When does the game start? i'm 2 hours in and the movie hasn't finished yet

when does the game start? i'm 2 hours in and the movie hasn't finished yet.

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Eight more hours.

You can't play the game on youtube you silly billy

>lots of gameplay
>shooting sections
>platforming sections
>a few open world areas you drive around in
>dat chase sequence

When will this "lol interactive movie" meme end?

When PCucks actually play the game.

I've just started it too OP.

My god, this is fucking absurd. If they want to make movies so bad why the fuck dont they just make a real one? The pacing of this game is TERRIBLE.

I thought Uncharted 3 was bad... this is another fucking level. This is on par with MGS4 actually. This is so bad that I actually feel happy when I get an on-rails running segment.

All I can say is that when there's actual fucking shooting, it feels pretty good. The problem is that seems to be 0.1% of the game. The graphics are also ridiculously good.

And goddammit. The whole game feels kinda soulless so far compared to the first two especially. There's no need for it. They never mentioned Drake's brother once in the first three games lol. The whole thing is kinda pretentios, too. ND seem to think that they're unbelievable writers or some shit but the whole thing feels incredibly forced and unnatural. The air of self importance is like a fucking Christopher Nolan movie. Disappointing game so far, hope the MP is better.

Maybe you should try it on PS4 instead PC OP.

gr8 b8 m8 8/8

>lots of gameplay

The bulk of it is climbing sections, like the vast majority.

>everything I don't agree with is b8
literally a life of denial and delusion. p unhealthy family.

>ruining the art on the front to let people know there's reversible cover art

I like how 'reversible cover art' is advertised like it's supposed to be a big deal

>shit I might actually buy this game, who knows what kind of cover is on the other side!!

>uncharted is a movie meme

how do i equip weapon mods in multiplayer?

are you telling me you didn't play crash bandicoot in it? that was the game man, they just gave this movie as a bonus

fuck off meme spammers



I didn't expect to drop this game as fast as I did after beating it 2bh. I tried replaying it on Crushing for the achievements but fuck me, the cutscenes and walking segments made it unbearable.

I honestly think it'll be overlooked on a lot of GOTY lists cause of this. Once the initial hype died down, this game has no real redeeming value. I actually regret paying full price for it.

>I've just started it too OP.

>My god, this is fucking absurd. If they want to make movies so bad why the fuck dont they just make a real one? The pacing of this game is TERRIBLE.

No, it's fine if you don't have ADD.

>I thought Uncharted 3 was bad... this is another fucking level. This is on par with MGS4 actually. This is so bad that I actually feel happy when I get an on-rails running segment.

Uncharted 3 was fine.

>All I can say is that when there's actual fucking shooting, it feels pretty good. The problem is that seems to be 0.1% of the game. The graphics are also ridiculously good.

Uncharted is a mix of things. The later sections have more gunplay.

>And goddammit. The whole game feels kinda soulless so far compared to the first two especially.

This game has the most heart in the series. It's a love letter to the franchise.

>There's no need for it. They never mentioned Drake's brother once in the first three games lol.

That's kinda the whole point of a new character.
>The whole thing is kinda pretentios, too.

In what universe? lmao.

>ND seem to think that they're unbelievable writers or some shit but the whole thing feels incredibly forced and unnatural.

They're fantastic writers. It's not forced and unnatural at all.

>The air of self importance is like a fucking Christopher Nolan movie.

Oh so you're a Sup Forums memer? Anyone who knows anything about filmmaking knows Nolan makes great films.

nu Sup Forums detected. movie games are cancer and so is your existence.

As soon as your mom finishes sucking a nigger's dick.

nice meme

>being assravaged enough to reply point by point in defence of fucking uncharted
top kek. Who would ever predicted Sup Forums would be this fucking bad in 2016.

It pops in for a brief second you might even miss it. There is a little section where you control this orange thing called "crash bandicoot"

Movies games are the only thimg coming out these days with effort put into them.

>discussion is bad

Jesus, when did Sup Forums sink so fucking low?

>No, it's fine if you don't have ADD.
No it's not. I play games to play games, not to sift through a poorly written movie.
>Uncharted 3 was fine.
It was better than this but it was also mediocre.
>Uncharted is a mix of things. The later sections have more gunplay.
So far it's 99% movie. The scripted climbing sequences are also cancer.
>This game has the most heart in the series. It's a love letter to the franchise.
More like shitty rehash cash grab.
>That's kinda the whole point of a new character.
More like shows how poorly written his entire premise and the entire series is and another exclamation mark showcasing just what a soulless cash grab this unneeded sequel was.
>In what universe? lmao.
This one. roflmao xd
>They're fantastic writers. It's not forced and unnatural at all.
Nope, mediocre at best.
>Anyone who knows anything about filmmaking knows Nolan makes great films.

It is sad that they literally perfected the cinematic game with uncharted 2 then threw it out the window and just made shitty movies with 3 and 4. What the fuck.

>No it's not. I play games to play games, not to sift through a poorly written movie

sorry. try agian, this time without memes.

Weeb here

It is.


When nu Sup Forumsaginas like yourself got here around '13. Uncharted 4 is a terrible game, deal with it faggot.

>When will this "lol interactive movie" meme end?

when sony stops making boring moviegames?



OP here. I'm literally playing it on my newly purchased PS4 which came bundled with the same and I instantly regret it. I wanna return this piece of shit.

please go back to your Breast of the Wild containment thread. Thanks.

play the multiplayer idiot

I call it like it is. Feels good to not be a retarded fanboy.

I still haven't finished the story but I've got 100+ hours in MP


lol keep going nu Sup Forums

>that user score

way do idiots make videos like this it has multiplayer

I had initial reservations when they introduced Nates brother to be a key character in the game, especially when the first 3 had no mentions. Thought it was extremely lazy and the whole relationship would be forced and hamfisted. I was pleasantly surprised, and their dialogue was one of the highlights of the game for me. Really enjoyed the singleplayer in the end, and thought the pacing and general story were leaps better than the travesty that was 3.

The multiplayer is a compromised causal pile of shit. The 2nd and 3rd game's multiplayers were literally the only online games I played and had probably over 100,000 kills over both. This iteration is truly dogshit, and you can tell the influence TLOU has had on it.

I swear after making TLOU, NDs egos have vastly over inflated and they think they can do no wrong.

nice meme!

It picks up near the end of the auction.

and then it gets slow again until the end of Scotland.

Is the SDF finally gonna stop shilling this game? It's a 7/10 at best.

because the multiplayer in these games are tacked on and not the reason why 99% of the people are buying this game and not what any game reviewer talks about for more than a few sentences.

git gud m8.

Then the effort is being wasted in the wrong places. Ultimately it's a shitty product.

It's not tacked on in Uncharted m8, they put a lot of thought into it.

Your big brother has great taste in gaming. Maybe some day he'll let you play it :^)

Better put it back though before he discovers you were in his room.

Maybe for you, the majority of people love it and it's makes bank.

Then return it you retard

I kinda agree with this. The action and gameplay are great but fuck me if I'm going through all those puzzles and traversing sections again. I don't wanna keep loading in and out of encounters. Uncharted 2 was much faster at picking up and in my opinion had better pacing. Then again I always think 2>4>3>1

yup, and that's why the video game industry is shitty today. the fact that you nu Sup Forumsaginal faggots are here demonstrates why Sup Forums is shitty now, too. it's unfortunate.

>le everything these days sucks xDD
>I was born in the wrong generation xD ;_;

maybe you should stop playing games and posting in threads about games you don't like.

Why do you think the MP sucks? It was alright.

Ironically enough, I watched my roommates play literally all of the game. I had so much more fun watching him do all the shit than I would have walking down hallways and shooting things myself, which doesn't say great things about the game itself

I like how you get angry on the internet. You're basically a spastic lol

>would have

but you haven't played it? how could you assume watching it is better?

This is objectively false, you're an ignorant pcuck.

I'm not angry.. but thanks for the (You) anyway.

not really

This. It's funny because in '09 Sup Forums fucking nobody ever brought up Uncharted, not even Sonyggers. Everybody understood it was shit, even PS3 owners, just like everybody knew games like Halo, COD and what have you were ass. Sup Forums is a fucking pisswad toilet now and it's only gonna get worse. This is what happens when millennials raised on literal shit become the majority of the board.

I'm still wrecking m8 just like I did in the last 2. In fact it's arguably a lot easier for scrubs to do a lot better in this version because they can have their hand held with the new sidekicks and mysticals. Also the FAL is an absolute beast and the best gun in the game.

Mainly because of the down system and the sidekicks. Downs don't belong in a uncharted multiplayer, and you can tell this was a lazy copy and paste from TLOU under the guise of "innovation". NPCs don't belong in a multiplayer shooter period. You can spawn some faggot to run around the map and hold other players for you, the epitome of casual shit.

lol whatever grandpa




That guy is flaming faggot and trying really hard to appear as a le oldfag. I was here in 09 and Uncharted 2 WAS talked about, in fact we had a few multiplayer generals and I got a Sup Forumsirgins' PSN id to party up with.

you mean followed the hive mind?

Because it's very much a game trying to be a movie. I was invested in the story and the extended moments of walking down hallways listening to characters talk with each other and shooting/stealth sections just felt like obligations to get the story moving rather than truly engaging gameplay

>I was here in 09 and Uncharted 2 WAS talked about, in fact we had a few multiplayer generals and I got a Sup Forumsirgins' PSN id to party up with.
top kek. you are such a fucking liar.

Are you ok OP?


This. I'm playing the Uncharted collection and I played through U1 on Hard but picked Explorer (easiest difficulty) for U2 and 3 because the gameplay is just plain garbage. The only thing worth a damn is the story, the characters and cool looking vistas. These are truly movie-"""games"""

Well the gunplay is really fun so you should play it sometime. The puzzles are alright too.

The story is important, these are characters that have been beloved by people since 2007 and ND had to give them a proper send off.



The gameplay is great though.

I can't believe it took you 4 fucking minutes to edit that in photoshop

The shooting sections in the jungle are really good. Play it on at least hard and it truly makes you feel like Rambo, picking off each goon one by one, and when you're close to death you can just escape into the water and wait for them to lose you in their line of sight, and then engage again.
>being this as lasted about the truth


keep lying kiddo. idc anyway its only your nu Sup Forums butt buddies.


Train part of 2 is good


Nice arguement.



Holy Fuck this is embarrassing

Do you really think I would even bother doing something like that in an user.image board so some butthurt sonnynig would belive me?
Stop deluding yourself

Man one day I'd love to see what the shitposters here actually look like.

>Well the gunplay is really fun
the gunplay is the one aspect they really improved on which makes it even more shitty when they limit that so godamn much. seriously the combat is maybe 25% of the game with the rest being taken up be mediocre aspects. normally not having combat for a majority wouldnt be that bad, but uncharteds puzzles and platforming is boring are completely braindead. not to mention the filler sequences of nothing happen, but just wandering around barren open areas in search of treasure that means jack shit.

>It doesn't hurt to have fun

Oh man that got me

the same people who who call Uncharted a "movie" game are the same grown men playing Splatoon and jerking to squid kids.

You cant make this shit up

Haha the paranoia is real. You've been literally triggered because you can't fathom I added a faggot off here in 09 to play U2's multiplayer with, you know, back when the game first came out and Sup Forums was talking about as it was one of the biggest releases that year. But of course you don't remember any discussion, because you weren't actually here were you?

t asshurt sonynigger

keep lying kiddo

How fat are you?

a complete lardass