a time when "VIDEO GAMES IS SRS BIZNES" was making a particularly big push, the presenters and guests didn't see it that way..

It was embarrassing for the industry.

The recent awards are endearing.

I know video games aren't on the level of movies and music but a good awards show is the step in the right direction.

Yes cause you couldn't play online with a computer

Joel really had fun burning bridges that night and it was hilarious. No idea why they even hired him for it, surely they saw how little he cared when he hosted Ubisoft's E3 conferences for a couple years.

What direction?


Shit,I forgot about that.

Anyone who is too much of a fuddy duddy to appreciate a comedian that doesn't give a shit throwing a clearly bullshit marketing "awards" show just to see what he can get away with shouldn't be posting on fucking Sup Forums of all places.

having a decent awards show for a new and growing industry.

But why would you want that?

why wouldn't you?

Because becoming a normie hobby is NOT a good thing.

This whole show was a fucking gem.

Jack Thompson never cared about video games one way or another. Attacking them just happened to be politically convenient for him.

He actually opposed a ban on the sale of M-rated games to minors because it was backed by Hillary Clinton and Janet Reno, both long-time opponents of his.

that's not Sup Forums

The moment they decided they were art. Around bishock was when they started to take that statement seriously.

It already is a normie hobby, but there's nothing normie about watching a video games awards show, that's actually something losers like me would do.

Because it's a marketing event that exists to celebrate a mainstream industry that is totally creatively bankrupt, anti-consumer, and regularly lies to its customers. Events like this do not reflect the sentiments of fans of video games and merely exist to show you commercials.

Would you watch a 3 hour long block of commercials, user? That's what these award shows are. Turn your brain off and let them feed you bullshit about why you should spend your money on their products.

The actual good games in any given year almost never get a mention at these shows.

Nobody would force you to watch it if your autism kept you from enjoying it.

Absolute bullshit. The man was a lawyer who never actually ran for political office. He didn't win cases, he was lambasted in the media and he burned his bridges to pursue his vendetta against video games.

Jack Thompson cared a lot, because if it was just a political tool he wouldn't have handled it so atrociously.

X1000 times this

/r9k/ is that way ------->

2007 was the year the shit hit the fan. Better graphics, new consoles, new IP, more marketing; it all drew a larger audience. And then the 2008 financial crisis occured which in turn convinced corporate suits that certain things work and only those things work. Now we get the cinematic corridor hand-holding experience and that's the main marketing push.

this, bar maybe point 1

>GTA is banned in the Thompson Era

>GTA is banned in the Anita Era
>Well, the game was really violent! I-it's better this way as it was triggering me way to much and promoting toxic masculinity. Don't like it? Entitled little white man, get used to it.

>Used to be assailed by right-wingers wanting to censor games
>Now assailed by left-wingers wanting to censor games

Weird how shit like that happens.

>not enjoying the one night Nintendo Sony and Microsoft come under one roof and just talk about vidya even if it's commercial ridden.

You're pretty fucking gay lad.

Even if I don't watch it, it still hurts me. The direction of the industry continues to tend towards terrible design and anti-consumer practices. Events like this exist to drum up hype for garbage that continue the industry's shift into becoming mindless fish food for morons.

I'd be okay with more Joel McHale making everyone his bitch and shitting all over it. That would actually be great. But of course he's too real so he won't get invited back.

See I didn't mind bioshock it was decent fun, but it was at that moment you see they started to believe that they had more to say.

purepwnage noticed this by 2008

It's almost offensive at how smart they think they are.

>tfw Joel will never be present at another Video game event.

>people who don't realize that Jeremy's character existed to make fun of just how deluded 'pro gamers' are

He was never supposed to be somebody you identified with or agreed with. He was a deluded loser whose life was terrible and he didn't have the awareness to recognize it.

I was 14 when Pure Pwnage started and I still understood this. What was your excuse?

>What ever happened to him?

Pretty sure he lost his license to practice law because a judge ruled he was fucking batshit, and wasted countless hours of judicial court time.

Think something happened to his son too, but can't remember exactly.

People severely lack pattern recognition in the videogame industry. Still flabbergasted that people don't see this shit.

Geoff lied about this E3 desu baka senpai

Holy shit, you can tell he absolute gives no fucks about any of the shit he's talking about.

This must have been fucking torture for him.

The most cancerous thing in gaming is "the cake is a lie xd" it started all this gaming mainstream culture.

the left wing and the right are two wings of the same bird, user

Don't be difficult because of the brevity of his statement. You know it to be true

>classical music song

>gaming culture

Those 2 words should not go together.

kys autismo


$$$ DLC

Runner up would be SJW nonsense.